texasjohn1965's Avatar
I......cant.......stop.......l aughing

James Robertson Justice's Avatar
This whole thread is very disconcerting to me. I have met Miss Nova and find her to be totally honest in her dealings with me and also a very sweet lass in her demeanor. As a participant in one of her many soirees I can tell you she is above reproach. Hopefully this situation can be resolved to every ones satisfaction.
This whole thread is very disconcerting to me. I have met Miss Nova and find her to be totally honest in her dealings with me and also a very sweet lass in her demeanor. As a participant in one of her many soirees I can tell you she is above reproach. Hopefully this situation can be resolved to every ones satisfaction. Originally Posted by James Robertson Justice
Phil Harris's Avatar
Originally Posted by Merlin
Jimmy!!! Whats with the WK jazz. Not the Jimmy I know. He use to be a wildman with the babes, love em and leave em Jimmy was his nickname. I need a drinkie or five or six. I gotta get stiff.
simpleton's Avatar

I can tell you she is above reproach.. Originally Posted by James Robertson Justice
aint nobody beyond reproach on a hooker board.

And you might get the rep of being a lap dog white knight.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Nicole please just back on down. I'm saying this as a friend.

You are the greyhound to ymwv's rabbit.

All this threats and stuff will not make any difference, but will just make you look bad. You might try searching Sun Tzu about strategy. Your enemy is superior and has numbers, so evade. I would try to say evade with dignity, but things are well beyond that.

When providers put their faces on their ads on the web, they can come back to haunt them.

Next time you might just try a friendly pm and be nice about your request.

Let me play Perry Mason for a second and see if we can wrap this up since the alleged victim has continued to ignore several inquiries. Venus Nova, under the guise of a previous incarnation, sent the photo in question to that rat murdering bastard, Father Wayward, to use as an avatar that she knew about. She posted on that board for several months until she got a rude Wakeup call. Then she left in a huff and puff.

Now several years later, her "brother" goes to photobucket to find a specific acct that only a few hobbyists would know about. So your "brother" is clearly a hobbyist or a very close friend of a hobbyist. In any case, he would know that you were a provider. Her "brother" tells Venus of the offending photo and she posts this thread about the offensive matter.

The jury finds Father Wayward innocent since we find that Venus Nova sent him the face pic. You may appeal this judgment to a higher court but we (SHMB Court) wouldn't recommend it.
I want to see the video!
simpleton's Avatar
I want to see the video! Originally Posted by surcher

tru dat.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Umm..... Okay , well since this is all in public, anyone can log on and see that Nicole used to be called Classysex and now goes under the name VenusNova. She was outted before by an associate to her family. I think that this thread is not good for you if you were actually trying to lay low. Just Sayin, everyone knows the story now, what if channel whoever is on here or a relative.
Umm..... Okay , well since this is all in public, anyone can log on and see that Nicole used to be called Classysex and now goes under the name VenusNova. She was outted before by an associate to her family. I think that this thread is not good for you if you were actually trying to lay low. Just Sayin, everyone knows the story now, what if channel whoever is on here or a relative. Originally Posted by internet_inventor2
I am sure her "brother" knows about this too. If he was concerned before, he should really be super duper ultra nervous now. Just sayin'. Think before you post next time.
Ok here is what we do. This ends today. We will remove the face pics from photobucket. Classysex stays as an active poster. It is private board and no one of any importance will see it.

If I hear of any outing attemps it will be Katy bar the door. I suggest you ask sPhunter to delete this thread.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
“It’s fire and it crashing! . . . This is the worst of the worst catastrophes in the world! Oh, it’s crashing . . . oh, four or five hundred feet into the sky, and it’s a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. There’s smoke, and there’s flames, now, and the frame is crashing to the ground, not quite to the mooring mast. Oh, the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!
. . . I can’t talk, ladies and gentlemen. Honest, it’s just laying there, a mass of smoking wreckage, and everybody can hardly breathe and talk . . . Honest, I can hardly breathe. I’m going to step inside where I cannot see it. . . .”

oooops, sorry. Wrong calamity.
dearhunter's Avatar
Did someone just mistake the cumslut for a Zeplin?
Sarcastro's Avatar
Did someone just mistake the cumslut for a Zeplin? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Not classy, dh.