Odds on Trump's Impeachment

The odds of the President being impeached are a huge long shot as it is a Republican controlled house. The odds of the Senate convicting him at trial will be even worse. Good, bad or indifferent all politicians are dirty.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
This forum is a psych paper waiting to happen. Fascinating.
I really do think Obama was the greatest pres in my life time CB.

In person you are my American brothers

We really do need to Unite as a country Originally Posted by themystic

I guess I'm gonna have to stick with The Gipper as the greatest of our time and the Peach State peanut farmer as our worst. Obama and Clinton, meh....somewhere in the middle, I s'pose....

Unite, indeed, mystic.....That said, I've officially grown weary of this thread and now stand ready to go radio silent, kick back and wait until some kind of irrefutable proof (Finally) surfaces that any wrong doing took place. We've literally beaten this pony into the proverbial ground. Time for one of these "inquisitions" to either Put Up or Shut Up.

But....no shutting up per the whiny, lack-of-any-credibility Free Press.....even when final results end up showing a Big Fat zerO per any involvement between DJT & The Rooskies..they just aren't gonna let it go. Just watch...

...they'll still be harping on it right into the 2020 elections. And btw no shutting up, it would appear, for the bitter, sexual predator enabling HilLIARy either. Almost SEVEN months hence and she still cannot let go of the nightmare that was 11-08-16. bwahahahahahahaha.....:roflmao :
I think Hilary's email were fake news. Lol leaked by twit head's Russian buddies. Wish I had a Twitter account with nothing better to do than tweet about Russia and how great I am.

Voted most entertaining president ever by me ��. Too bad he won't last 4 years��
TexTushHog's Avatar
The odds of the President being impeached are a huge long shot as it is a Republican controlled house. The odds of the Senate convicting him at trial will be even worse. Good, bad or indifferent all politicians are dirty. Originally Posted by Snafu75
Exactly. Democratic senators aren't going to vote to convict Trump. He's our MVP. Then, if we get one of the two chambers back -- preferably the Senate, though that's a very long shot -- we can keep most bad shit from happening for two years, plus we'll have subpoena power for committee investigations. If we don't start using the Republican playbook of fucking a sitting President of the opposing party, we're idiots. You have to fight fire with fire.
The latest from Washington, D.C., is that associates of former FBI Director James Comey claim he made a contemporaneous record of a private February conversation with the president whereby Mr. Donald Trump pressured the director to drop the Bureau's investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's alleged connections with the Russians.

"I hope you can let this go," the president is reported to have said, "let Flynn go."

This, along with the firing of Comey when it appeared he would not play ball with the president, has led whispers of the "I" word to become veritable shouts … at least from some quarters. From the House floor, on May 17, Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, became the first congressman to call for the president's impeachment.


If Comey Testifies Trump ‘Pressured’ Him to End Russia Investigation, Legally, Is That Obstruction of Justice?


CNN and all news channels are becoming head bobbers and long facial expressions to each other.

When trump is against the wall, change the subject to hillary or obama. LOL

TRUMP TWEETED: i will fire anyone that goes against me. lol






  • grean
  • 06-01-2017, 07:09 AM
Obviously "covfefe" is the Russian code word that will begin the invasion.... it's going to be Red Dawn soon!

2short@desky's Avatar
The entire Russian event is nothing but "fake news", a reboot of the mob mentality of McCarthyism. Democrats may get to impeachment proceedings, but it will die because there's is no evidence to be found because it didn't happen. This is just a sideshow to grind the President down, and even this BS isn't going to work. Haiti and the Clintons....Seth Rich...now there's a story.
goodolboy's Avatar
The latest from Washington, D.C., is that associates of former FBI Director James Comey claim he made a contemporaneous record of a private February conversation with the president whereby Mr. Donald Trump pressured the director to drop the Bureau's investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's alleged connections with the Russians.

"I hope you can let this go," the president is reported to have said, "let Flynn go."

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
This has been already covered in this thread, but I guess you missed when Comey testified under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee in May. The transcript reads, (" But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason." "That would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience," Comey told the senators.") http://www.dailywire.com/news/16645/...be-joseph-curl

The link to the video of Comey's testimony. https://youtu.be/lC-UDjTDra0

So either the media is lying, or Comey lied about the "memo" or Comey lied under oath. We may soon see.
goodolboy's Avatar
The entire Russian event is nothing but "fake news", a reboot of the mob mentality of McCarthyism. Democrats may get to impeachment proceedings, but it will die because there's is no evidence to be found because it didn't happen. This is just a sideshow to grind the President down, and even this BS isn't going to work. Haiti and the Clintons....Seth Rich...now there's a story. Originally Posted by 2short@desky

I said a long time ago, and still believe that this whole "Russian" smear campaign is gonna bite the Democrats in the ass hard. They are tracking down all this leaked classified information the MSM keep reporting on, and it will lead to the top. This is a planned political coup to take down a president.

"It now seems apparent that we overestimated the patriotism and professionalism of the people in these agencies, who allowed them to be politically weaponized by the Obama administration. That being true, if we value democracy, can we permit them to exist in their current form?" https://www.usatoday.com/story/opini...umn/102284058/

"The revelations, as well as testimony this week from former Obama intel officials, show the extent to which the Obama administration politicized and weaponized intelligence against Americans."

"We also learned this week that Obama intelligence officials really had no good reason attaching a summary of a dossier on Trump to a highly classified Russia briefing they gave to Obama just weeks before Trump took office." http://nypost.com/2017/05/26/how-tea...-the-election/
TheWanderer's Avatar
This Covfefe thing is the best ever. Did you hear Spicer explaining it....lol
What if Trump evokes Executive privilege and blocks Comey's testimony?
Please do it Donald....Covfefe! Covfefe!
txexetoo's Avatar
If Comey testifies that he believes Trump tried to obstruct justice by pressuring him then he is guilty of obstruction himself. He is required by law to report it immediately which he didn't do
  • grean
  • 06-01-2017, 01:03 PM
If Comey testifies that he believes Trump tried to obstruct justice by pressuring him then he is guilty of obstruction himself. He is required by law to report it immediately which he didn't do Originally Posted by txexetoo
I don't believe he is required to tell congress anything that might interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The entire Russian event is nothing but "fake news", a reboot of the mob mentality of McCarthyism. Democrats may get to impeachment proceedings, but it will die because there's is no evidence to be found because it didn't happen. This is just a sideshow to grind the President down, and even this BS isn't going to work. Haiti and the Clintons....Seth Rich...now there's a story. Originally Posted by 2short@desky
It's really not the Democrats that want him impeached. It's the Republicans who would much prefer to have Pence. Democrats want to hang Trump's stinking carcass around the neck of every Republican running in 2018.
TheWanderer's Avatar
If Comey testifies that he believes Trump tried to obstruct justice by pressuring him then he is guilty of obstruction himself. He is required by law to report it immediately which he didn't do Originally Posted by txexetoo
Required to report it to who? The authorities? The President?