Rebuttal to the angry rejects

[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Let me fix the photo, there are 8 separate ads from tryst that shows even African American women won't see AA men or have a preference in age. Originally Posted by Busty
In my experience, most black "no AA" providers very likely still interact with black people in their day to day lives. They still have black men in their family. They could have black brothers or sons. In other words, they probably don't have racist feelings towards black people in general, but rather are making a safety calculation based on past experience.

For white "no AA" providers, the same assumption can't really be made. It's entirely plausible that a white "no AA" provider could also avoid interacting with black people in regular life as well, just as it's plausible that she wouldn't. She could be basing her preferences in past experiences, or just plain racism.

It's not fair that assumptions get made, but I do suspect that tossing in a "love black men but a few bad apples ruined it for the rest, sorry" (which I've seen from AA, but never white, providers) would deflect at least some criticism from some men. But that may also turn off some potential clients. Can't win I guess.
Everyone one has had their say and made their comments. Closing the thread. Thank you all again for your cooperation and understanding.