LovingKayla's Avatar
Some of my most respectful gentlemen have been black. They treat me like their mom would come through the wall and slap them upside their head if they disrespected me. Also why i prefer older men too... they treat me like their dad would send them out to pick a switch off a tree and tan their hide with it if they disrespect.

But i dont hate upon those that dont see AA... to each their own. Just means the more for me! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
pyramider's Avatar
Why has this thread not been added to the NBA sticky?
how come when i make a choice of what i dont want.. the first thing alot but not all men say is shes fat anyway.. i find when i say i dont do black men or women or bb or ect. ect. they take it like i have disrepected them personally. i got into this by my own choices and i choose to keep it that way my choice. i may be fat but ur inside ugly and jenny cant help
how come when i make a choice of what i dont want.. the first thing alot but not all men say is shes fat anyway.. i find when i say i dont do black men or women or bb or ect. ect. they take it like i have disrepected them personally. i got into this by my own choices and i choose to keep it that way my choice. i may be fat but ur inside ugly and jenny cant help Originally Posted by kanadakane12

Girl its your vajayjay.. u pick who u want to touch, lick, etc. Just learn to ignore the haters, screen well, be respectful and always bring ur A game.. u will do well...

Hell... according to my doctor im under my weight when compared with my height.. but i still have haters saying im fat. Lots of guys like bigger gals! Just focus on them... they will spoil ya!
pyramider's Avatar


Originally Posted by pyramider

FAWKER!!! lol
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
You are not cute enough to be so selective sweetie
Ashphuckems01's Avatar
You are not cute enough to be so selective sweetie Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Are you reading my, I mean shame on you for saying that Morgan...
trynagetlaid's Avatar

I wish the board rules allowed posters to reveal private communications. Not sure exactly how that text message would be worded...
You are not cute enough to be so selective sweetie Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Entirely inappropriate. Let's try to use some decorum, what do you say?
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
I think that the 1950's racism that goes on on the board is inappropriate. A girl can decide to see or not see anyone that calls her but to say straight up "No Blacks Allowed" is very inappropriate and would be illegal in any other business.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-10-2012, 11:28 AM
You are not cute enough to be so selective sweetie Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Well that's an interesting way to give a backhanded insult. I guess adding the "sweetie" at the end makes it polite.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 04-10-2012, 11:33 AM
You are not cute enough to be so selective sweetie Originally Posted by EroticMorgan

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....

Beauty comes from within!

Beauty isn't something you acquire, it comes from confidence and loving yourself!

Beauty doesn't come from being ugly and hurtful to other people!

And we won't go into to class cause some just don't have it!!!
I think that the 1950's racism that goes on on the board is inappropriate. A girl can decide to see or not see anyone that calls her but to say straight up "No Blacks Allowed" is very inappropriate and would be illegal in any other business. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
Oh yeah, her bedroom is not a place of "public accommodation" and is therefore not subject to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Strictly speaking from the "technical perspective".