trump the traitor

lustylad's Avatar
Keep trying, millsy... you can't escape history. The Dems were in bed with the Klan from Day One. That's a FACT.

Dinesh D'Souza ✔ @DineshDSouza

WHEN THE KLAN HAD POWER: In the 1920s the KKK marched 50,000 men in hoods down 5th Ave in NY--they were headed to the Dem Nat'l Convention

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

— The KKK loves Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists love Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis love Trump; they praise him, chant his name and say their values are aligned with Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis are an important part of Trump's base, which is why he tries to protect them and what they stand for

— Trump has taken full control of the Republican Party (at least for now)

— Oh, and anyone who would suggest the KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis didn't vote overwhelming Republican and for Trump is a clueless fucktard

People are funny. They like to say that there is racism in both parties when pointing out the things happening in the Republican Party. But they like to pretend only the Democratic Party had KKK members in the past. No, the Republican Party had them back then too. The Republican Party made a strategy to get the support of racists. And today the head of the Republican Party is being praised and saluted by the racists. They weren't saying Heil Clinton, that was Heil Trump they were chanting. That's Heil the Republican. Even if you want to say that the KKK started in the Democratic Party in the 20s. It's looking like the party they have found more of a home with the Republicans these past decades.

So yeah let's state some facts for you disingenuous people:
1) Lincoln was a Republican. He helped emancipate the slaves. But then in the 60s, the Republican Party made a strategy to court racists voters and shift their ideology. That's why today 90% or more African Americans vote Democratic.
We aren't dumb. We know the party that supports us. That's a FACT.

2) The KKK has roots in the Democratic Party. But again, things aren't the same as in the past. The Democratic platform in the modern age is anti everyone the KKK stands for. So you are going to find more KKK members in the Republican Party. Hence why you have seen info coming out about people at the protests being in the college Republicans at their universities. Why they are saying how much Trump supports them. That's a FACT.

What's some more facts, Jeff Session talked about joining the KKK, Trumps dad was caught at KKK rally. Those are FACTS.
lustylad's Avatar
FACT: KKK and White Supremacists LOVE Trump. They are an important part of his base. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Yeah, they are YUGE. Just like back in the 1920s when they were 4 million strong and marched down 5th Avenue in hoodies on their way to the Democratic National Convention. Today they can deliver a whopping 0.03% of the vote, at most. That must be why Trump keeps disavowing them. Fact is they barely register anywhere, except in the minds of crunchyass and the libtard media who like to blow them up to smear Republicans and deflect from their central role in the sordid history of the Democratic Party.

From “Is Charlottesville What’s Really Going on in the USA?”

by Roger Simon,, Aug. 12:

Being a Jewish fella, I don’t hold much brief for white supremacists and neo-Nazis. But until this Saturday, I hadn’t seen a lot of them around lately. And I’ve been going about the country quite a bit for the last couple of years, hitting roughly half the states, including some like Mississippi where the Klan was once riding high.

I’m happy to report that on my visit to the black-owned Two Sister’s Kitchen in the capital of that state, Jackson, blacks and whites were both equally, and contentedly in my eyes, braving the criticism of their cardiologists for what is reputed to be the best fried chicken in town. I recommend it wholeheartedly (no pun intended).

Nevertheless, the types who surfaced in Charlottesville on Saturday are certainly human beings of the most repellent and disgusting sort, murderous too—pretty much violent, evil sociopaths. I wouldn’t mind if they were all rounded up, put in a space ship, and sent on a one-way trip to Alpha Centauri.

But how many of them are there really in this land of ours and is this an epidemic?

Well, it’s hard to tell because statistics are scant and various organizations have their reasons for inflating or deflating the numbers. But we could start with the History Channel... which informs us that the KKK, at its height in the 1920s, had four million members. Since the population then was just over one hundred million, that’s close to four percent of the country...

By the 1990s, however, the same source tells us the Klan was down to a paltry 6,000-10,000... nationwide. Has it gone up since then? Hard to say, but if so, not much.

Well, okay, the Klan, although it’s the most famous and features the ever-popular David Duke, is not the only organization of wretched white supremacist nut cases. There are a number of others. So for the sake of argument, let’s say there are as many as 100,000 white supremacists in America today. (This is undoubtedly a vast exaggeration, but let’s use it, as I said, for the sake of argument.)

