Who Wins First Presidential Debate

yeah those liberal idiots are almost as dumb as the rightwing idiots that believe a persident can control the price of gas at the pump arent they? Originally Posted by CJ7
obama would love to control pricing

but what he could do is not attack the oil industry and open up drilling and be an encourager for american production....

so in a very real way he is affecting the price at the pump, which was his plan all along..so that alternative energy sources could somehow, any way possible, compete..

so yeah you are wrong again
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-04-2012, 09:52 AM
we produce more, OPEC cuts production and offsets the balance making any presidents effort moot
No doubt Romney "won", whatever that means. I didn't think the plastic-man had it in him but he did a very impressive job. Obama was terrible.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-04-2012, 10:03 AM
I give them both a B if not B-
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Oh yeah that's right...they still have foreign policy to debate. BO's strong issue.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
How does Obama have anything to do with what take place in Libya- in response to the Embassy burning? Let's say Mubarak and Khadafi were still in power and OBL were alive- Romney would say :"Obama you did nothing when the people in Egypt and Libya stood up to their dicatator and you have not captured OBL as President I will ensure freedom in all countries and I will capture OBL.
How long has the U.S been "allies" with Pakistan? Did they not burn American flags in Pakistan when Bush was in power? How many Islamic counties burned flags when the U.S engaged in Persian Gulf war against Iraq? They burned flags when the U.S went to war against Iraq. They burned flags during the Bush term when the photos leaked out of the U.S abusing captives. Some muslims in some countries cheered on 9-11- wtf does that have to do with foreign policy? Iranians during the Reagan years would have huge parades where they burn flags and spit on images of the late Ronald Reagan- did that mean Reagan was weak on foreign policy? They had elections in Egypt- meaningful Democratic elections for the first time in decades so how is that a failure.
Let's see: OBL DEAD(check), Khadaffi- DEAD(check), Mubarak- Out of office(check)- More Taliban and Al-Queda operatives Dead in 4 years under Obama than the entire 8 years under Bush(check)-Iraq War over(check)- Romney would still have us there- Romney didn't even mention the soldiers in Afghanistan during his convention.
Oh before I forget what foreign experience does Romney or Ryan have??? Oh I just remembered Romney has experience with shipping jobs to other countries and has a vast knowledge of foreign countries bank accounts and personal investment. Oh and don't forget Romney has the distinguish skill of insulting our closes ally: Great Britian during the Olympics. Oh and might I add- Romney is stuck in the Reagan era because he believes Putin is a bigger concern and problem facing the U.S than either Al-Queada, North Korea or Iran.
Am I missing something- so a person puts out a video disgracing their prophets- people get pissed because they think it's blasphemous- they riot and somehow this is Obama's fault.
Let's say Romney was in office in the video gets out- are you telling me there would be no riots??????? Also, did not people storm and destroy the building of the people who they thought was behind the attack????
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-04-2012, 10:10 AM
How does Obama have anything to do with what take place in Libya- in response to the Embassy burning? Let's say Mubarak and Khadafi were still in power and OBL were alive- Romney would say :"Obama you did nothing when the people in Egypt and Libya stood up to their dicatator and you have not captured OBL as President I will ensure freedom in all countries and I will capture OBL.
How long has the U.S been "allies" with Pakistan? Did they not burn American flags in Pakistan when Bush was in power? How many Islamic counties burned flags when the U.S engaged in Persian Gulf war against Iraq? They burned flags when the U.S went to war against Iraq. They burned flags during the Bush term when the photos leaked out of the U.S abusing captives.
Am I missing something- so a person puts out a video disgracing their prophets- people get pissed because they think it's blasphemous- they riot and somehow this is Obama's fault.
Let's say Romney was in office in the video gets out- are you telling me there would be no riots??????? Also, did not people storm and destroy the building of the people who they thought was behind the attack???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

