Odds on Trump's Impeachment

  • grean
  • 06-02-2017, 06:31 PM
Just out of curiosity do you think that the President of the US should govern in a manner that pleases other nations leadership?

He was elected to represent the people of the United States, not the effete, ineffectual leaders of Europe that are in the process of destroying their nations.

If you think being admired by assholes is a good thing, well, suffice it to say I'm glad you're not running the show either. Originally Posted by texassapper

Demolishing our international relationships isn't smart if that is what he is intending to do.

Problem is that that isn't his intention but he is fucking them up anyway.

He is a fucking moran.
goodolboy's Avatar
Demolishing our international relationships isn't smart if that is what he is intending to do.

Problem is that that isn't his intention but he is fucking them up anyway.

He is a fucking moran. Originally Posted by grean
Are you referring to the giant global redistribution of wealth scam called the Paris accord?

If so he made the right call. Interesting how they called it a accord instead of a treaty so Obummer could bypass our elected representatives and ram it through.

I imagine they are pissed that we are going to stop handing out the cash in their global welfare system.
texassapper's Avatar
Demolishing our international relationships isn't smart if that is what he is intending to do.

Problem is that that isn't his intention but he is fucking them up anyway.

He is a fucking moran. Originally Posted by grean
yeah? Well he's getting an A++ from me on the only thing that matters. Hillary Clinton is still NOT POTUS!
themystic's Avatar
Just out of curiosity do you think that the President of the US should govern in a manner that pleases other nations leadership?

He was elected to represent the people of the United States, not the effete, ineffectual leaders of Europe that are in the process of destroying their nations.

If you think being admired by assholes is a good thing, well, suffice it to say I'm glad you're not running the show either. Originally Posted by texassapper
No texassapper I don't think the POTUS should govern in a manner that pleases other nations leadership- Would you please ask your A hole DJT to stop doing exactly that with Russia

He was elected to represent the people of the USA- What has he done for Americans so far?

Admired by assholes a good thing? LMAO, LOL, ROFLMAO!! Are you talking about the Putin Trump Love Fest?
rexdutchman's Avatar
GOODOLBOY 100% correct >
Yup even the EPAs own models , show Billons for no change in the climate ( News today on the Paris accord )
Its so bad when the Libertarts own people can't show a need
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
yeah? Well he's getting an A++ from me on the only thing that matters. Hillary Clinton is still NOT POTUS! Originally Posted by texassapper
That's all that matters.

How did we get here?
LickHer's Avatar
DJT 38% Approval Rating

Other World Leaders think he is a Joke

America isnt being mocked, DJT is being Mocked Originally Posted by themystic

Actually, the rest of the world is now fearful of the USA as the now fully know their FREE LUNCH is OVER! They know that Trump is no "joke" he means business ane he is putting America first. NObama just bent over for every stupid scheme to bilk billions of $$$ from us and he didn't even ask for LUBE!
PeterBota's Avatar
Love me some Pitts

He was elected to represent the people of the USA- What has he done for Americans so far?
Originally Posted by themystic
Well, for starters, mystic...who can forget that Emmy award winning Rachel Madcow "Road to 270" Countdown that all of America was honored and blessed to be witness to?

Laughs galore as her Clinton-Can't-Lose-No-Matter-What-DJT-Does Show went into a full-blown meltdown on Election Night. Gawd...I can still hear the shrill tearful whining of disbelief....hahaha...I tell ya, that girl's a national treasure.

SCJ Neil McGill Gorsuch

A big effin' NO to that sham-of-a-deal, The Paris Climate Accord

Plus he's given us that knee slapping, one-woman comedy act: The HilLIARy Clinton Blame Tour. Stay tuned, kids....could be coming to a town near you (except for those in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.....)

Oh, not to mention Trump's got Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warren, etc all babbling incoherently to themselves on a 24/7 basis.

All in all, I'd say a pretty damned good job so far, mystic.

Oh, by the way...there's more to come. So Much More.
themystic's Avatar
Well, for starters, mystic...who can forget that Emmy award winning Rachel Madcow "Road to 270" Countdown that all of America was honored and blessed to be witness to?

Laughs galore as her Clinton-Can't-Lose-No-Matter-What-DJT-Does Show went into a full-blown meltdown on Election Night. Gawd...I can still hear the shrill tearful whining of disbelief....hahaha...I tell ya, that girl's a national treasure.

