NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

bambino's Avatar
The Texans can't hang wit NE. Too bad.
...can't figure out why the Fuckhawks are not airing it out, they have no run game! Originally Posted by Solemate62

They still have serious O-line issues. Rawls is decent (but) they lost some identity when Marshawn retired....and the secondary looked mediocre (with safety Earl Thomas out). Looks like its vacation time for the!
BigLouie's Avatar
Texans have serious problems with their offense. First all the coaches came from college with no pro experience. Second they can't run because the O Line is not very good. Running backs are average. None in the same league as Arian Foster. Have no real deep threat. The QBs are terrible. Brock is terrible, takes too long to make a decision, poor accuracy. Savage is not much better. Their habit of not drafting a QB in the first or second round is killing them. Hey remember last year when a scout attempted to text a QB that the Texans were interested in him and wanted to draft him but sent the text to some girl by mistake. Know who the player was? Dak Prescott, why didn't they draft him early last year? They have some good pieces on defense but not enough to win as tonight showed.
Texans have serious problems with their offense. First all the coaches came from college with no pro experience. Second they can't run because the O Line is not very good. Running backs are average. None in the same league as Arian Foster. Have no real deep threat. The QBs are terrible. Brock is terrible, takes too long to make a decision, poor accuracy. Savage is not much better. Their habit of not drafting a QB in the first or second round is killing them. Hey remember last year when a scout attempted to text a QB that the Texans were interested in him and wanted to draft him but sent the text to some girl by mistake. Know who the player was? Dak Prescott, why didn't they draft him early last year? They have some good pieces on defense but not enough to win as tonight showed. Originally Posted by BigLouie
heard they're bringing in Johnny Manzel this week..........go cowboys!!
Fishpie's Avatar
It's cute how everyone is on the Prescott wagon because of what he's done this season. The scouts were right about him in their reports.
Solemate62's Avatar
Watching the replay this morning, did not stay up late and in first half the Texans are hanging in tough, knocking Brady on his ass a few times and rushing his throws! If only your team can pick up a few critical offensive blue chippers in the off season, you'd really have a solid team for the future! KC maybe will lose against the Steelers but they are where they are mainly because they picked up Smith a few seasons back and others, of course in the draft or as free agents! Solid first half (not looking forward to the replay of the 2nd half, however)!....that said, still can't figure out how a decent team can be bested by any team with offensive players named White, Lewis, Edelman, Hogan, et al.
bambino's Avatar
Texans have serious problems with their offense. First all the coaches came from college with no pro experience. Second they can't run because the O Line is not very good. Running backs are average. None in the same league as Arian Foster. Have no real deep threat. The QBs are terrible. Brock is terrible, takes too long to make a decision, poor accuracy. Savage is not much better. Their habit of not drafting a QB in the first or second round is killing them. Hey remember last year when a scout attempted to text a QB that the Texans were interested in him and wanted to draft him but sent the text to some girl by mistake. Know who the player was? Dak Prescott, why didn't they draft him early last year? They have some good pieces on defense but not enough to win as tonight showed. Originally Posted by BigLouie
OBrien coached under Belicheat for 4 years, becoming their OC. He then went to PSU to get head coaching experience. He was successful at both stops. So your bitching about not drafting Prescott. Lots of teams need QBs and passed on Prescott. He didn't project as a star NFL QB. Dallas took a chance and got lucky. It helps that Prescott is playing behind the best OL in the NFL, has a stud RB, Dez Bryant and a HOF tight end. Weren't you a big JFF fan and wanted the Texans to draft him? Or was it Teddy Bridgewater.

BTW Big Schmooie, Prescott was the Cowboys 5th choice at QB. The Raiders took Connor Cook ahead of the Cowboys in the 4th round. The Cowboys took Prescott with their compensatory pick. I'm sure they're as surprised as anyone he turned out as good as he has.
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 01-15-2017, 09:28 AM
I think the Texans got a good
coach. Look at how much improved they are from the prior game they played the Patriots. As BoB said you can not beat the Patriots and only score 16 points. I also do not buy into the arguement that you need to use a high round draft pick to get a good QB. Look at Lombardi, who coached the Packers, drafted Bart Starr in the 17th round, and I don't think I need to tell you how many superbowls he won. How did he do it? It was with good coaching! He instilled discipline in his players. You know you have not succeeded as a coach if any of your players are going out and getting busted whether it be for smoking dope or domestic violence, or anything illegal.Then you know the discipline is not there. The teamwork is not there.

