As an aside, Texas ranks #51 in the U.S. for dollars spent per capita ion mental health. Source was a statement on television last night..
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Looking around ... 2006 ...
Expenditures 2009 to 2011:
FYI: There are some foonotes on the expenditures, because some expenditures are in separate agencies and these figures are from the general revenue funds of the states listed. Texas has actually increased its general revenue expenditures and shifted funds to offset the reductions in Medicaid supplements from the Federal Gov.
Nonetheless Texas apparently scores mid-range on services delivered to a "C" even though less funding, which means that either Texas is spending more through "other agencies" outside the general revenue fund OR Texas is getting a bigger bang for the buck.
Additionally, as unemployment increases and unemployment benefits end, more people will qualify for mental disability benefits through Medicaid programs as an income supplement and draw down on the available funds.
It is noteworthy for the topic that Connecticut actually increased its funding for 2012.