There are a variety of reasons I don't (or rarely) post reviews. Foremost among them is that I'm lazy. I have things to do or read or play or people I'd rather see or naps I'd rather take than writing a review. I sometimes enjoy writing for the sake of it, especially when I get on a roll, but erotic fiction is not one of my passions. So I really only wind up writing the rare review if I feel a situation calls for it, or I'm just in the mood to do so.
Secondly, I feel no obligation to write reviews, or more generally, pass along standard information. I'm pretty sure I don't know any of you guys, and don't give a shit about entertaining you with tales of my sexual exploits. I tend to see ladies with long track records of positive reviews, so it doesn't do much to benefit them or the guys if I add on positive review #197. That isn't to say I intentionally keep things to myself when it could benefit someone else (this board is a useful tool for me, and useful contributions help it stay so), but I don't care about keeping up a reputation, bragging, entertaining the random passer by, or helping you narrow down your choice by another 2%. Plus I don't generally feel I have anything significantly impactful, out of the ordinary, or worthwhile to pass on.
And finally, I see no benefit to me in posting a review for the sake of posting a review. I've had premium access before here and elsewhere, and I don't feel it's worthwhile for me. I don't hobby all that often; as previously stated I stick to well established ladies, and I do my research. I've found that as cautious as I am (sometimes overly so), the ROS details don't really help me avoid problems of have a particularly good time. The best ladies I've seen are ones I found without PA, and the worst time I've had was with one lady I chose while I had PA. I can make a well enough informed decision without it that it isn't worth the time or money to me.
If you're a risk taker, the extra info could definitely be make or break for you. If you have hobby friends you want to make sure have the latest and greatest, by all means, have at it. If you enjoy the braggadocio, knock yourself out. Share if it will save someone, or if the lady is new/seriously rehabbing her image and needs the boost, or you just want to. But for me, 99.9% of the time, myeh
Originally Posted by The Proper Stranger
Thanks Proper, you have pretty much summed my reasoning, as well, and I've posted it before.
We all have the hobby, but some of us are more voyeuristic than others. Some like to brag on their sessions to the crew. Others don't. Big deal.
Wtf, put the fucking activities up, it's a great quick-reference without going elsewhere. And outside of the Sandbox, non-PAs can contribute in advice, concerns, best practices, and especially Alerts to the community without having PA. Somebody explain to me how if an Alert posted by one without PA saves a hobbiest's or providers ass, then the poster isn't contributing to the board. I'd like to hear that argument.
There are people who like the national scene. There are those who like to sandbox. There are those that like to chat. There are those who are really only here for what's in ROS. The long-standing members should just realize there are a lot of different types for different reasons, enjoying the many different forums our SHMB has to offer.
Maybe I've just been around too long and seen too many of these threads (although I recognize that they need to happen so newbies can see them), but PA ROS guys should just get over it. Not everyone's going to do it the same way you are. Tough shit. It's the same here as everywhere else in life.
Thanks Duke I agree with you, too. Thanks EL214, new member of the year. TinMan, if think a review or payment is what defines a contributor, then I'll consider it. Your opinion I do actually value.