Odds on Trump's Impeachment

LickHer's Avatar
Required to report it to who? The authorities? The President? Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Yes, the "authorities," the Attorney General as a matter of fact.
LickHer's Avatar
The thing that virtually everyone just doesn't get/understand is the act of impeachment wouldn't remove Trump from office. Impeachment is only the act of bringing charges against a government official. Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges, perjury and obstruction of justice. However, he was not convicted and remained President. No way Trump will be impeached by a Republican Congress and even if the Democrats take one or both houses back in the midterms even if they do impeach him, no way 67 Senators(two thirds needed) are going to vote for a conviction.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Yes, the "authorities," the Attorney General as a matter of fact. Originally Posted by LickHer
Jeff Sessions? Thought he was "Recused"
I think the FBI is looking at him too. Might as well have reported it to Ivanka.
LickHer's Avatar
Jeff Sessions? Thought he was "Recused"
I think the FBI is looking at him too. Might as well have reported it to Ivanka. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Sessons is recused from one specific inquiry but he's still the AG and Commey could have also gone to the Deputy AG if he felt the recusal came into play in this instance.
texassapper's Avatar
The thing that virtually everyone just doesn't get/understand is the act of impeachment wouldn't remove Trump from office. Impeachment is only the act of bringing charges against a government official. Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges, perjury and obstruction of justice. However, he was not convicted and remained President. No way Trump will be impeached by a Republican Congress and even if the Democrats take one or both houses back in the midterms even if they do impeach him, no way 67 Senators(two thirds needed) are going to vote for a conviction. Originally Posted by LickHer
If you're going to start confusing people with facts, you might as well explain to them that there's no such thing as free healthcare, free educations, and free lunches.
This has been already covered in this thread, but I guess you missed when Comey testified under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee in May. The transcript reads, (" But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason." "That would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience," Comey told the senators.") http://www.dailywire.com/news/16645/...be-joseph-curl

The link to the video of Comey's testimony. https://youtu.be/lC-UDjTDra0

So either the media is lying, or Comey lied about the "memo" or Comey lied under oath. We may soon see. Originally Posted by goodolboy

  • grean
  • 06-02-2017, 08:26 AM
Jeff Sessions? Thought he was "Recused"
I think the FBI is looking at him too. Might as well have reported it to Ivanka. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
Not Invanka....

Kushner, her husband.

Oh....wait. he was being investigated too.

Maybe he should have given the info to Fox News....

themystic's Avatar
DJT 38% Approval Rating

Other World Leaders think he is a Joke

America isnt being mocked, DJT is being Mocked
  • grean
  • 06-02-2017, 08:58 AM
George Takei


Donald asks "At what point does America get demeaned? At what point do they start laughing at us?"

Literally, the moment you were elected.

3:33 PM - 1 Jun 2017
  • grean
  • 06-02-2017, 08:59 AM
Too funny
texassapper's Avatar
Other World Leaders think he is a Joke

America isnt being mocked, DJT is being Mocked Originally Posted by themystic
Just out of curiosity do you think that the President of the US should govern in a manner that pleases other nations leadership?

He was elected to represent the people of the United States, not the effete, ineffectual leaders of Europe that are in the process of destroying their nations.

If you think being admired by assholes is a good thing, well, suffice it to say I'm glad you're not running the show either.
Report it to who lol. Comey was in charge of the law. Twit head is in charge of his ass kissers. No wonder credible people tell him to fuck off when he needs an fbi director. He can't find an ass kisser that will look the other way. Too many people/places to not look. I hear billy orilley is looking for an ass to kiss. Hell, he could write a book on the greatest president that fucked up the environment.
goodolboy's Avatar

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Your "big red letters" have nothing to do with the fact that.

("Originally Posted by Copierguy0 The latest from Washington, D.C., is that associates of former FBI Director James Comey claim he made a contemporaneous record of a private February conversation with the president whereby Mr. Donald Trump pressured the director to drop the Bureau's investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's alleged connections with the Russians.

"I hope you can let this go," the president is reported to have said, "let Flynn go."
Comey testified under oath before the Senate Judiciary Committee in May. The transcript reads, (" But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason." "That would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience," Comey told the senators.") http://www.dailywire.com/news/16645/...be-joseph-curl

The link to the video of Comey's testimony. https://youtu.be/lC-UDjTDra0

Why would Comey claim his memo shows that Trump pressured him to drop the investigation in February, and then later testify under oath before the Senate in May that he has never seen someone ever ask the FBI to drop a investigation for political reasons in his experience?

So either the media is lying, or Comey lied about the "memo" or Comey lied under oath. We may soon see.
goodolboy's Avatar
DJT 38% Approval Rating

Other World Leaders think he is a Joke

America isnt being mocked, DJT is being Mocked Originally Posted by themystic

Interesting that when Trump won the election with the majority vote in 85% of all the county's and the majority vote in 30 out of 50 states his approval rating November 2-5 was only 36% to Hillerys 47%

texassapper's Avatar
polls also showed him losing the election. polls are as trustworthy as provider promises to be on time....