We just keep going from one guardrail to the other with no different results. Same road, different driver. NEED TO CHANGE THE DAMN ROAD AND THE DRIVERS!
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
I don't usually engage in throwing my two cents on a political level on this site, I might joke about politics a little or something of that nature in this forum but..

Isn't it a little obvious who we should pick for President in a time where the middle class has shrunk due to a dying private sector? Right now, most people belong to one of two groups, poor or rich. This isn't entirely because "the corporations" have outsourced jobs. This is because we have had two presidents who have used Keynesian economic strategies at the advice of Ben Bernanke time and time again to try to use the public sector and tax dollars to stimulate our growth.

Obama has invested poorly in technologies that are far from developed. Having worked in semiconductors I know exactly what it is like to be in the early to mid phases of a technology that is years out from public adoption. This is usually because there are countless kinks to fix and cost effectiveness isn't there from a development or manufacturing standpoint. His insistence on forcing an immediate green solution, although most of us would like to see one in the long term, has done incredible damage to our economy. He has literally done his best to halt Oil and Gas investments and has even scared small time accredited investors into stuffing their money into their mattresses like a bunch of idiots. As if sticking your head in the sand rather than taking a tax protected investment with money you are going to throw at a frivolously spending government really is a gamble at all.

Romney is the clear choice, not because he is a Mormon, is filthy rich, even if he has flip flopped hundreds of times on various issues so much that nobody knows who or what he is. We know one thing though, he has a resume Obama couldn't dream of comparing his to. It is a "Sterling" resume in which he led the charge to recover many dying private sector businesses and provide jobs, in fact I was one of those success stories myself some years ago when I had to work for a staples briefly.

Obama simply has 0 clue what he is doing in that particular area. So while I admire his interest in advancing social causes and ending bigotry, I would like to see that fight continued in a day when our country is a lot less poverty stricken. Some like to claim we are in a recovery, I think that's nonsense because as a marketing professional who works in a family owned company which markets investments and having family who are in other financial advisor positions, I experience and listen to it on a very close level on a daily basis. People are struggling and are scared to death to part with a nickel. We have the wrong guy in office.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-12-2012, 12:26 PM
Isn't it a little obvious who we should pick for President in a time where the middle class has shrunk due to a dying private sector? Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
I think it's obvious who we should vote for in a time when the last Republican drove us into the ditch, and the current Democrat got us out.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. We're out of the ditch. That's right. Way out and on down the road.

You live in Delusionville.
Yeah. We're out of the ditch. That's right. Way out and on down the road.

You live in Delusionville. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Is this a town in New York?
I don't usually engage in throwing my two cents on a political level on this site, I might joke about politics a little or something of that nature in this forum but..

Isn't it a little obvious who we should pick for President in a time where the middle class has shrunk due to a dying private sector? Right now, most people belong to one of two groups, poor or rich. This isn't entirely because "the corporations" have outsourced jobs. This is because we have had two presidents who have used Keynesian economic strategies at the advice of Ben Bernanke time and time again to try to use the public sector and tax dollars to stimulate our growth.

Obama has invested poorly in technologies that are far from developed. Having worked in semiconductors I know exactly what it is like to be in the early to mid phases of a technology that is years out from public adoption. This is usually because there are countless kinks to fix and cost effectiveness isn't there from a development or manufacturing standpoint. His insistence on forcing an immediate green solution, although most of us would like to see one in the long term, has done incredible damage to our economy. He has literally done his best to halt Oil and Gas investments and has even scared small time accredited investors into stuffing their money into their mattresses like a bunch of idiots. As if sticking your head in the sand rather than taking a tax protected investment with money you are going to throw at a frivolously spending government really is a gamble at all.

Romney is the clear choice, not because he is a Mormon, is filthy rich, even if he has flip flopped hundreds of times on various issues so much that nobody knows who or what he is. We know one thing though, he has a resume Obama couldn't dream of comparing his to. It is a "Sterling" resume in which he led the charge to recover many dying private sector businesses and provide jobs, in fact I was one of those success stories myself some years ago when I had to work for a staples briefly.

Obama simply has 0 clue what he is doing in that particular area. So while I admire his interest in advancing social causes and ending bigotry, I would like to see that fight continued in a day when our country is a lot less poverty stricken. Some like to claim we are in a recovery, I think that's nonsense because as a marketing professional who works in a family owned company which markets investments and having family who are in other financial advisor positions, I experience and listen to it on a very close level on a daily basis. People are struggling and are scared to death to part with a nickel. We have the wrong guy in office. Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
Very Well said. Thanks
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Is this a town in New York? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yeah. It's called "Buffalo". They also think they have a shot at the Super Bowl in the next 50 years.
Looks like Wisconsin is leaning Romney/Ryan.