trump has either been lying about what his tariffs will do to the economy, or he himself doesn't understand what they will do

HDGristle's Avatar
Tariffs have been part of U.S. policy since 1789
... And then there's THIS - Trump mentions imposing tariffs
on Canada - and half-a-mo later, here comes their PM to
make peace with Trump... ...

How long did THAT take? ... ... Two days? ... Trump is The BEST!

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
You really do swallow whatever be spits up
You really do swallow whatever be spits up Originally Posted by HDGristle
trump would be nowhere without gullible rubes who believe everything he says, no questions asked.

Instead of actually reading what the Mexican President has said, they just fall for trump's bullshit version of what went down...hook, line and sinker.