What in the hell does 21st century Germany have to do with the Nazi Regime.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
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It does appear that contemporary Germany struggles at times with a residual imagery that often overshadows meaningful good, and some activities appear to be motivated by a lingering guilt for the past. To a degree, and may not so obvious, I perceive the same with regard to this country a similar reaction regarding this country's history of slavery.
Although that was even longer ago, there are folks in this country who remind others who were not around and did not participate in imposing slavery on others of the wrongs of their ancestors. Some have even suggested reparations for the atrocities. Similarly by many Chinese for the disgusting behavior of the Japanese in China, which behavior made that of the Nazis regime look like child's play at times (and shear numbers overwhelm in comparison.).
"Asinine" seems a little strong. "Me thinketh thee protesteth too much."
The Volkswagen does seem to be making a comeback.