SCJ Neil McGill Gorsuch

A big effin' NO to that sham-of-a-deal, The Paris Climate Accord

Plus he's given us that knee slapping, one-woman comedy act: The HilLIARy Clinton Blame Tour. Stay tuned, kids....could be coming to a town near you (except for those in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin.....)

Oh, not to mention Trump's got Waters, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warren, etc all babbling incoherently to themselves on a 24/7 basis.

All in all, I'd say a pretty damned good job so far, mystic.

Oh, by the way...there's more to come. So Much More. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Thanks CB for actually answering the question of what has DJT actually done.

1. SCJ Kneel Gorsuck- A puritanical " longing for the good old days"

2. No to the Paris Climate Control. Humm

So thats what hes done so far to make America great "again". Move backwards?
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Lets just wait and see what takes place thursday could very well the real start of WATERGATE 2.0 A when comey goes in front of congress on live tv
texassapper's Avatar
No texassapper I don't think the POTUS should govern in a manner that pleases other nations leadership- Would you please ask your A hole DJT to stop doing exactly that with Russia

He was elected to represent the people of the USA- What has he done for Americans so far?

Admired by assholes a good thing? LMAO, LOL, ROFLMAO!! Are you talking about the Putin Trump Love Fest? Originally Posted by themystic
Why do you assume that Russia is our geopolitical enemy? Russian GDP is smaller than Canada for fuck sake. The Russians aren't the competition. And the only reason we're talking about them is Democrat operatives (Podesta & Mook) came up with the whole blame Russia meme after Hillary lost like a mother fucker. Plus it sure allows the press to talk about something other than Obama's ILLEGAL spying on US citizens.

As for what he's done for US citizens? Well I don't know about you, but my 401K has gained about 50K in value since that ass wipe Obama left office. Without Democrats shitting all over businesses (which by the way supply 100% of the tax base and jobs for this country), investors are willing to start spending cash.

As for the assholes in the EU, it was your folks whining that we're not liked by the euros weenies. Who the fuck cares? The effete dipshits of the left. Because they aspire to all the stupid shit that Europe represents. Of course they've never actually spent any time in Europe. f*cking morons.
texassapper's Avatar
Lets just wait and see what takes place Thursday could very well the real start of WATERGATE 2.0 A when comey goes in front of Congress on live tv Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Oh, you mean using the offices of government to illegally suppress votes (IRS under Obama) or using the CIA for domestic spying (Yeah, I'm looking at you again Obama), or illegally unmasking the subjects of US surveillance in order to influence an election? (yeah, that's Obama again). Obama makes Nixon look like a f*cking girl scout but nobody gives a shit since he had brown skin. How you like that weaponized govt. now Democrats? hahahha
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why do you assume that Russia is our geopolitical enemy? Russian GDP is smaller than Canada for fuck sake. The Russians aren't the competition. And the only reason we're talking about them is Democrat operatives (Podesta & Mook) came up with the whole blame Russia meme after Hillary lost like a mother fucker. Plus it sure allows the press to talk about something other than Obama's ILLEGAL spying on US citizens.

As for what he's done for US citizens? Well I don't know about you, but my 401K has gained about 50K in value since that ass wipe Obama left office. Without Democrats shitting all over businesses (which by the way supply 100% of the tax base and jobs for this country), investors are willing to start spending cash.

As for the assholes in the EU, it was your folks whining that we're not liked by the euros weenies. Who the fuck cares? The effete dipshits of the left. Because they aspire to all the stupid shit that Europe represents. Of course they've never actually spent any time in Europe. f*cking morons. Originally Posted by texassapper
1) Because they have a shit load of nukes.
2) They has aspirations of conquest, or at least economic dominance, the Western Europe where we have vital interests and a treaty obligation to defend allies.
3) They supply a shitload of natural gas to our allies in Europe.
4) They don't share our democratic values and are a totalitarian leaning State and have been for over 300 years.
5) They have failed to adhere to democratic norms in Chechnya, Georgia, and the Ukraine.

Just wild ass guesses on my part, of course.
As for what he's done for US citizens? Well I don't know about you, but my 401K has gained about 50K in value since that ass wipe Obama left office. Originally Posted by texassapper

Shhhhhhh.......Obummer would tell you that you didn't create that opportunity for yourself, sir...that you had little to nothing to do with your own success. That without government's guiding hand, you had nothin' to do with those gains.

And you should be willing to yank those gains out of your account and send them directly to his foundation since you cannot be trusted to use them properly (such as a decent "retirement").