Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Dont hold your breathe. She's not leaving during Trumps term or if it happens to be, the remainder of Pence's term... Originally Posted by grean

She ain't making it thru 2024.....ijs tick tock tick tock
TexTushHog's Avatar

Actually it barely f*cking moved while Obama was in office. The change was due to my direct deposits into it. See Obama with his endless regulation, govt. by fiat approach made for a shitty business climate.
Originally Posted by texassapper
If you didn't make money during the eight years Ibama was in office, you may be THE worst investor of all time. The market gained 140% or 230%, depending on which index you use. And if you've in,y gained $50,000 under Trump, I hope you're a l9ng way from retiring, because if you're getting market returns, you are a LONG way off from having enough to retire.

But despite the fact that I've gained in the past several months, I not at all convinced the US market can continue to advance over a sustained period given the rank incompetence he's shown thus far. I'm pairing back my exposure to US equities outside tax free accounts and scaling WAY back inside them. I think Asia, specifically China, is the safest place now. I'm upping my exposure there to about 25%. Europe to about 20%.
texassapper's Avatar
And why all the talk about Hillary, Obama, Nixon, etc, DJT is POTUS and he cant get shit done with a Republican House and Senate

And your sanctimonious flag waving bullshit is getting tiresome. I apologize. I forgot that the flag you fly is the Russian Flag. Sorry Originally Posted by themystic
Because the only thing Trump has to do to be successful is not be Hillary Clinton. Done, checked, over.

As for your whole Russian crap... don't care. You keep on keeping on, Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and an even lousier campaigner. Even with the Press 100% in the bag, they couldn't drag that dead horse across the finish line.

As for SCOTUS, RBG, Kennedy, and Breyer were all born before WWII... they are not long for this world... RBG is 84 and can't even stay awake during arguments... yeah, she's gonna be gone... and it is going to be a fun time to watch liberals lose their mind when Trump gets to replace her...hahahahahahahaaaaaa
themystic's Avatar
Because the only thing Trump has to do to be successful is not be Hillary Clinton. Done, checked, over.

As for your whole Russian crap... don't care. You keep on keeping on, Hillary lost because she was a lousy candidate and an even lousier campaigner. Even with the Press 100% in the bag, they couldn't drag that dead horse across the finish line.

As for SCOTUS, RBG, Kennedy, and Breyer were all born before WWII... they are not long for this world... RBG is 84 and can't even stay awake during arguments... yeah, she's gonna be gone... and it is going to be a fun time to watch liberals lose their mind when Trump gets to replace her...hahahahahahahaaaaaa Originally Posted by texassapper
You speak loud and clear as to the level of consciousness of the average Trump apologist.
I understand now. Im not allowed to pick on you anymore

Thanks Texassapper. Happy Hobbying

Actually it barely f*cking moved while Obama was in office. The change was due to my direct deposits into it. See Obama with his endless regulation, govt. by fiat approach made for a shitty business climate.
Originally Posted by texassapper

And you blame Obama for that?

During Obama's presidency the Dow went from 7949 to 19723.
The S&P500 went from 934 to 2270.
The NASDAQ went from 1440 to 5555.

Where were you?
So the good ol' USA has been displaced, you say?

By whom? Pray tell, oh wise sage.....name the country (or countries, for that matter). Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

I didn't say that the U.S. has been displaced. I said that the U.S. is no longer viewed as the leader. Trump has ceded that position which, in my opinion, is worrisome.

The most recent example of this is that after Trump's visit to the EU, they declared that the U.S. is no longer a reliable partner and they must control their own destiny.

You're not a leader if no one wants to follow.
themystic's Avatar
And you blame Obama for that?

During Obama's presidency the Dow went from 7949 to 19723.
The S&P500 went from 934 to 2270.
The NASDAQ went from 1440 to 5555.

Where were you? Originally Posted by old_hippie
Old Hippie please refrain from using actual facts; i.e ( Fake News), It confuses the Trump people

Trump people can you provide the real Alternative facts for us liberals
goodolboy's Avatar
I didn't say that the U.S. has been displaced. I said that the U.S. is no longer viewed as the leader. Trump has ceded that position which, in my opinion, is worrisome.

The most recent example of this is that after Trump's visit to the EU, they declared that the U.S. is no longer a reliable partner and they must control their own destiny.
Originally Posted by old_hippie
Typical liberal mindset, dependency on others and their funds to fufill their destiny.

In regards to the Paris accord global welfare scam, perhaps the EU can find someone else to fund their War on weather?
  • grean
  • 06-06-2017, 03:10 PM
What will it take to prove that Trump is an empty chair?

Not a single campaign promise has been kept.

No wall.
Repeal Obamacare.

better insurance.

No tax reform.

Muslim Ban?

Where is the special prosecutor to investigate Hilary and Lock her up?

Why haven't we blown ISIS to hell?

He said we shouldn't let someone in the WH who is careless with classified intel....OOOOPS!

You voted for Trump for these reasons yet he hasn't delivered on any of them. He has a two house majority. What the hell is going on?

Why support someone who cannot get it done?
goodolboy's Avatar

You voted for Trump for these reasons Originally Posted by grean
I voted for Trump because Crooked Hillery was the other option. Who did you vote for and why? I am still content with my vote, are you?

Keeping the Clinton Crime family out of the White house will always be Trumps greatest achevement. Although I have little doubt that they will try and force Chelsea on us at some point in the future.

Illegal border crossings are down almost 70%, deporting hoardes of illegal aliens, leaving the Paris global welfare accord, lowest unemployment in decades and the economy getting stronger everyday are just icing on the cake. So far he has done a decent job of undoing many of Obama's orders.

Let the Liberal tears continue to flow. Looking forward to the Mueller investigations.
People you can't reason with a trump hugger!!! That's like taking the guns away from an ignorant redneck.

Twit head won't last 4 years. He will declare bankruptcy again and head out as a huge success. Blame it all on the fake news and the smart people that refused to kiss his gross ass. He has so many appointments to be made and not enough stupid people to accept his terms. We don't need an fbi director when we have trump and friends, or judges for that matter. Hell, all the trump huggers know they (judges:-) are stupid.

Voted most entertaining pos ever by me . Who knew it would be so difficult to find enough ass kissers
texassapper's Avatar
People you can't reason with a trump hugger!!! That's like taking the guns away from an ignorant redneck. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
People, you can't reason with a libtard. That's like taking taxpayer money away from an ignorant Democrat.

There.fixed that for you.
texassapper's Avatar
Comey not going to say Trump obstructed Justice. Um, yeah, Suck It, bitches. heehee...

Again, I'm not a trump supporter, I'm a liberal hater... because individual liberty > State run anything.
Typical liberal mindset, dependency on others and their funds to fufill their destiny.

In regards to the Paris accord global welfare scam, perhaps the EU can find someone else to fund their War on weather? Originally Posted by goodolboy
Well, they already have. Two days after Trump said he was leaving the Paris agreement, China and the EU announced a joint partnership to develop and further new energy technologies. This is another example of the U.S. relinquishing its leadership position. China saw the void in leadership created by Trump and they jumped on it. China is already the world leader in investing in new energy technologies but this is not just about climate change and renewable energy. They see the big picture and view this as a way to increase their economic and political influence in the world.

Let's not be short-sighted and look as this as a liberal or conservative issue. It's a global issue that affects everyone. Whether you believe in climate change or not, you can't deny that the world is moving towards renewable and new energy technologies. It would be in our best interest to lead in that regard.
Old Hippie please refrain from using actual facts; i.e ( Fake News), It confuses the Trump people Originally Posted by themystic
Sorry. My bad.