Meanwhile, since the 1920s, our population has more than tripled to some 325 million. Using the figure of 100,000 white supremacists (not many of whom made it to Charlottesville fortunately), this puts the percentage of white supremacists in the U.S. at a puny 0.03%. Terrible people, yes, but no epidemic by any stretch of the imagination.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

— The KKK loves Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists love Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis love Trump; they praise him, chant his name and say their values are aligned with Trump

— The KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis are an important part of Trump's base, which is why he tries to protect them and what they stand for

— Trump has taken full control of the Republican Party (at least for now)

— Oh, and anyone who would suggest the KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis didn't vote overwhelming Republican and for Trump is a clueless fucktard

Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Racists of the 21st century and their racist supporters will deflect the truth about the KKK in 2017. They wish they could return to the past. They are disingenuous, despicable, and lacking any true sense of right and wrong.

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Keep trying, millsy... you can't escape history. Originally Posted by lustylad
But some people want to escape the present. Today's incarnation of the KKK and white supremacy is at issue and shaping today's events. Only a true racist (lustyturd) would avoid confronting the present truths by hiding behind events from 100 years ago.

anyone who would suggest the KKK and White Supremacists and Nazis didn't vote overwhelming Republican and for Trump is a clueless fucktard
Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

Guess who is deflecting and avoiding the truth about the KKK in 2017? lustyturd is.

And why is lustyturd deflecting and avoiding the truth about the KKK in 2017?

Because lustyturd himself is a Trump butt-loving racist, white supremacist fucktard.
Their values are aligned and it's on full display.

lustyturd coming to Trump's defense while cumming in Trump's ass.
lustylad's Avatar
lustyturd is a Trump butt-loving racist, white supremacist fucktard.
Their values are aligned and it's on full display. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
You enjoy being a crude, ignorant, twisted little fuck, dontcha?

Here's what I just posted... did you read it? Are you deaf or stupid or both?

...the types who surfaced in Charlottesville on Saturday are certainly human beings of the most repellent and disgusting sort, murderous too—pretty much violent, evil sociopaths... Originally Posted by lustylad
You're a brain-dead libtard whose thick-headed stupidity and inability to comprehend plain English is on full display, crunchyass!

Your values are aligned with lowlife two-bit cheats, liars and hacks!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Here's what I just posted... did you read it? Originally Posted by lustylad

Pffft. Trump read a statement condemning them. But those where not his true feelings. His other statements and actions show his true lack of character. Just like your lack of character by deflecting the present truth of the KKK. You do it because you are a true racist.

Your pathetic contributions to this board are little turds shooting out your pigeon-brained ass.

So basically, lustyturd, you can go fuck yourself. You are racist scum.

lustylad's Avatar
Trump read a statement condemning them. But those where (sic) not his true feelings. His other statements and actions show his true lack of character. Just like your lack of character by deflecting the present truth of the KKK. You do it because you are a true racist... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Well lookee here - is crunchyass really setting himself up as a judge of character on a hooker board? How funny is that?

You are a joke, and a pitiful one at that! Only a desperate libtard who is completely out of arguments would attack someone he has never met by claiming to know his "true feelings". Does it threaten your smug, phony sense of moral superiority if I too scorn the racists? Does it trigger cognitive dissonance when you can't play the race card anymore?

You look stupid and desperate claiming to know my "true feelings" better than I do. But then, that's the way you dimotards roll. Just like you tell voters you know their best interests better than they do lol. Of course the voters can smell your condescension a mile away. It's a big turn-off to them, but at least it makes you feel better about your own miserable self. So keep it up... that's why you lib-retarded dims keep losing elections.

Speaking of character, what does it say about dimotards that they push everyone else to confront the country's racial past yet they won't let the conversation dwell on their own sordid racial history? They exempt themselves from the soul-searching they want to force on others. Let's focus on your sins and sweep mine under the rug. Can you say "hypocrite"?

You're a joke, crunchyass. By your own posts you place yourself squarely in the same basket as those hateful tiki-torch-carrying Charlottesville miscreants - the ones I already described as "human beings of the most disgusting and repellent sort... evil sociopaths".

