You kind of bring it on yourself... Originally Posted by Omahan+1
Lay off MW, I'm not taking the bait. You don't know me so I'm telling you for the final time I'm no ones bitch please do not call me that ever again. Originally Posted by OenghusLeave him alone Mal, he's just teaching history. I have learned some things from him, did you know for example that they allowed bitches to fight in combat during the civil war. I have also learned that it is dangerous, you could actually fall down and hurt your kidney if your not careful, or even more dangerous you could get a powder burn, yep history has never been like this. but on another note, you are acting like a bully, oh and did you know that Oenghus in latin means "man who is bitch"
Destiny your pics look awesome.... This thread made a really hard left at albequerque! Can we all get along and talk about pussy, ahhh yes pussy, you got to love it, pussy is Latin for I want to be tongue deep in it! Originally Posted by The DarkSide
Leave him alone Mal, he's just teaching history. I have learned some things from him, did you know for example that they allowed bitches to fight in combat during the civil war. I have also learned that it is dangerous, you could actually fall down and hurt your kidney if your not careful, or even more dangerous you could get a powder burn, yep history has never been like this. but on another note, you are acting like a bully, oh and did you know that Oenghus in latin means "man who is bitch" Originally Posted by dirty dogSay what you want Bro...but he ain't gonna "take the Bait"...Right??