Odds on Trump's Impeachment

texassapper's Avatar
1) Because they have a shit load of nukes. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
So do the Chinese, Israelis, Brits, Indians, and Pakis.
2) They has aspirations of conquest, or at least economic dominance, the Western Europe where we have vital interests and a treaty obligation to defend allies. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Actually it's the US causing that concern by expanding NATO to Russia doorstep. We're essentially allying all of Russian Buffer states together and from the Russian viewpoint against them. Were we to mind our own f*cking business for a change, the Russians would be less concnerned about historical enemies allying against them.
3) They supply a shitload of natural gas to our allies in Europe. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
So? If our allies in the EU had any brains they could devest themselves of that reliance through Nuclear energy. Instead they are shutting down those plants. I'm unclear on how Russian energy supplies make them our enemy. Additioanlly, fracking has reduced the attractiveness of Russian NG... the EU can always buy from the US.
4) They don't share our democratic values and are a totalitarian leaning State and have been for over 300 years. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
again, China, Nork, the whole fucking Middle East. So they aren't a democratic Republic... again why should that concern the US?
5) They have failed to adhere to democratic norms in Chechnya, Georgia, and the Ukraine. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Do we have some strategic interests in those places? I think not, you likely can't even find them on a map.

Just wild ass guesses on my part, of course. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yeah, and none too accurate I might add. Look the Cold War is over. Economically, the Russians are broken. Demographically, the Russians won't even be around in 20 years time... it will be one vast empty wasteland from the Polish border to the Kamchatka peninsula. They are no longer a geo-political threat to the US, despite how much they might like to be or aspire to be.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The Libertarts what the COLD WAR back that's why Russia is back at the gate, ( look at the money made is the cold war era gov contractors etc) Russian's want it back also for the economy
Texassapper is correct oboo boo makes Nixon look like a girl scout .
goodolboy's Avatar
The Libertarts what the COLD WAR back that's why Russia is back at the gate, ( look at the money made is the cold war era gov contractors etc) Russian's want it back also for the economy
Texassapper is correct oboo boo makes Nixon look like a girl scout . Originally Posted by rexdutchman
If Nixon were a Democrat, his actions today would probably not even be reported in the MSM news. Nixon's action's were pretty tame by today's standards. Based on recent reports it appears Obama was spying on everyone, and had weaponized the IRS and the intelligence community's.

As for what he's done for US citizens? Well I don't know about you, but my 401K has gained about 50K in value since that ass wipe Obama left office. Without Democrats shitting all over businesses (which by the way supply 100% of the tax base and jobs for this country), investors are willing to start spending cash.
Originally Posted by texassapper
Well I don't know about you but my portfolio more than tripled while President Obama was in office.

America was once looked upon as the leader of the free world. Sadly, that is no longer the case.
America was once looked upon as the leader of the free world. Sadly, that is no longer the case. Originally Posted by old_hippie

So the good ol' USA has been displaced, you say?

By whom? Pray tell, oh wise sage.....name the country (or countries, for that matter).
texassapper's Avatar
America was once looked upon as the leader of the free world. Sadly, that is no longer the case. Originally Posted by old_hippie
And this is what you can blame that on....

Give it up old hippie too. The red necks will never admit that twit head is riding the coat tails of the Obama economy. Talking about someone who inherited a mess from bush jr. Greatest recession since the depression and TWO wars to deal with. Its on the imposter president to fuck it up. Just give him and his faithful a little more time. Not that they can even agree on when to go to the bathroom lol. They just agree global warming is a hoax because that's what they are paid to say by their big money supporters.

Voted most entertaining president ever by me :-). Who knew it would be so difficult???
themystic's Avatar
Why do you assume that Russia is our geopolitical enemy? Russian GDP is smaller than Canada for fuck sake. The Russians aren't the competition. And the only reason we're talking about them is Democrat operatives (Podesta & Mook) came up with the whole blame Russia meme after Hillary lost like a mother fucker. Plus it sure allows the press to talk about something other than Obama's ILLEGAL spying on US citizens.

As for what he's done for US citizens? Well I don't know about you, but my 401K has gained about 50K in value since that ass wipe Obama left office. Without Democrats shitting all over businesses (which by the way supply 100% of the tax base and jobs for this country), investors are willing to start spending cash.

As for the assholes in the EU, it was your folks whining that we're not liked by the euros weenies. Who the fuck cares? The effete dipshits of the left. Because they aspire to all the stupid shit that Europe represents. Of course they've never actually spent any time in Europe. f*cking morons. Originally Posted by texassapper
Wow thats your answer?

Are you another of the Trump apologists who flys the Russian flag along side your Russian flag. So it was ok for them to hack and interfere in our elections according to 17 Intel agencies? We suddenly don't give a shit about Russia? Just asking.

Typical Republican, "MY" 401 K went up 50 K since Trump came into office. Thats pretty impressive. You should consider upgrading the pussy you buy. Yeah the guy before Obama, he did a great job with the economy. What did your 401 K do from 2008 to Jan 2017?

You have a very shallow world view. You may be a great guy, I have no idea. But you do come across as another selfish Republican Prick. And worse a Trump appologist
texassapper's Avatar
So it was ok for them to hack and interfere in our elections according to 17 Intel agencies? We suddenly don't give a shit about Russia? Just asking. Originally Posted by themystic
what exactly did the Russians "hack"? See I'm in IT I understand what that means. If you mean the DNC emails, then by hacking you mean they simply exposed factual emails distributed within the DNC. They didn't "make anything up".