The Texans need to pull together, and not just on the field.
They need to do some soul searching. The team has a lot of talent, but I do not see the discipline, both on and off the field.
kerwil62's Avatar
Saturday predictions on point.

Texans simply cannot beat the Patriots in the playoffs. I've said this shit many times. And I know a lot of you agree. And never with this weak ass offense. Defense can only do so much.

They probably won't be better than 9-7 next year.
bambino's Avatar
I think the Texans got a good
coach. Look at how much improved they are from the prior game they played the Patriots. As BoB said you can not beat the Patriots and only score 16 points. I also do not buy into the arguement that you need to use a high round draft pick to get a good QB. Look at Lombardi, who coached the Packers, drafted Bart Starr in the 17th round, and I don't think I need to tell you how many superbowls he won. How did he do it? It was with good coaching! He instilled discipline in his players. You know you have not succeeded as a coach if any of your players are going out and getting busted whether it be for smoking dope or domestic violence, or anything illegal.Then you know the discipline is not there. The teamwork is not there, because the

The Texans need to pull together, and not just on the field.
They need to do some soul searching. The team has a lot of talent, but I do not see the discipline, both on and off the field. Originally Posted by nu2
Bart Starr was drafted by the Packers before Lombardi arrived. So was Forrest Gregg, Paul Horning, Ray Nitcski, Jim Taylor and Jm Ringo. All in the HOF. Jerry Kramer, Fuzzy Thurston, Boyd Dowler and Max Mcgee were also there. Lombardi inherited a ton of talent.

Lombardi' first year roster:
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 01-15-2017, 09:56 AM
Yes, Bambino, your right Lombardi did not coach the Packers until later on. About three years later, I believe.

Yes, Lombardi inherited a ton of talent. I think BoB inherited a lot of talent, especially on defense.
bambino's Avatar
Yes, Bambino, your right Lombardi did not coach the Packers until later on. About three years later, I believe. Originally Posted by nu2
His first year was 59. I forget the GM that drafted that talent. Lombardi drafted 2 HOFers, Herb Adderly and David Robinson. Most people don't realize Lombardi inherited all that talent. They were underachieving until he showed up.

Henry Jordan is also in the HOF. Another great that was already there. I still can't believe Jerry Kramer isn't in the HOF. Led the famous Lombardi power sweep. Horning and Taylor beniffitted from his ability to pull and set the edge. He may have thrown the most famous block in NFL history against Jethro Pew in the Ice Bowl.
MaxShaft's Avatar
Go Chiefs.
He may have thrown the most famous block in NFL history against Jethro Pew in the Ice Bowl. Originally Posted by bambino
For the record, Jethro Pugh (sp)...

Oh, yes, Kramer did indeed throw that famous block. And yes indeed he was (also) off-sides on that play...its been depicted (and proven) on a story by The NFL Network (ie: breakdown of The Ice Bowl) Kramer launched a tick or two prior to the ball being snapped. Doubtful Starr would be attempting a QB sneak from the 5 1/2 yard line had that play been flagged, as it should have been, ya know.....
bambino's Avatar
For the record, Jethro Pugh (sp)...

Oh, yes, Kramer did indeed throw that famous block. And yes indeed he was (also) off-sides on that play...its been depicted (and proven) on a story by The NFL Network (ie: breakdown of The Ice Bowl) Kramer launched a tick or two prior to the ball being snapped. Doubtful Starr would be attempting a QB sneak from the 5 1/2 yard line had that play been flagged, as it should have been, ya know..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Sounds like sour grapes CB! Just like the Raiders still complaining about the emaculate reception. I have to be honest, I haven't heard about a Kramer being offside on that play. Must be a Dallas thing. I think they'll get revenge today.