Very well said!! It seems a lot of posters on here still believe the american mythology they were taught in high school. For all their wisdom, Two glaring omissions in the original constitution were slavery(all men created equal?) and voting rights for blacks and women. At least the framers were smart enough to allow for corrections to there original plan through the amendment process.
The statistics clearly show that few guns mean fewer murders by gun violence. When compared to other Industrialized countries, the US has 20 times the AVERAGE of those other countries with stricter gun laws. We have a right to free speech, but you can't yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater, unless, of course, there is a fire. You can't use your free speech to libel someone. Clearly our gun laws need some modifying and stricter enforcement. I think an easy first step would be to clamp down on the gun shows. Illegal guns are the large majority of the problem in the US, making the laws uniform throughout the country would go a long way to stopping the illegal gun trade. One state having stricter gun laws does little good, when guns can be purchased in another state rather easily.
Originally Posted by drluv1
Yes, the abolition of slavery was a glaring error in the Constitution, but it was argued in the drafting, and it was clear the Southern states would not ratify a Constitution which forbade slavery. I'm not sure what could have been done, except to return to the Articles of Confederation, which were proving unworkable. But we did later correct the issue of slavery.
As far as the right to vote, the Constitution actually does not grant the right to vote to anyone. It gives certain bases on which the vote may not be denied, but there is no right to vote in the Constitution.
If you want to ban guns, or further limit their availability, simply amend the Constitution. That would solve the problem about what to do.