FEMA Scandal

I asked in a earlier post that the MAGA folks on here lay off of the nonsense BEFORE the disaster that was yet to come in Florida. Could they do it? NO.

I don't have the energy to call out the people repeating these lies individually. But some of you are so desperate to criticize the Democrats in any possible way, that you will literally repeat information that is hurting people. Amazing.

Here is my post in another thread on this topic. I'll let it stand for itself.

. Originally Posted by rooster
Then perhaps you should shut up and quit lying. Along with a LOT of other proven liars in this thread. All spouting the FEMA company line. Of course you can't think for yourself, so ignore the comments from people actually affected and seeing the lack of response and just repeat what your Dim masters tell you to. Now do your usual crap and throw out more personal insults. Or denigrate Special Olympics kids some more (even though they're all smarter than you). It's all you have.