Happy to be here

Would someone please enlighten me why the post, which was an obvious joke, was edited. There was a day we could joke about a TS named Kili and we had fun with it. It was kind of like a right of passage. All one had to do was look at the link and it says it is a TS.

Woke board playing up to obvious troll and not caring one bit about the person with probably 15 different user names, but instead of riding this board of this troll, we protect him by editing a post. Unreal. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

Because it does not add value to the discussion and is not what the OP started the thread for. And had requested you before as well - please do not speculate regarding multiple handles. If you have a concern , you can always PM or RTM a post but open public speculation of handles is not allowed per Eccie guidelines. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
IMO, because for every banned account he earns, and he will with this one too, he PURCHASES premium access. Originally Posted by corona

As said above - please do not speculate regarding multiple handles. If you have a concern , you can always PM or RTM a post but open public speculation of handles is not allowed per Eccie guidelines. Thanks again for your understanding and cooperation.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Because it does not add value to the discussion and is not what the OP started the thread for. And had requested you before as well - please do not speculate regarding multiple handles. If you have a concern , you can always PM or RTM a post but open public speculation of handles is not allowed per Eccie guidelines. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. Originally Posted by delimex007

In all due respect, it's a well known fact that we have the same troll playing these stupid games since around 2017. After a while they finally get banned, then come back again with another user name playing more stupid games. I would say that at least 75% of the active Houston posters know this fact and this isn't some sort of secret thing going on. We can RTM till hell freezes over and it won't do any good, all we do is get in trouble for abuse of the RTM system.

About you editing my funny post, which was meant to humor all of the Houston forum and have a bit of fun, I will hold my disgust to myself. There was a time on this board that the moderators hardly ever edited a post, now a days, mods just up and edit a post for almost any reason. There was a time where there were false reviews made about the ladies, out and out lies, proven after the fact, and the bad reviews were never removed or edited, so they allowed lies to stay up. Now you post a joke and it's censored.

If there are any untruths in this post, please somebody let me know.
winn dixie's Avatar
Close this thread.

Delimex made a great point like I have about concerns of multihandles and how to deal with them privately
Plus continued Stalking and harassment of new members from same posters.
The same old drama is old.

I again welcome the op and apologize for the actions of a few posters.
I hope staff will take action on those content on causing drama.
It is my sincere hope this stops. As these actions are running off new and potential members.

Good luck to the op
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-11-2025, 06:48 PM
  • pxmcc
  • 02-11-2025, 08:44 PM
+1 Winn
Delimix007 provided the procedure for suspected fake handles. line up your evidence of why you think it's a fake handle and send it to the mods by rtm, and let them handle it.

i appreciate RM and UC and others in this thread who opted to use subtle humor and such rather than negative trolling. negative trolling is like listening to your parents fighting all the time. no one wants to be around that.
Close this thread.

Delimex made a great point like I have about concerns of multihandles and how to deal with them privately
Plus continued Stalking and harassment of new members from same posters.
The same old drama is old.

I again welcome the op and apologize for the actions of a few posters.
I hope staff will take action on those content on causing drama.
It is my sincere hope this stops. As these actions are running off new and potential members.

Good luck to the op Originally Posted by winn dixie
Demolition's Avatar
I’m hungry. Who’s up for chicken and waffles?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2025, 04:38 AM
I’m hungry. Who’s up for chicken and waffles? Originally Posted by Demolition
are you yanking my chain sir..

so Waffles is a cat who has some "identity issues"..

to be more specific, he's a cat who thinks he's a dog. he enjoys being walked on a leash. mind you, he's not a cheetah, but just a regular house cat with some "issues"..

new member Foxtrotdancer came on here and provided quite a bit of entertainment, and shared his tales of his identity-conflicted cat, Waffles. Cendell, for reasons known only to her, decided that Foxtrot was one of Shinepro's fake handles, and proceeded to call him shitshine and basically publicly humiliated him, and he got the "Shinepro treatment" from the mods, so when he tried to defend himself, he got banned.

meanwhile, while he was being abused, i had serious doubts that Foxtrot was Shinepro-none of his shit lined up-so i pm-ed him and asked him if i could buy him a beer, and told him that i thought he was a vic of Cendell's fuckery.

he accepted, and sure enough, he wasn't black, he never worked at Bucees, he didn't have an MBA from TSU, he never spent time in the fed Big House, he never got rich picking up dogshit, and he was never a loyal manservant..

so i told Cendell to drop his name from her list of Shinepro's fake handles. and right about then, i got a bullshit ban from biomed in the National Political Forum. (btw, you think i have any problem calling out fuckery, no matter the source? i do not. i call a spade a spade no matter what, and no matter who.)

then Cendell and her groupies-that includes you Demo-brutalized this poor gent. she could say whatever the hell she wanted, and when he came back at her, he got pointed. it was an unfair af fight, and he got banned, while she continued with her contumely, totally unchecked by the mods. she only got banned when she made a rude comment about Shinepro fucking with trannies. (btw, he has a thread about his tranny experiences that was folmfao funny..)

you know all this Demo. so why are you still bringing stuff up about Foxtrotdancer as though it has some connection to Shinepro?

to the OP, i hope you do fine in the hobby. if people think that you might be a certain banned member, they shouldn't come at you directly, but fair-minded and reasonable moderator Delimix007 has provided a way that they can vent their concerns in a proper forum/approach. as for me, i don't get involved in such drama b/c it's just not my thing. i like to focus on positivity, good energy, being entertained, and hopefully, to occasionally entertain..
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 02-12-2025, 05:32 AM
i got a bullshit ban from biomed in the National Political Forum. Originally Posted by pxmcc
LEAVE BIO ALONE, that's my pet squirrel spirit animal. He is generous with his nuts/food.

Michael8219's Avatar
I’m hungry. Who’s up for chicken and waffles? Originally Posted by Demolition
I like Waffles and BBQ. But the BBQ sauce is tough to clean off my DOGE.

But I’m happy to be here. Happy to get a nut every now and then.

And THEY all lived happily ever after. The END
  • pxmcc
  • 02-12-2025, 06:35 AM
LEAVE BIO ALONE, that's my pet squirrel spirit animal. He is generous with his nuts/food.

Originally Posted by Busty
i give props to any gent-or squirrel-who is generous with his nuts..

you can enjoy my nuts any damn time you like..

sharing one's nuts is caring for one's nuts, in my blue-book..
gman44's Avatar

no more mention of banned handles. This thread is about welcoming a member
Thank you Mr Gman. I'm Just shocked how abusive people are here and why it's allowed. I learned about points from pxmcc and I'm wondering with all the abuse that's come my way why all the abusive members on this thread haven't been banned if the rules apply evenly to everyone. I wanted a welcome and got this. Just terrible and very hurtful
corona's Avatar
So when is your first date? Looking forward to your contributions!
Demolition's Avatar
Iam, Less banter in the Coed and more reviews. This site is info sharing, ie, posting reviews of your experiences with the ladies so we can make more educated decisions on who to see. This will gain your respect in this community. Whining in the Coed section will do the opposite