Obama States 'You Don't Raise Taxes' in a Bad Economy

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  • 04-16-2012, 02:22 PM
Unfortunately you are correct on one point WTF, its a fairy tale. I can't think of more than a handful of politicians, at any level, that have any interest in transferring power and control back to the people. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
This is where you are full of candy and nuts....the people never had control. The people never will have control.

The Tea Nuts want the power so they can then tell others what to do. No different than a Republican or Democrat.

Every group thinks their way is the best way for society. The Tea Party is no different in this regard. The Tea Folks have gotten in bed with Conseratives Christians to gain power. You will have a hard time convincing me that means more freedom.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WTF, quit interrupting the grown ups.
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  • 04-16-2012, 05:39 PM
WTF, quit interrupting the grown ups. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You think this is a grown up conversation you are having? While ya'll are at it, why don't you discuss cars that run on water while you boys are discussing your version of reality.

Hot damn wtf is in that Tea ya'll are drinking?

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  • 04-16-2012, 06:49 PM
People gripe about half the nation not paying any Federal Taxes...yet 400 people are worth more that 50% of the entire population combined.

Just how are these people going to pay more taxes? How is it possible? They have no wealth to speak of right?

When Obama say raise the taxes on wealthy people some of you cry about 50% not paying anything.

What will they pay it with?

With that caveat, our assessment indicates that as of 2009, the net worth of the nation’s 400 wealthiest individuals exceeds the net worth of half of all American households.

We rate Moore’s statement True.

http://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2011/mar/10/michael-moore/michael-moore-says-400-americans-have-more-wealth-/ Originally Posted by BigLouie
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
As usual, WTF offers only insults, no substance. Simply put down every option, while offering none, except Simpson Bowles, which took several months for him to even spell right, and it offers only a band aid on a severed carotid artery. That's why you should let the grown ups discuss these things.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I love you joe and COG!! Why are y'all arguing with these idiots? Go eat some pussy.
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  • 04-17-2012, 06:30 AM
I love you joe and COG!! Why are y'all arguing with these idiots? Go eat some pussy. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Great contribution to the threAD on your part Kayla. How much business do you estimate you get from these kind of posts?

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  • 04-17-2012, 06:40 AM
As usual, WTF offers only insults, no substance. Simply put down every option, while offering none, except Simpson Bowles, which took several months for him to even spell right, and it offers only a band aid on a severed carotid artery. That's why you should let the grown ups discuss these things. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are offering thoughts as if you are a dictator. What a waste of time other than affording me and others a laugh . What will pass Congress is wtf grownups talk about , not Kayla's troll for business and the like. This is like talking about winng the lottery or fuc'n Angie Jolie. The reality is you do not have a Chinaman's chance in hell of your idea being passed, yet I am the idiot for pointing out your folly?

Why don't you go find out what really happened to Building 7. Make yourself useful and don't come back until you have hard evidence, take Kayla with you. We are idiots indeed for even engaging in a conversation with a couple loons.

I have correctly stated that in our form of government , nothing will get done until a crisis is at hand. Do you even understand wtf that means? Do you actually know how to engage in grown up conversation? You call people names and then cry like a baby when you are made fun of for being a hypocrite.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So, WTF, you are giving up, just as I said. In addition to being a buffoon, you are afraid to stand up for what is right, in favor of accepting what is. Submit, comply, conform. I had you nailed a long time ago.

And I'll be happy to take Kayla with me anywhere. She has a brain, in addition to nice boobies.
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  • 04-17-2012, 08:45 AM
She has half a brain that only see's her side of a discussion. You will have a whole brain between thr two of you. And yes I gave up believing in the Easter bunny long ago
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are able to see neither side of a discussion. You want to make your cute comments and think you are smart. Typical teenager.
The wealthy do not care if taxes get raised on them. What is so hard to understand about that? As long as the loopholes stay intact, it will not effect them. If you actually read the buffet rule, it EXCLUDES the tax hike on all trusts, and what wealthy person doesn't have his wealth in a multitude of trusts or overseas already. Originally Posted by nwarounder
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  • 04-18-2012, 06:11 AM
You are able to see neither side of a discussion. You want to make your cute comments and think you are smart. Typical teenager. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I like Gary Johnson. If he had a chance, I would vote for him or Buddy Roemer. As is I will vote for Ron Paul and then not vote for either Mitt Or Obama in the general. I live in Texas and my vote does not matter in the Presidential election but there are a couple of local elections that I will vote in.

That is reality. Try it sometime instead of being a hypocrite and calling people names and then crying about being made fun of.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I never cry at being made fun of. If I were offended I wouldn't be here. If you like Gary Johnson, why not support him? If he gets 5% of the vote this time around, the Libertarian Party will have a status along side the Dems and Reps. Changing the future starts slow, but it doesn't help when people like you keep shouting "It will never work." Thank god no one told Martin Luther King that, or the early union organizers, or even our Founders. All these great movements started small with much ridicule at the beginning. If you truly feel that way, join in and help convince others. Eventually, we will have a viable movement. I don't know if we can change things soon enough, and the enemies are huge and powerful, but I'd rather be on the side that's right, rather than the side that has a chance of winning, just to continue to screw us.

And as far as being made fun of, the more creative the better. I get bored with the "You're a fag" type crap. So far, I think "CreepyOldLoser" is the funniest. "COF" is trite, and shows a lack of creativity. But I truly don't mind. "Cutiepie" was funny, and comes in second to "CreepyOldLoser."

And the hypocrite bullshit is old. I'm not sure you know what it means. But I ignore shit like that anyway.

If you're smart enough to understand what Ron Paul and Gary Johnson stand for, why are your posts so stupid? You could do a lot better, and I've never seen you take a libertarian stand on anything. You've been one of the most pro status quo posters on here. What gives? And don't give me that realist bullshit. Realists never changed anything. It's the idealists who have changed the world.
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  • 04-18-2012, 08:08 AM

If you're smart enough to understand what Ron Paul and Gary Johnson stand for, why are your posts so stupid? You could do a lot better, and I've never seen you take a libertarian stand on anything. You've been one of the most pro status quo posters on here. What gives? And don't give me that realist bullshit. Realists never changed anything. It's the idealists who have changed the world. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am smart enough to understand that it takes all kinds of people. We can not have a nation of only dreamers. What happens when their dreams are realized? Do we then become a nation of realist?

In reality that is what you have, you have a combination of both and according to different subjects each individual can be both. Both steeped in reality and dreams depending on the subject.