NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Fuck me, the Jags are about so sign AJ Bouye and Calais Campbell. Gulp. I'm calling the Texans to get a refund on my season tickets!!!
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 03-09-2017, 03:25 PM
Texans are not going to trade for Romo. They may able to get him as a free agent. At least that is what John McClain is saying on Twitter.
BigLouie's Avatar
Here the Texans sit with no real option at QB and their one big hope is a 37 year old QB who has become injury prone. Two years ago they used their second round pick on an O lineman who has been a bust do far and passed on both Derrick Carr and Jimmy G. This is why Rick Smith is full of crap. O'Brien is probably in his last year because with the improvement to both the Jags and Titans i don't see the team doing nearly as well as the last few years. Even if they draft a QB this year is a terrible year for QBs. Plus the Texans lost three excellent players on defense.
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 03-11-2017, 09:16 AM
Flacco got the Ravens to the superbowl. He was not a great quarterback, just a good game manager. The best the Texans can hope for in the short term is to get a good game manager for Q.B. even if they get brittle Tony Romo.
Here the Texans sit with their thumb up their asses at the mercy of Jerry Jones waiting to extort a draft pick from them as they prematurely shot the Rick Limp Dick Smith wad on the Brock Error. All the while other players are getting scooped up by teams that know what the fuck they are doing(New England, Titans, Jags) and all the Texans can muster is to give away a high round pick to correct another major fuckup by Rick!!!! McNuttless are you even watching??? Pay attention you old nut less fuck and get rid of Rick.
BigLouie's Avatar
Flacco got the Ravens to the superbowl. Originally Posted by nu2
Flacco played out of his mind in the play offs.
jstone420's Avatar
Flacco has more playoff wins on the road than anybody playing right now . the only QB to beat Brady twice in new England
O'Mike's Avatar
Flacco got the Ravens to the superbowl. He was not a great quarterback, just a good game manager. Originally Posted by nu2
Trent Farris Dilfer won a Superbowl with the Ravens, and he was not a great quarterback (or a moderately good NFL quarterback) and was not even a good game manager.


BigLouie's Avatar
Dilfer won because the Raven defense is considered one of the greatest defenses of all time along with the 85 Bears. Texans are not in same league as that defense
jstone420's Avatar
Tell him again Louie defense is not on that level
BigLouie's Avatar
Very interesting story about the Texans making the rounds. It seems during half time in game 17 when Tom Savage had a concussion Tom threw a fit in the locker room and was throwing things around upset that a doctor could say if he was able to play or not. While this was going on O'Brien told Brock he would play the second half and Brock got all prissy with him and mouthed off that the only reason he was playing him was because Tom was hurt, well duh. Seems this turned into a physical confrontation between the two and that was when they started working on plans to get rid of him. Based on this I would not be surprised if Tom is let go also. I look for them to sign Romo and then draft a QB, maybe the one from Pitt.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Very interesting story about the Texans making the rounds. It seems during half time in game 17 when Tom Savage had a concussion Tom threw a fit in the locker room and was throwing things around upset that a doctor could say if he was able to play or not. While this was going on O'Brien told Brock he would play the second half and Brock got all prissy with him and mouthed off that the only reason he was playing him was because Tom was hurt, well duh. Seems this turned into a physical confrontation between the two and that was when they started working on plans to get rid of him. Based on this I would not be surprised if Tom is let go also. I look for them to sign Romo and then draft a QB, maybe the one from Pitt. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yeah heard that on the radio today. That guy is the definition of PUSSY!

I say that stick with Savage and get Patrick Mahomes from Texas Tech in the 2nd round.
pyramider's Avatar
It's doubtful that any quarterback from Tech would do well in a NFL system. Someone might take a flyer on Mahomes in the back half of the draft.
kerwil62's Avatar
Very interesting story about the Texans making the rounds. It seems during half time in game 17 when Tom Savage had a concussion Tom threw a fit in the locker room and was throwing things around upset that a doctor could say if he was able to play or not. While this was going on O'Brien told Brock he would play the second half and Brock got all prissy with him and mouthed off that the only reason he was playing him was because Tom was hurt, well duh. Seems this turned into a physical confrontation between the two and that was when they started working on plans to get rid of him. Based on this I would not be surprised if Tom is let go also. I look for them to sign Romo and then draft a QB, maybe the one from Pitt. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Brock and O'Brien never truly got along anyway.
pyramider's Avatar
Pay me $16M and I will get along with everyone.