The Israeli/Hamas conflict

I will. Don’t trust your version of the truth, But your opinion is noted. And again, when you kill women and children, then you hide behind women and children you leave no option.
Thank you for making my original point.

To my fellow republicans, this is the type of thinking that needs exposed and used to our advantage. Just need to get the Trumpers out of Orange Turds spell and we may be able to win come 2024. Originally Posted by Charley3
The truth is the truth. It has nothing to do with opinion. Congratulations on doubling or tripling down on your support of collective punishment. What exactly does that mean specifically, "hide behind women and children?" The vast majority of the Palestinians who have been killed are civilians, so that fake argument doesn't make any sense.

I don't base my morality on who it will help win the election. As I've said many times in here, I've never cared too much for Biden, and his support of the Collective Punishment has further soiled my opinion of him.
The Jewish Voice for Peace organized a protest today where they shut down the Manhattan Bridge. I think Benjamin Netanyahu's actions may end up backfiring on him. Around the world, the sentiment against Israel's actions is gaining a ton of momentum.
We, as a country, have no business getting involved in conflicts outside of the US. We shouldn't have been in Afganistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Somolia, Vietnam and we damn sure shouldn't be in either Ukraine or in this stupid Israli/Palestinian conflict. Why?

1. We are not equipped or prepared. Since Biden took over he has decimated our military so badly that we wouldn't even bae able to defend ourselves.

2. We only elect immature/immoral/senile Neocons into office. They only want to profit from the war machine.

Like him or not, Donald Trump is the only president in recent history who kept us out of such conflicts and brokered a peace agreement called the Abraham Accords which the world leaders wiped their asses with as soon as DJT lefft office and was replaced by a weakling.

How about we mind our own business, and pay the fuck attention to what our "leaders" are doing to US?

I hope everyone understands that getting involved with this Isralei/Palestinian thing is poking the stick at Iran and China, two terrorist states with nuclear ability and someday may have nothing to lose. Also, the money pit that is Ukraine is a joke. It is just a money laundering operation for our leaders to get dirty money from. This action will certainly lead to a conflift with Russia.

Now, instead of us arguing here, and everywhere we should unite against the polticians who fuck us over daily. Get them the fuck out of office!
We've already been funding Israel's BS.