You dont lose any more weight running during the hottest part of the day, than you do running on a treadmill. You arent melting fat by doing this. You are only losing water weight.
You would burn more fat if you ran early morning when cooler and a farther distance or a longer more consistent time of cardio, than running 3 miles at the hottest point of the day. Your calories burned are calculated by your height, age, weight, and heart rate... not how hot it is or how much you sweat.
Originally Posted by Abigail (Source of JOY)
Really? Because that's not what I thought or said. I SAID was, I like the heat so I do it in the heat. It's a putifying sweat that I personally enjoy. I was just letting BA know that running in heavy clothing can be dangerous. Especially in the heat, and specifically if one's not used to it.
In fact running in the extreme heat like I do doesn't take the water weight off of me. It bloats me for a while in fact. It's the way the body works. The less water you drink, the more you retain it. The same principle is at work when I expose myself to a cardio workout in the heat. The body feels the deleterious effects of my workout and thinks it needs to store the water. That's why I drink enough electrolyte enhanced water. Not Gateraid though unless you add some water to dilute the ridiculous amount of sugar and add salt. I add my own lites with lemon to improve the taste and a small sugar to help with the absorption.
BA, one thing though. When you wear sweat pants you are insulating the heat. In the this case, it's hotter outside so you are insulating the heat away from the body. It's the same principle why I don't shave my furry German Shepard in the summer. The fur insulates him from the heat in the summer as well as holds the heat in in the winter.
I don't lift weights at all. I do isometrics or yoga / pilaties for toning. Weights bulk me up, but I've never had to fill in for extreme weight loss. Just remember, if you build muscle, you have to keep it up forever or you'll look like a retired, flabby footballer. Maybe use lower weights to tone. If I walk and not run, I boost my workout by carrying and lifting three pound weights - not swinging because that's momentum lifting the weights - to boost my workout. By doing so, i'm working three large muscle groups: my entire lower body, my arms and back to a lesser extent because the weights are light and to a small degree my core muscles.
Like I've said, I've never dealt with weight loss like you are doing. I hope you are doing all this under the guidance of your doctor.