because the Dummylama read the rightwing idiot training book
The good news for Romney is that he clearly won the debate on style
The bad news for Romney is there are 2 remaining and the other 2 debates will not be on the economy- which basically was Obama's only weakness and Romney's strongest point- by the time the other 2 debates will take place- people will all but forget about this debate.
This reminds me a lot of Bush vs Kerry- on their 1st debate where Bush looked flat. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Iam sure you believe what you posted. Obama is the incumbant any question on foreign policy will be reflected during the past three years during Obama's administration. Foreign Policy isn't Obama's strong point. One point that could come up that could burn Obama is his pitch during the 08 campaigne that he would pull Troops out of Iraq. We're still there. Obama's strongest area and the issue which he could have shined like a diamond was Obamacare, he flopped on that. From here on out he'll be winging it.
Romney win the debate. Obama did not had a fire in his belly like Romney. Obama did not want to be there. He was not looking up. He was not confrontational. I am still undecided. I will be watching other debates to make up my mind.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The good news for Romney is that he clearly won the debate on style
The bad news for Romney is there are 2 remaining and the other 2 debates will not be on the economy- which basically was Obama's only weakness and Romney's strongest point- by the time the other 2 debates will take place- people will all but forget about this debate.
This reminds me a lot of Bush vs Kerry- on their 1st debate where Bush looked flat. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I agree- again I admit Romney won on style- however, the good news for Obama is that I am pretty sure his advisors will tell him where he went wrong and how he lacked passion- I expect Obama to be ready for the 2nd and 3rd.
The good news for Obama is that this is the 1st debate and the 1st debate was on the economy- which is the biggest issue in politics- they have 2 major debates remaining that will not focus on the economy- As I stated the time the 2nd debates is over people will forget about the 1st debate and ditto for the 3rd debate.
The good news for Romney is he did a very good job and had passion.
The bad news for Romney is that no more debates on the economy and they have foreign policy(no experience and has given shaky response such as Russia being our biggest threat) and domestic issues- abortion, gay marriage-etc. which really basically fall on party lines. Romney would have felt a lot better had the 3rd debate been on the economy. Again if you re-visit Kerry- Bush- Kerry looked stellar on his 1st debate and then fizzled on the 2nd and 3rd. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
WASHINGTON — President Hosni Mubarak did not even wait for President Obama’s words to be translated before he shot back.

“You don’t understand this part of the world,” the Egyptian leader broke in. “You’re young.”

Mr. Obama, during a tense telephone call the evening of Feb. 1, 2011, had just told Mr. Mubarak that his speech, broadcast to hundreds of thousands of protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo, had not gone far enough. Mr. Mubarak had to step down, the president said.

Minutes later, a grim Mr. Obama appeared before hastily summoned cameras in the Grand Foyer of the White House. The end of Mr. Mubarak’s 30-year rule, Mr. Obama said, “must begin now.” With those words, Mr. Obama upended three decades of American relations with its most stalwart ally in the Arab world, putting the weight of the United States squarely on the side of the Arab street.

It was a risky move by the American president, flying in the face of advice from elders on his staff at the State Department and at the Pentagon, who had spent decades nursing the autocratic — but staunchly pro-American — Egyptian government.

Nineteen months later, Mr. Obama was at the State Department consoling some of the very officials he had overruled. Anti-American protests broke out in Egypt and Libya. In Libya, they led to the deaths of four Americans, including the United States ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. A new Egyptian government run by the Muslim Brotherhood was dragging its feet about condemning attacks on the American Embassy in Cairo.

Television sets in the United States were filled with images of Arabs, angry over an American-made video that ridiculed the Prophet Muhammad, burning American flags and even effigies of Mr. Obama.

Speaking privately to grieving State Department workers, the president tried to make sense of the unfolding events. . . .

Even as the uprisings spread to Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria, the president’s sympathy for the protesters infuriated America’s allies in the conservative and oil-rich Gulf states. In mid-March, the Saudis moved decisively to crush the democracy protests in Bahrain, sending a convoy of tanks and heavy artillery across the 16-mile King Fahd Causeway between the two countries. . . .

Still, there remains concern in the administration that at any moment, events could spiral out of control, leaving the president and his advisers questioning their belief that their early support for the Arab Spring would deflect longstanding public anger toward the United States.

For instance, Mr. Feltman, the former assistant secretary of state, said, “the event I find politically most disturbing is the attack on Embassy Tunis.” Angry protesters breached the grounds of the American diplomatic compound there last week — in a country previously known for its moderation and secularism — despite Mr. Obama’s early support for the democracy movement there. “That really shakes me out of complacency about what I thought I knew.”

