How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

ICU 812's Avatar
^^^^And the answer is . . .???
txdot-guy's Avatar
Well yes, that is a valid question, but it is not an answer to my question. We can have a dialog on this, but there must be a back and forth.

My background: I have been a regular5 Republican voter since the 1970s when Richard A Nixon ran against George McGovern. I had turned 21, and voted for the first time. I didn't like Nixon as a politician and wanted to vote for a more liberal candidate. But both McGovern and his Democrst primary opponent, Hubert Humphry presented themselves (in my eyes) to be ass clowns.

All that and my exposure to the radical leftists on campus then lead me into conservative, git-er-dun mindset and that is where I am now.

With that said, I will ask again . . . . why should I or anyone else who is perhaps less set in their ways vote for whomever the Democrats run in the fall? Moreover, why should we vote for the Democrats running in State and local elections?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Well in my opinion the best reason to vote Democrat is that they tend to be more moderate than Republicans. Republicans (to my perspective) are currently eating their own. If you aren’t ideological enough you can’t get elected and if you are already in office and want to work with the other side then you risk losing your primary to someone who toes the party line. It’s currently happening in Texas right now.

That’s the reason why we can’t get anything done. I’m not asking you to vote for anyone on the “Squad” but there are a number of moderate democrats out there that are better than the Republican’s currently in office.

I don’t think the gop is going to change in the near future unless they start to realize that their current slate of representatives is the problem and not the solution.
ICU 812's Avatar
OK, that may be politics in the purest sense of the word. and yet . . .

I ask again, in what way is unrestricted, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration beneficial to our Nation and to American citizens? How does that make America great now or ever again?

There is plenty of other issues to talk about, but lets keep it narrowed to this one for a while and we can move on after this one is settled.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
OK, that may be politics in the purest sense of the word. and yet . . .

I ask again, in what way is unrestricted, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration beneficial to our Nation and to American citizens? How does that make America great now or ever again?

There is plenty of other issues to talk about, but lets keep it narrowed to this one for a while and we can move on after this one is settled. Originally Posted by ICU 812
There are two sides to the issue. You are focusing on one. Yes, there should not be unrestricted, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration into our country.

But the other side of the issue is what do you do with the tens of thousands of people coming to our southern border wanting to enter? Simply say "sorry, submit your application for asylum and wait until a judge gets to your application" which could take many months, if not years. There are limited facilities to care for these people and simply telling them to stay out is rather inhumane in my opinion.

I'm interested in your thoughts.
ICU 812's Avatar
I do not see another side to the immigration issue.

Those still in Mexico (or Canada) just can't come here. If they are looking for asylum, they must apply to the first country they enter. That is by international agreement zi believe.

If one is seeking asylum in the USA, you must go to the US embassy or consulate in your country of origine and apply there, that is how it is set up.

I will agree that that process should be altered to make it more usable, but that is the process I will support.

Immigration without applying for asylum is similar in that one must first go to the US embassy or consulate in your home country and apply for an entry visa. There are more options, sand variations for education or employment, but overall, that is how it is done.

Again: I will agree that this process should be altered to make it more usable by applicants, universes and employers, but that is the process I will support.

Persons who have not followed either process and are currently in the USA must go back to where they came from and get in line behind everyone else doing it the right way.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Out of curiosity, when did your family arrive on these shores? How did they come here? Why did they come here.

It’s a problem for sure, but the “downward spiral” the OP so eloquently described is not as simplistic as many try to make it.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Out of curiosity, when did your family arrive on these shores? How did they come here? Why did they come here.

It’s a problem for sure, but the “downward spiral” the OP so eloquently described is not as simplistic as many try to make it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
WTF are you asking?

For me they arrived in 1709 , from an area that is now called Heidelberg Germany not sure where their boat docked, but they settled in area near what is called today Cape Fear North Carolina . In other words we predated what is now called the USA .so technically they weren’t immigrants to the United States of America
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So then that gives you a right to refuse entry to other immigrants? Morally? Ethically? Without hypocrisy?

Did your immigrant family do that? I doubt that.

The spiral you describe is being caused by the behavior of the descendants of immigrants who think they had more right to be here than anyone thereafter

The asylum seekers and refugees aren’t causing this.

Look inward, bud,
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So then that gives you a right to refuse entry to other immigrants? Morally? Ethically? Without hypocrisy?

Did your immigrant family do that? I doubt that.

The spiral you describe is being caused by the behavior of the descendants of immigrants who think they had more right to be here than anyone thereafter

The asylum seekers and refugees aren’t causing this.

Look inward, bud, Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

yes. it does because the law bars these asylum seekers and refugees and they are causing it due to Biden's open invite to invade America and get citizenship on top.

deny that


5 MILLION wretches and Biden wants a path to citizenship for all of them.

it's why they are flooding the BOBP

Biden Open Boarder Plan

Yssup Rider's Avatar

Sure. If you say so.

But if they’re boarders, that means they get fed. But before or after they invade our sacred lands?

The answer to the original question, put Diaper Don in jail and his kid's and Maga dimwits next to him.
ICU 812's Avatar
I ask again, in what way is unrestricted, uncontrolled and unlimited immigration beneficial to our Nation and to American citizens? How does that make America great now or ever again? Originally Posted by ICU 812

No one on the left want to answer that basic question?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I do not see another side to the immigration issue.

Those still in Mexico (or Canada) just can't come here. If they are looking for asylum, they must apply to the first country they enter. That is by international agreement zi believe.

If one is seeking asylum in the USA, you must go to the US embassy or consulate in your country of origine and apply there, that is how it is set up.

I will agree that that process should be altered to make it more usable, but that is the process I will support.

Immigration without applying for asylum is similar in that one must first go to the US embassy or consulate in your home country and apply for an entry visa. There are more options, sand variations for education or employment, but overall, that is how it is done.

Again: I will agree that this process should be altered to make it more usable by applicants, universes and employers, but that is the process I will support.

Persons who have not followed either process and are currently in the USA must go back to where they came from and get in line behind everyone else doing it the right way. Originally Posted by ICU 812
And the people, many of whom are women and children, who have walked hundreds or maybe thousands of miles to reach our southern border, many of whom enduring life-threatening conditions -- do we just say "sorry, submit your application and wait" in either Mexico or in their home country?

I too support the process you describe but you continue to ignore the problems with that process -- possible sentencing many people to death.
eyecu2's Avatar

No one on the left want to answer that basic question?
Originally Posted by ICU 812
It's been answered; maybe not as directly as you wanted, but nobody is saying open borders is good, great, nor that it's making america great again; That's a false conclusion you and others are touting. LEfties here don't think that asylum seekers are necessarily bad, as our country is one that thrived because of diversity and immigration. We are all in agreement that it should be done LEGALLY and not just jumping the border. Not sure anyone is supporting that. Further- the assumption that these border crosssers are going to change the dynamic and voting roles is a ruse at best. Just saying.
Vote out all the Republicans