Yeah the guy before Obama, he did a great job with the economy. What did your 401 K do from 2008 to Jan 2017? Originally Posted by themystic
Actually it barely f*cking moved while Obama was in office. The change was due to my direct deposits into it. See Obama with his endless regulation, govt. by fiat approach made for a shitty business climate.

You have a very shallow world view. You may be a great guy, I have no idea. But you do come across as another selfish Republican Prick. And worse a Trump appologist Originally Posted by themystic
Oh, I love it... if you're conservative, you're heartless.... WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? Please. Obama presided over the shittiest economic growth record in the entire history of the Country. He expanded the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED. He gave money to the Iranians that will be used to kill Americans in terrorist activities and he ILLEGALLY spied on every last god damn citizen in this Country. He also weaponized the IRS to specifically target those who opposed his policies.

Frankly, I hope Trump acts in even half as fucking illegal manner as Obama just so you stupid libtards will figure out that MORE govt. is NOT the answer to every f*cking social ill.

I voted for Trump because Hillary committed a FELONY with that private email server. PERIOD. I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her if she were on fire.

The thing I like about trump is two fold. 1. He's not Hillary Clinton and 2. He's making you liberals lose your shit.

It's hilarious.
themystic's Avatar
what exactly did the Russians "hack"? See I'm in IT I understand what that means. If you mean the DNC emails, then by hacking you mean they simply exposed factual emails distributed within the DNC. They didn't "make anything up".

Actually it barely f*cking moved while Obama was in office. The change was due to my direct deposits into it. See Obama with his endless regulation, govt. by fiat approach made for a shitty business climate.

Oh, I love it... if you're conservative, you're heartless.... WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN? Please. Obama presided over the shittiest economic growth record in the entire history of the Country. He expanded the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED. He gave money to the Iranians that will be used to kill Americans in terrorist activities and he ILLEGALLY spied on every last god damn citizen in this Country. He also weaponized the IRS to specifically target those who opposed his policies.

Frankly, I hope Trump acts in even half as fucking illegal manner as Obama just so you stupid libtards will figure out that MORE govt. is NOT the answer to every f*cking social ill.

I voted for Trump because Hillary committed a FELONY with that private email server. PERIOD. I wouldn't cross the street to piss on her if she were on fire.

The thing I like about trump is two fold. 1. He's not Hillary Clinton and 2. He's making you liberals lose your shit.

It's hilarious. Originally Posted by texassapper
Thats Hilarious. You voted for Trump becauce Hillary committed a felony.? LOL- Are you really that naive?

Pence would make me crazy. DJT is just fine where he is

Besides what hes done for YOU. Where are all these things HE promised the American public in the 1st 100 days. That was him not me making the promises. What has he accomplished?

So far CB has
1. No to the Paris Accords
2. Kneel Gorsucks SCJ
So far CB has:
1. No to the Paris Accords
2. Kneel Gorsucks SCJ Originally Posted by themystic

Show a little more respect than that, mystic. Neil Gorsuch is a gentleman, has a fine record, and has done nothing to harm you and yours. Why the name calling? Anyways......

Number 3 on the list will be replacing the seat vacated by the soon departed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She's on her last leg and is hanging on by a thread. Can't Wait!

Number 4 on the list will be Al Gore coming forward at the behest of Mr Trump so as to cleanse his soul before the Good Lord takes him. He'll admit to the entire world that Global Warming (lol....it makes me kinda chuckle just writing those two words...) is INDEED a hoax. But......he's sticking to his story that he DID invent the Internet.
texassapper's Avatar
You voted for Trump because Hillary committed a felony.? LOL- Are you really that naive? Originally Posted by themystic
Dickhead, I've held classified security clearances. NOBODY, and I mean NOFUCKINGBODY, that is given a clearance at that level is allowed to transfer data off secure networks. Everybody understands that. Except for Hillary. The fact that Comey didn't recommend prosecution is a fucking offense in and of itself. She didn't mean to? Too bad the statutes involved don't say one fucking thing about intent. There are guys in the military breaking big rocks into small rocks and small rocks into fish tank gravel for FAR FAR less offenses. Nope, that bitch belongs behind bars.
texassapper's Avatar
Number 3 on the list will be replacing the seat vacated by the soon departed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She's on her last leg and is hanging on by a thread. Can't Wait! Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
That is going to be EPIC... oh, the internets are going to lose their shit when she drops dead.
  • grean
  • 06-05-2017, 09:21 PM
That is going to be EPIC... oh, the internets are going to lose their shit when she drops dead. Originally Posted by texassapper

Dont hold your breathe. She's not leaving during Trumps term or if it happens to be, the remainder of Pence's term...
themystic's Avatar
Dickhead, I've held classified security clearances. NOBODY, and I mean NOFUCKINGBODY, that is given a clearance at that level is allowed to transfer data off secure networks. Everybody understands that. Except for Hillary. The fact that Comey didn't recommend prosecution is a fucking offense in and of itself. She didn't mean to? Too bad the statutes involved don't say one fucking thing about intent. There are guys in the military breaking big rocks into small rocks and small rocks into fish tank gravel for FAR FAR less offenses. Nope, that bitch belongs behind bars. Originally Posted by texassapper
Lighten up Mr Big Time, " Ive held Classified Security Clearance". " My 401K has gone up 50K just because of Trump",

If you really believe that this was a " Hillary" only deal, you Sir are a very stupid or foolish person, (idiot)

And why all the talk about Hillary, Obama, Nixon, etc, DJT is POTUS and he cant get shit done with a Republican House and Senate

And your sanctimonious flag waving bullshit is getting tiresome. I apologize. I forgot that the flag you fly is the Russian Flag. Sorry