AlexandriaSquirtz & Amber Rain?

SofaKingFun's Avatar
<<< waterproof matress cover solves everything. Originally Posted by Amber Rain
Ahhh yes. That's the ticket, a impenetrable mattress cover! I had one of those as a kid. Yup. Started getting my kink on at an early age....certainly not because I wet the bed or anything. Heh!



VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Alexandria, this combination does not entice though your ass does, I sense some attitude?
Though within your rights and what you say about the guide lines is true I am sure the moderators would appreciate it if fewer folks got all butt hurt and burdened them with trivial bullshit.

For the record I find most of your post dull, droll and repetitive so I exercise my right to ignore and have never been inclined to return or reply to a moderator about it.

I am not going to change your nature, nor you mine. It really is not that big a deal, less anyone threatens me or others well being I find the longer moderators stay out threads there is far more humor and information exchanged.

Folks might consider taking this for what it is.
For the most part offenders will be dealt with by a wise community without interruption or infraction
A disruption of people putting themselves on display only thwarts one to make wise decisions.
I sometime find glimmers of wisdom when a moderator speaks from heart and not position. Originally Posted by SweetAterPie
pyramider's Avatar
Ahhh yes. That's the ticket, a impenetrable mattress cover! I had one of those as a kid. Yup. Started getting my kink on at an early age....certainly not because I wet the bed or anything. Heh!



Originally Posted by SofaKingFun

Why certainly not ... Probably used the mattress cover through college, too.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by Mya Michelle

I cannot help but question gentlemen that have a longer and more colorful signature lines than respected providers.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Edit to add some are just a bunch of,
Attached Images File Type: png Female_reproductive_system_lateral.png (36.9 KB, 265 views)
pyramider's Avatar
I thinck I see my new handle ... sigmoid colon.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
SweetAterPie's Avatar
3 you and I both know we are products of that particular gland.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I cannot help but question gentlemen that have a longer and more colorful signature lines than respected providers. Originally Posted by SweetAterPie

If you're wanting to gain the ability to control these particular types of questions, thereby offering you the choice; whether to ask or not, might I suggest some rubber sheets?

They're supposed work well for the squirting ladies. Perhaps they'll be met with equal success when used on this "control" issue you're currently experiencing?

...just trying to help.


Would uncontrollable questions be considered, brain squirts?


VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Some people feel they have the NEED to say something about everything.
pyramider's Avatar
Taint that the truth.
thisguy23's Avatar
Edit to add some are just a bunch of, Originally Posted by SweetAterPie

Pyramider no taint marked in this pic... starting to think taint is only in your mind
pic didnt show up in my quote. refer to post 65
I do not believe anyone has answered her question... So I will do so now. The answer is 6.
Next question?
pyramider's Avatar
Pyramider no taint marked in this pic... starting to think taint is only in your mind
pic didnt show up in my quote. refer to post 65 Originally Posted by thisguy23

That cross section is bullshit anyway. No taint, but it shows the g spot. Fuck, the g spot is like an unicorn ... mythical.
sumhornydude's Avatar
Well, to be completely honest, I'd prefer to see Amber Rain and Mercianna in a combo... Any other takers for that combination?