Dealing With Haters

who gets to decide what is evil and what is not? Originally Posted by WTF

If you asked a good portion of the US, especially in the biblebelt....they'd say every one of us on this board is evil.
Naomi4u's Avatar
[SIZE=3] Why would you say that? Have we ever met. Have I ever told you I was miserable? Do you think I am evil and do not deserve to live? Originally Posted by WTF
Uh I know this one was to Fastgunn but can I answer this since we've actually met?

WTF? Miserable? Hell no! The happiest guy in the world maybe.
And he's dreamy.

If you asked a good portion of the US, especially in the biblebelt....they'd say every one of us on this board is evil. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yup we're evil, We worship the devil...etc
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm red-blue colorblind...can someone repost please? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
do this

click on the thread tools
-click on show printable version
-copy it and paste to your word processor and change the fonts to black

I think that'll help your red-blue color blind issue
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2012, 10:03 PM
If you asked a good portion of the US, especially in the biblebelt....they'd say every one of us on this board is evil. Originally Posted by MsElena
Not Fast Gunn! Just ask him....

Uh I know this one was to Fastgunn but can I answer this since we've actually met?

WTF? Miserable? Hell no! The happiest guy in the world maybe.
And he's dreamy.

Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Awwww, I'm happy and dreamy!
notanewbie's Avatar
Snuggie or Snuggle? I'm gonna go with the fist. Originally Posted by MsElena
fixed that for you.
Thanks NaN. I knew it was missing something.
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  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 08:00 AM
How do you deal with the inevitable haters that pop up in your life?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You do realize that there are many on here that think you are a hater?

Is this thread for them too?

Do you think you are a hater?
pyramider's Avatar
I really wish I cared enough to hate.
Love and hate is the same emotion on opposite ends of the continuum.
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  • WTF
  • 03-03-2012, 08:26 AM
Is it like a see-saw charles?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Anyone who thinks that I am a hater is mistaken and should understand that whatever hatred they harbor only does harm to themselves.

However, there are too many haters in the world and their numbers are escalating.

Personally, I find that to be a very troubling trend.

My intended purpose in starting this thread was to bring this human scourge out into the open with the hope of stemming the growing tide.

As stated prior, in my impetuous youth, I too would find it easy to hate in response to an injustice, but it took maturity to reach a level where I could see how corrosive that emotion is to the hater regardless of the justification. I would say that most people today are not aware of that danger and is the reason why hatred is so rampant in this contentious and troubled world.

. . . Finally, you do not have to meet anyone in person to get an idea of their personality. I get a good handle quickly on just about everyone after hearing them talk or read their posts.

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  • FK
  • 03-03-2012, 08:34 AM
Fear breeds Hate
Fear breeds Hate Originally Posted by Fallon Kelly

I agree!

I get called a hater a lot. They say I am jealous, blah blah blah. Really.. hate takes energy and they are def not worth the energy. I literally bust out laughing every time someone claims this.

People mistake calling someone out on their BS or simply disagreeing as hate.

I agree that hate is born from fear. Its really a simple mathematical equation

Insecurity+fear= hate+stupidity= free advertising for the hated

Basically.. who needs to post an ad when you have haters advertising for you?
Naomi4u's Avatar

Insecurity+fear= hate+stupidity= free advertising for the hated

Basically.. who needs to post an ad when you have haters advertising for you? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Amen!!!!! Lol
pyramider's Avatar
I agree!

I get called a hater a lot. They say I am jealous, blah blah blah. Really.. hate takes energy and they are def not worth the energy. I literally bust out laughing every time someone claims this.

People mistake calling someone out on their BS or simply disagreeing as hate.

I agree that hate is born from fear. Its really a simple mathematical equation

Insecurity+fear= hate+stupidity= free advertising for the hated

Basically.. who needs to post an ad when you have haters advertising for you? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

So under that premise any publicity is good publicity?