why are not providers screened?

Johnson. Hugh Johnson.
barrister's Avatar
Don't know how many times I have to say this. I hobby all the time, just go about it differently than many of you. I'm sure the way I do it is safer for me, and fairer. I don't need to "grow a pair" of anything. If that's your definition, that I'll take risks I don't need to take, just to please you, then can ask you the same thing. If you require screening to see a male customer, then why don't you grow a pair Sensual? Are you afraid or somthing? Of course you are. And so am I. Not so much afraid really, just not wreckless, and neither are you.

So we're all crooks because hobbying is illegal? Sorry to break this to you but hobbying is not illegal so long as solicitation doesn't occur. And if it were illegal, that still wouldn't make us crooks. A crook is someone dishonest in business and life, out to harm others, like the scamsters we're trying to weed out by doing reviews. Not everyone who breaks a law is a crook, even if what they're doing is against the criminal code, like not wearing a seat belt.

Didn't mean to offend anyone. I've given reasons for the way I do things, so far all I've gotten is attacks for not relying solely on handles and reviews. People break bad sometimes. Not all the time, just sometimes.
sixxbach's Avatar
Mine is Hugh Jazz
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
My full legal name is Ivana Humpalot. Would you like to see my ID?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-01-2010, 11:42 PM
See your "ID"? Is that what the cool kids are calling it nowadays?
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
I am Jack Mehoff. It's eastern European.

I agree with this part:
Not everyone who breaks a law is a crook, Originally Posted by barrister
I've never broken a law or rule that I believe in.

Like don't end a sentence with a preposition...never believed in that one.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar

I've never broken a law or rule that I believe in.

Like don't end a sentence with a preposition...never believed in that one. Originally Posted by smokeswithwolves
Ending a sentence in a preposition is a violation of grammatical law up with which I will not put!
missi hart's Avatar
Ending a sentence in a preposition is a violation of grammatical law up with which I will not put! Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

yes, but inquiring minds want to know---will you dangle the occasional participle?
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Ending a sentence in a preposition is a violation of grammatical law up with which I will not put! Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Grammatical, biblical, scientifical: there are a number of laws I will violate.

But we digress. What was the original thread topic? Making sure providers have the right diction in them?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-02-2010, 12:32 PM
Ending a sentence in a preposition is a violation of grammatical law up with which I will not put! Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Somebody's been hitting the books too hard. They're clearly starting to hit back.

harkontume's Avatar
My full legal name is Ivana Humpalot. Would you like to see my ID? Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

ah haa.. Now that I now your true secret identity... It becomes apparent to me that : We have NEVER met before!

Other then that I can tell by your Nom de joy that you are not married to me.
I have never been married to a Ivana Humpalot. I would tell you if I had.

sigh.. now WHY have we never met before? Are you avoiding Johnny Hardones? Do you have something against Mr. Hardone? Would you like to have something against Mr. Hardone?
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
yes, but inquiring minds want to know---will you dangle the occasional participle? Originally Posted by missi hart
What is that? Give me an example and I'll tell you if I do it. The nice thing about being a native speaker of a fairly standard version of the dominate language is not having to know diddly squat about it's grammar. If you have to be taught it -- it's not really part of the grammar after all -- it's just something a bored grammarian invented a few centuries ago to make our language more like Latin. Stuff like not ending sentences with prepositions, and not splitting infinitives and other silly things.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-02-2010, 11:33 PM
It's when a modifier (in this case, a participle), by its ambiguous placement, may appear to modify more than one noun. Given the audience of this board, consider this example:

Kissing her body all over, her clitoris came into view.

Now, the way that sentence is constructed, it could be her roaming clitoris that was kissing her body all over, or the implied "I".
Perhaps a thread, to be located in the Sandbox, regarding the proper conjugation of the verb "to be" and other matters of higher learning is in order.

This thread appears to have run it's course!
missi hart's Avatar
What is that? Give me an example and I'll tell you if I do it. The nice thing about being a native speaker of a fairly standard version of the dominate language is not having to know diddly squat about it's grammar. If you have to be taught it -- it's not really part of the grammar after all -- it's just something a bored grammarian invented a few centuries ago to make our language more like Latin. Stuff like not ending sentences with prepositions, and not splitting infinitives and other silly things. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

sophia, it was just a not so good attempt on my part at humor and an equally weak attempt at a double entendre. i agree with your sentiments about grammar---is it really that bad to end a sentence with a preposition, etc?

spacemtn---sorry about prolonging the course---from now on more mammaries and less grammaries