I have no problem admitting I am a liberal. Not as far left as I used to be but after reading some of the comments here I see a lot of validity in Collegegirl4u's comments and especially her initial illustration on some of the points she wanted to make. After taking a step back I have to agree with her on some of her points.
I am not one to bring up my political views on this board but i tend to disagree on some areas that Nemesis1 has brought up. The problem I think we have is that we pay way too much attention to the mass media whether it is the liberal elite (CNN anyone) or the extreme right such as something like Fox News. They are meant to manipulate the masses into agreeing with whatever they are thinking. For a while I used to go along with the far left and Yes, I was even swept up into Obama Mania four years ago. Looking back on it I cannot believe how far left CNN was in that regard.
Because of that and other areas I do not like either the left or the right determine what I feel about a particular issue or topic. Which is why I rarely watch any of these so called news programs. When it comes down to it they are not really news programs but that of opionated news. It is Hypocrisy I tell you!
Originally Posted by latinalover003
As far as the political shows are concerned I agree, I don't allow them to guide my views unless I agree with them and I've gotten other info corroborating what they are saying, but to completely dismiss them is a mistake I think.
I watch and listen to Bashir, Ratigan, Schultz, Maddow, Rush, Hannity, Laura Ingraham and every now and then Mark Levine and Savage when I can tolerate it. Levin is like listening to someone rake their nails across a chalkboard...