You're good with words, I'd give you that.......but you're viewing the thread too seriously. This thread is, whether you believe it or not, mostly for entertainment purposes.
Yes I entertain myself with things on the board. Just as you are doing. The MODs are dealing with RR and there is NOTHING you do that helps.... They are much more adept in flushing him out than you are.
A difference in what you do and what I do is that when I take a position on a cause and go after a single person it is usually for some transgression that greatly affects a lot of members.
I don't believe he does that. You have a hard on for him because he called you out and fucked with you personally.... It was dealt with BY the MODS and You are keeping it alive..... Kind of like kicking a man when he is down....
I've already made it clear that my disapproval is of RR's online persona and does not translate to how I would act towards him in real life. For all you that know him in the RW and are standing up for him here, I hope you'd consider the other board members RR potentially shuts down because of his approach. Be objective.....gauge him for his online persona when he's posting on here.
I give little respect to ANY member that allows a board bully to "shut them down" If someone like rocker Rick or myself can post something that affects them so much as to walk away from the screen then Fuck Them. This is a SHMB and should not be taken that seriously by anyone.
It would be boring if only posters sharing the same opinions were to dominate every discussion......not that there's anything wrong with that, if indeed everyone has the same views......but if it's a result of dissenting members not speaking up because of the intimidation they defeats the purpose of a board for exchanging information....
Originally Posted by Beagle
So here we have a situation where the man is back and not being belligerent (a violation of board rules but not your job or mine) and you have a thread and things are said to entice and bait him into the exact behavior you abhor?
Doesn't that reek of hypocrisy? Kinda like poking the lion in the cage with a stick and then complaining that he roars too loud
Let me take a position here in line with your thread.... My game is a lot better than RRs and I definitely know how to walk the line while at the same time being far more imposing than he can be when it comes down to shutting people up and limiting conversation.
Here you have saddled him up and are riding him every chance you get. He is at a tremendous disadvantage as replying gets him banned
Would you like me taking the same approach with you?
What do we have in this thread alone?
Not one but two guys that fuck other guys trying to act normal and all complaining about some guy that is banned.
Why don't we start pointed open one on one attacks on sexuality under the guise of opinions on a topic designed to humiliate you and another in the same manner....
Maybe a thread titled
Hey Beagle and XXXXXXXXX Can you explain to us how fucking a man feels and if there are any repercussions to doing so and discussing it here on the boards?
We can certainly make it a topic on the front page for weeks for a lot of people to read and be aware of.
It would draw all the trannys, gays and their supporters as well all the board bullies....
And can be done all in the name of "entertainment".
I am sure I can work the question in in an acceptable manner in about every and any conversation you start or participate in.derailing everything.....
I'm supposed to spend time in San Antonio in January taking apart CoEd there but I can stick around here in Austin to keep it entertaining.