Tucker Carlson reports

Precious_b's Avatar
let's get this straight. Carlson is an opinion based show exactly like Maddow and Joe Scarborough and Don Lemon and if anyone sued them for their content they'd say the same thing. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
tucker's opinions are not without facts to back them up. the left just doesn't like inconvenient truth and must therefore label it as "false" Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The point is that Carlson has less than 1 percent of the population watching and that he isn't considered to be truthful.

How important can the news be if they have a person that Fox news and our legal system considers untrustworthy? Since it's not trustworthy, it has to be explained. It needs Carlson's perspective to be Carlson's version.
It's not important if it can only "be explained" by the person making it up. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
He already stated that he's just a talking head.

Of course he doesn't give how straight arrow he is with the facts.

And since not a hard news journalist, I don't care about his miss/hit ratio is with facts.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He already stated that he's just a talking head.

Of course he doesn't give how straight arrow he is with the facts.

And since not a hard news journalist, I don't care about his miss/hit ratio is with facts. Originally Posted by Precious_b

who's more or less a talking head? Rachel Maddow? Joe Scarborough? Don Lemon? Andy Cuomo? Brian Stelter? (two of these five are unemployed)

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden's FBI wants you!! for singing hymns

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
who's more or less a talking head? Rachel Maddow? Joe Scarborough? Don Lemon? Andy Cuomo? Brian Stelter? (two of these five are unemployed)

bahahahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
As I stated in the past. Repeatedly.

... Idk who Lemon is. But if it is in reference to some cnn guy, I don't watch or listen to them. Already posted who I watch on the tellie. ...

... As i've stated in the past, I don't watch CNN. ...

... As i've stated in the past, I don't watch CNN. ...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
As I stated in the past. Repeatedly.

... Idk who Lemon is. But if it is in reference to some cnn guy, I don't watch or listen to them. Already posted who I watch on the tellie. ...

... As i've stated in the past, I don't watch CNN. ...

... As i've stated in the past, I don't watch CNN. ... Originally Posted by Precious_b

as in never even heard of him or don't watch him? i've certainly heard of him but never watch his show on CNN. the only time i watch Lemon is when Tucker Carlson shows clips of his show to make fun of him.
chefnerd's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
as in never even heard of him or don't watch him? i've certainly heard of him but never watch his show on CNN. the only time i watch Lemon is when Tucker Carlson shows clips of his show to make fun of him. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I can only repeat the same thing so many times.

I can say I "heard" of the above when I see the name in a thread(s) posted here.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by chefnerd

Your post brought to mind this exchange. I swear, it was like Cuban had to beat Carlson over the head with what Tucker refused to consider.

"Remember. I said there were two elements here." His face looked lost every time. "Again, part of what's going to change . . . ."

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can only repeat the same thing so many times.

I can say I "heard" of the above when I see the name in a thread(s) posted here. Originally Posted by Precious_b

then you do know his name but don't watch him. neither do i. he's an uber liberal asshole.

tucker makes fun of him regularly.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by chefnerd

thank you valued poster.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your post brought to mind this exchange. I swear, it was like Cuban had to beat Carlson over the head with what Tucker refused to consider.

"Remember. I said there were two elements here." His face looked lost every time. "Again, part of what's going to change . . . ."

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

did you watch the entire video? i did. or did you just "headline grab" like many here do not realizing it actually disproves your point?

i counted at least 8 to 10 time Cubes actually agreed with Tucker. but you knew that because you watched the video, right?

and i'd like it if Tucker would do more of these interviews where it was adversarial in nature like he used to do.

like a modern point vs. counterpoint.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Nice. Artistic imagery. Another reason I like you, aside the humor.

"What do you mean I might be wrong?"

eccieuser9500's Avatar
did you watch the entire video? i did. or did you just "headline grab" like many here do not realizing it actually disproves your point?

i counted at least 8 to 10 time Cubes actually agreed with Tucker. but you knew that because you watched the video, right?

and i'd like it if Tucker would do more of these interviews where it was adversarial in nature like he used to do.

like a modern point vs. counterpoint. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, I saw the whole clip. Of course they agreed eight out of ten times. They are on the same plane.

Did you even get my point? Again, "to the moon" Wiki! My only point to this tangent was the dumbass, lost puppy-dog look on Tucky's face. That's all.

And yes, I agree: I do miss the days of a good debate on a political program. Nowadays it's just, "get your views across and that's it" programming.

Faggot Pete on FOX would be great programming. I'd watch that shit.

Just FYI, the Cuban spot wasn't all that adversarial. As you noted, and then forgot.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yes, I saw the whole clip. Of course they agreed eight out of ten times. They are on the same plane.

Did you even get my point? Again, "to the moon" Wiki! My only point to that thread was the dumbass, lost puppy-dog look on Tucky's face. That's all.

And yes, I agree: I do miss the days of a good debate on a political program. Nowadays it's just, "get your views across and that's it" programming.

Faggot Pete on FOX would be great programming. I'd watch that shit. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

i presume you mean Buttigieg? Tucker has skewered him many times. he wouldn't go on Tucker's show now unless he thought it would get him elected president.



Tucker Carlson launches homophobic hate rant attacking Pete Buttigieg

funny how when Tucker calls out the left for diversity hiring of totally incompetent administration officials it's "homophobic".