Good job!
Damn, you are good Lusty. If you are ever in Austin please look me up - I would love to buy you a drink

Well lookee here - is crunchyass really setting himself up as a judge of character on a hooker board? How funny is that?

You are a joke, and a pitiful one at that! Only a desperate libtard who is completely out of arguments would attack someone he has never met by claiming to know his "true feelings". Does it threaten your smug, phony sense of moral superiority if I too scorn the racists? Does it trigger cognitive dissonance when you can't play the race card anymore?

You look stupid and desperate claiming to know my "true feelings" better than I do. But then, that's the way you dimotards roll. Just like you tell voters you know their best interests better than they do lol. Of course the voters can smell your condescension a mile away. It's a big turn-off to them, but at least it makes you feel better about your own miserable self. So keep it up... that's why you lib-retarded dims keep losing elections.

Speaking of character, what does it say about dimotards that they push everyone else to confront the country's racial past yet they won't let the conversation dwell on their own sordid racial history? They exempt themselves from the soul-searching they want to force on others. Let's focus on your sins and sweep mine under the rug. Can you say "hypocrite"?

You're a joke, crunchyass. By your own posts you place yourself squarely in the same basket as those hateful tiki-torch-carrying Charlottesville miscreants - the ones I already described as "human beings of the most disgusting and repellent sort... evil sociopaths".

Good job! Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey guys if your defense or rebuttal to someone criticizing your party's recent history in regards to racism is to bring up the other party's past history of racism, you've lost the argument. Republicans henge to the Party of Lincoln and their counterparts KKK link too much. Because one could just point to the modern accomplishments of the Democratic Party that shatters anything they have done in that regards. Democrats nominated and then elected the first black president. That's big. That's monumental. Also an overwhelming show of support for Republican nominee in this last election by racists groups is big too. Those things aren't lessened by going to the well of Lincoln and Democratic history. If you can only point to Lincoln as your party's signature accomplishment in regards to racism, it's time your party did more.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Well lookee here -
Originally Posted by lustylad

Bla bla bla... Who cares what you think? You are a vile, vapid racist.

gfejunkie's Avatar
The Communist Party endorsed both Hillary and Obama.

Does that make them Communists?

Or, is that in their favor? Hard to keep up with how you lefties feel about Russia and Communists. Love? Hate? Love? Hate?.......
The Communist Party endorsed both Hillary and Obama.

Does that make them Communists?

Or, is that in their favor? Hard to keep up with how you lefties feel about Russia and Communists. Love? Hate? Love? Hate?....... Originally Posted by gfejunkie

You know you're in a bad place when you're bringing up an obscure conservative website and Communists supporting Clinton. Guess what? Clinton never gave a wink and a nod to Communists. And I've never seen Communists taking to the streets protesting and killing someone. You're talking about apples vs racists. The KKK and white supremacists were saying Heil Trump. And he blamed both sides. You trying to shift the conversation won't work. Especially when we saw what everyone pointed out happen in front of our eyes. Domestic terrorism happens in our country and Trump waits, he doesn't denounce the perpetrators, and he defends that by saying he needed more info. More info when we knew what happened. But an attack occurs in Barcelona. And Trump responds immediately, denouncing Radical Islamic Terrorism, without knowing all the facts. Then brings up a subsequent tweet that's a lie to further his attack on the terrorism. Funny how that worked. Clinton isn't president and the CP "supporting" her isn't the issue at hand. It's the KKK feeling like Trump is for them. That's the issue. Stop trying to pivot away from that. It won't work.
There is no rebuttal - Trump supporters are against racism-period, What you are talking about is an extremest group. And they are both on the left and the right.

Hey guys if your defense or rebuttal to someone criticizing your party's recent history in regards to racism is to bring up the other party's past history of racism, you've lost the argument. Republicans henge to the Party of Lincoln and their counterparts KKK link too much. Because one could just point to the modern accomplishments of the Democratic Party that shatters anything they have done in that regards. Democrats nominated and then elected the first black president. That's big. That's monumental. Also an overwhelming show of support for Republican nominee in this last election by racists groups is big too. Those things aren't lessened by going to the well of Lincoln and Democratic history. If you can only point to Lincoln as your party's signature accomplishment in regards to racism, it's time your party did more. Originally Posted by Austin Dude