Bid Daddy

ANONONE's Avatar
Not a big fan of the "daddy" or "poppi" nicknames here. First, my personal opinion is that it just makes me feel a little bit icky when a woman uses that, even as a term of affection or expression of satisfaction. I am not sure i can explain it--it just gives me the goosebumps and kills the mood.

I also tend to agree that regardless of which camp of statistics you happen to buy into, I feel that the likelihood of stepping on an emotional landmine using these terms is pretty high in the hobby.

I think it is best to avoid them at the onset, but if you have a regular provider/hobbyist relationship and that term is favorable to your sexual or emotional expression, broach that subject with each other down the road as both parties see fit.
Not something I would seek.
But for the most part, words are just words to me. The intent/meaning behind them is what is important.
going to knock someones fantasy but i post one about you in another thread and you get all bent out of shape Originally Posted by petiteassman
Like I said before it made me feel extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. You seem to be the only person that didn't understand why I felt that way. So there isn't any future confusion please don't mention me or that post again. Thanks.