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Iam sure you believe what you posted. Obama is the incumbant any question on foreign policy will be reflected during the past three years during Obama's administration. Foreign Policy isn't Obama's strong point. One point that could come up that could burn Obama is his pitch during the 08 campaigne that he would pull Troops out of Iraq. We're still there. Obama's strongest area and the issue which he could have shined like a diamond was Obamacare, he flopped on that. From here on out he'll be winging it. Originally Posted by acp5762
The major problem Romney will face is that he believed we should have stayed in Iraq longer- I assume you most have meant Afghanistan and not Iarq since we have no troops in Iraq?
No doubt Romney "won", whatever that means. I didn't think the plastic-man had it in him but he did a very impressive job. Obama was terrible. Originally Posted by timpage

I have to admit, as well...this debate was Romney's win.

Still have 2 more to go....and what is typical with so many undecided voters (on both sides), is they tend to stick with what happen in the last 30 seconds

But I will tip my hate to Romney, in terms of "style" he got this one...and unfortunately with so many voters ...style does win over substance.

Still a long way to go in this one, in a relatively short period of time

Did anybody see Sara Palim as Fox news analysis after debate....what a joke. Thankfully is a non-factor
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Romney win the debate. Obama did not had a fire in his belly like Romney. Obama did not want to be there. He was not looking up. He was not confrontational. I am still undecided. I will be watching other debates to make up my mind. Originally Posted by googlediid
I agree- again I admit Romney won on style- however, the good news for Obama is that I am pretty sure his advisors will tell him where he went wrong and how he lacked passion- I expect Obama to be ready for the 2nd and 3rd.
The good news for Obama is that this is the 1st debate and the 1st debate was on the economy- which is the biggest issue in politics- they have 2 major debates remaining that will not focus on the economy- As I stated the time the 2nd debates is over people will forget about the 1st debate and ditto for the 3rd debate.
The good news for Romney is he did a very good job and had passion.
The bad news for Romney is that no more debates on the economy and they have foreign policy(no experience and has given shaky response such as Russia being our biggest threat) and domestic issues- abortion, gay marriage-etc. which really basically fall on party lines. Romney would have felt a lot better had the 3rd debate been on the economy. Again if you re-visit Kerry- Bush- Kerry looked stellar on his 1st debate and then fizzled on the 2nd and 3rd.
tttalinky's Avatar
As crazy as this sounds.......I think Joe Biden could have done a better job last nilght than President Obama......scary!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you guys/gals look at what has been posted you will noticed one thing for sure- the supporters of Obama are not making any excuses and are giving props to Romney- I truly respect them for doing so because in reality although I will be voting for Obama I will admit that Romney did a better job last night.
However why is it that when Obama does something well- you guys(GOP) or people like Joe Bloe and IB make excuses or never admit to the truth- you don't give credit where credit is due- I will assure you with confidence that Obama will win either debate 2 or 3 if not both and I promise that people like Joe and IB will never tip there hat and say yeah Obama was better. Case in point, the DEMS convention was far better than the GOP's- Obama's speech was better than Romney's- but you guys were stubborn to admit the truth.
I applaud WTF, vkmaster, CJ7 and others for being man enough to admit that their candidate didn't do as well- that's the sign of a person who has integrity.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you guys/gals look at what has been posted you will noticed one thing for sure- the supporters of Obama are not making any excuses and are giving props to Romney- I truly respect them for doing so because in reality although I will be voting for Obama I will admit that Romney did a better job last night.
However why is it that when Obama does something well- you guys(GOP) or people like Joe Bloe and IB make excuses or never admit to the truth- you don't give credit where credit is due- I will assure you with confidence that Obama will win either debate 2 or 3 if not both and I promise that people like Joe and IB will never tip there hat and say yeah Obama was better. Case in point, the DEMS convention was far better than the GOP's- Obama's speech was better than Romney's- but you guys were stubborn to admit the truth.
I applaud WTF, vkmaster, CJ7 and others for being man enough to admit that their candidate didn't do as well- that's the sign of a person who has integrity.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
YOUR assessment is biased, WE. Plus, not everyone watched those conventions. I only watched Eastwood's spiel; it was funny. Most of the rest were politicians, and all they do is lie. Both candidates lied last night. But Odumbo was exposed for being the petulant, pretentious potentate he is.

BTW, the New York Times is expressing its doubts about Odumbo's foreign policy, and Romney has all of the ammunition he needs to discredit Odumbo's foreign policy.