100,000 Thousand Jobs Created!!

It is technically possible to increase GDP and loose jobs at the same time. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How do you "loose" a job?

Just sayin'
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ooops, too much of a hurry to get outside.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
the recession wasnt over until 2010 loomed on the horizon ... jobs decline not increase during recessions, hence the name "recession"

for ANY president Republican or Democrat to turn red numbers into black numbers in half of his term is an improvement regardless how anyone tends to view it Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm talking about from the start of it, 2007-2008 depending on who you ask. I don't believe the real numbers have turned to black at all. How many people were employed at the start of the recession vs. how many people are employed today? I would have to research that, but I don;t think it would be a favorable percentage.

I repeat the question
"What exactly has Obama done since he took office to help rectify the employment situation, what policies have been put in place to help the economy and make business need and want to hire people?.....AND what have the results been, to date?"
I repeat the question
"What exactly has Obama done since he took office to help rectify the employment situation, what policies have been put in place to help the economy and make business need and want to hire people?.....AND what have the results been, to date?" Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Perhaps a great place to start this conversation would be with the number of jobs that were not lost due to the automobile industry bailout! The simple fact remains that there are literally thousands upon thousands of American jobs totally dependent upon the automobile industry. Had GM and Chrysler not been given financial assistance, those high paying, American manufacturing jobs were seriously at risk. That does not speak to the thousands of jobs, related to the automobile industry (glass, tire, aluminum, etc) that would have also been lost.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why do you think those jobs would have been permantly lost? The facts don't support that conclusion. The US population buys so many cars every year. That is the demand side. If GM had fallen that would not have changed the demand. Those people would have gone to Ford for a car or truck. Ford would have had to hire more people with skills (hello, former GM workers). If the demand continued, and there is no reason to think otherwise, some smart fellow would buy the old GM buildings and start (or continue) the old lines. Otherwise we would have a population of pedestrians wanting someone to open the old Kaiser factories.
Why do you think those jobs would have been permantly lost? The facts don't support that conclusion. The US population buys so many cars every year. That is the demand side. If GM had fallen that would not have changed the demand. Those people would have gone to Ford for a car or truck. Ford would have had to hire more people with skills (hello, former GM workers). If the demand continued, and there is no reason to think otherwise, some smart fellow would buy the old GM buildings and start (or continue) the old lines. Otherwise we would have a population of pedestrians wanting someone to open the old Kaiser factories. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The fact is that the GM and Chrysler jobs would have been lost. You don't know with any certainty those workers would have gone to Ford! Do you? That is an assumption on your part. You know what they say about those who ASSume, don't you?

As for "some smart fellow would "start the old lines." Apparently you have not driven by the Goodyear Tire Plant in Tyler, Tx lately. Have you?
Obama Inauguration : 142.200 million workers
Today: 142.30 million

No matter how you slice and dice the numbers, Obama's economic stewardship has been a complete failure.

Don't forget the $5 trillion in additional debt Obama has saddled us with. $5 trillion in spending and no net job gains. The worse President in modern times.

Obama Inauguration : 142.200 million workers
Today: 142.30 million

No matter how you slice and dice the numbers, Obama's economic stewardship has been a complete failure.

Don't forget the $5 trillion in additional debt Obama has saddled us with. $5 trillion in spending and no net job gains. The worse President in modern times.

http://www.dlt.ri.gov/lmi/laus/us/usadj.htm Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I am sure it was something you overlooked. According to the chart that you provided, unemployment rose from 4.2% when GW took office in 2001 to 7.8% when he left in 2009. FYI, that is just a little shy of being double!.

No thanks necessary!
I wouldn't vote for Bush if he was a candidate for President, despite the 4.4 million jobs Bush added during his tenure !

Sadly, Obama is the incumbent and I don't think he deserves a 2nd term. His economic policies have been a disaster for working class Americans.

Deflecting blame for the bad economy in 2012 won't work, but nice try at deception.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What happened to all of the Studebaker workers? What happened to all of the Studebaker drivers? Common sense people.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-05-2012, 12:21 PM
Obama Inauguration : 142.200 million workers
Today: 142.30 million

No matter how you slice and dice the numbers, Obama's economic stewardship has been a complete failure.

Don't forget the $5 trillion in additional debt Obama has saddled us with. $5 trillion in spending and no net job gains. The worse President in modern times.

http://www.dlt.ri.gov/lmi/laus/us/usadj.htm Originally Posted by Whirlaway

that says it all speakig in terns of net numbers

the simpletons only see the small % of gain, and ignore the number of jobs it took to get back to positive numbers ...

millions and millions of jobs were in negative numbers when Obie took office and remained that way until 2010 because of the recession ... if Obie only added 100 k jobs in 4 years how did the country get from negative to positive numbers ... ponder that kids.

a President cant spend $5 trillion dollars whirlie ... Congress spends. Spending bills originate in the House

Im not defending Obie, just posting the facts sans partisan spin and moronic talking points
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-05-2012, 12:25 PM
What happened to all of the Studebaker workers? What happened to all of the Studebaker drivers? Common sense people. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

did they "loose" their jobs teach ?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see you can't answer the question but I did see the fireworks.
BigLouie's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, Louie, the reason those Republicans were elected was to obstruct the fascist policies our President was promoting, They are doing exactly what the people elected them to do. Stop Obama.