NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Saturday at 3:30!!!! Tailgating ass chasing begins with a shotgun start at noon!!!

Go Texans!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-01-2012, 09:27 PM
Saturday at 3:30 Daddio....I'll be there early playa....

I can't believe we're finally hosting a playoff game....

...poor Cowgirls.....
TheDon's Avatar
You Fuckers better be as loud on Sunday as you were when the Falcons were here!~

L O L Caaabois
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-02-2012, 05:37 AM
So who thinks Jake should qb the next game? He did have a much longer pass then Yates seemed to throw.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-02-2012, 05:38 AM
Damn 800 posts this is one long thread.
Wakeup's Avatar
No worries, the thread will be over real quick...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-02-2012, 07:08 AM
Only for you Texans haters it will be...for the football fans (which is why I started it) it can last as long as the NFL season is still going....

It wasn't started to be strictly a Texans thread, but a thread for football lovers to talk football, no matter which team they like.

The season was filled with a lot of surprises....The Jets, Eagles, 49ers, ect. The new season that starts this weekend will exciting as well I'm sure. Win or lose, the Texans did well with all the adversity and injuries they faced. With a much improved defense, they are poised to compete with anyone. They can surely beat the Bengals again, have already kicked the Steelers ass & should have beaten the Ravens. Noone is unbeatable. Most games they lost, they actually beat themselves.

Trey to answer your question, I don't really care. I've said all along, with our great offensive line, potent running game & top rated defense, any decent QB can be at least somewhat successful & manage the game. With that being said, I'm actually torn. Jake is a crafty veteran & the Rook is more athletic. I agree with BT on this: Kubiak sees and knows these guys way better than us, so I'll depend on him and trust his judgment. Whatever he decides, I'll support it.
So who thinks Jake should qb the next game? He did have a much longer pass then Yates seemed to throw. Originally Posted by trey
I believe that Jake performed fairly well yesterday but I do not believe he performed well enough to get the start over T.J. However, there is a big "IF" involved. If T.J. is not capable of performing at 90-100%, then I would go with Jake. I am glad that Jake was able to shake some of the rust off yesterday. We should all feel better knowing he is capable of stepping in and performing at a comparable level to T.J.

Either way, I look for the Texans to prevail in the first playoff game in team history. Texans 20----Cincy 17.
Wakeup's Avatar
Just to be clear...I'm not a Texans hater...

I just don't feel the need to get excited about getting to the playoffs knowing we're going to lose once we get there...

I still cheer for them, watch the games, talk about them...but the rabid enthusiasm about the team, I just don't share in. You don't have to paint your face and delude yourself every week to be called a fan...
I am fired up for the playoff game!!! I will be very loud next Saturday!

The first team offense looked damn good on the first drive of the game, except for the sack on TJ.

I know this is unlikely but since the Texans made me pay for 2 playoff games we might as well win the next 2 and get the AFC championship game in reliant stadium!! The Pats would have to lose, but the steelers could do that. Steelers vs Texans for a trip to the super bowl!!!

It was good to see Dellhomme knock the rust off, but we are fucked if he has to play!! It was better to see Andre and Casey back out there!!

Satin the 49ers were the biggest surprise to me. Harbaugh turned smith into an above average qb. Prior to him coaching him up he was a bust.

Can't wait!!!
Trey to answer your question, I don't really care. I've said all along, with our great offensive line, potent running game & top rated defense, any decent QB can be at least somewhat successful & manage the game. With that being said, I'm actually torn. Jake is a crafty veteran & the Rook is more athletic. I agree with BT on this: Kubiak sees and knows these guys way better than us, so I'll depend on him and trust his judgment. Whatever he decides, I'll support it. Originally Posted by Satin
The concern that I have with the potent running game approach is that opposing defenses are now regularly gearing up to stop our running game. They are making T.J. and to a lesser degree Jake prove they can effectively manage the passing game. In the past 5 games, we have been unable to put together 4 quarters of an effective passing game. We have been able to do it a couple of times for a quarter or so but for the most part our passing game has been extremely limited.

No doubt Andre will help open up the intermediate to long range passing lanes. I hope Andre being back in the lineup will prove to be enough but I have my doubts! Earlier in the year the passing game continued to hit on 7 out of 8 cylinders even when Andre was not in the lineup. That has not been the case during the past 5 games.

Something is missing offensively, draw your own conclusions!!!!!

At the risk of being repetitive, we need to average much more than 16 points per game if we are going to win football games. That is especially true in the playoffs. As for your thoughts that any decent quarterback can manage the game. That sounds good on paper, but thus far, T.J. has been unable to manage any of the games he has started for 4 complete quarters. In order for the Texans to hit on all (offensive and defensive) cylinders, our offense needs to be averaging 27-30 points per game, not 16-18.

As for our top rated defense, my concern is that our defense has recently been gassed by the 4th quarter. Until we are able to limit our defense's time on the field they will be vulnerable late in the game. That is when we really need them to step up to the plate.

At least that is the way I see it!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-02-2012, 11:49 AM
Well for the the record I am a Texans fan and I'm very excited to see the investment finally pay off. Even if they do lose the first game, I'm excited about them going to the playoffs and I'm going to support them to the end.

There's a lot of other teams that had very high expectations and didn't do shit. Ask any fan of the Cowgirls, Eagles or Jets how they feel now. So at least we're playing and not sitting home like those losers....

BT, I see your point, but I'm just making a general comment. Also, I'm still not clear on the scoring issue. Could you run it by me one last time? lol

Daddio, I'll see you there hopefully. I can't wait, win or lose. Don't be so hard on Jake playa, if he has to go in, he'll be ok. The Bengals are not a big threat. We should handle them even if you are the QB...

Who do you boys think should be the MVP? Breese or Rodgers? Tough
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-02-2012, 12:11 PM
Manning, lol.

Hey so who won suck for luck? Did the colts play bad enough?
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Just to be clear...I'm not a Texans hater...

I just don't feel the need to get excited about getting to the playoffs knowing we're going to lose once we get there...

I still cheer for them, watch the games, talk about them...but the rabid enthusiasm about the team, I just don't share in. You don't have to paint your face and delude yourself every week to be called a fan... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Cowboys fan?... and "knowing"?? There were a lot of people who "knew" GB was going to loose last year as well as they entered the playoffs as #6 without any home games. AND no one really "knew" what Rogers could do... Hard to compare TJ to Rogers, but was a time when it was hard to compare Rogers to Favre or Brady to Bledsoe...-just sayin...

I admit being biased about my home team but #2 Defense and # 2 Rushing attack IN THE NFL speaks volumes!!! I know this is becoming the era of the QB and that is why I believe the Texans are extremely underrated.. And I don't think we have seen the best of Yates just yet...

MVP... BREEZY of course... (close race, but beating an unbreakable record gives him the edge for me)

Post Stat for Snatch comming later in evening
it comes early this week (no MNF)
TheDon's Avatar
The Bengals are not a big threat. We should handle them even if you are the QB...

Who do you boys think should be the MVP? Breese or Rodgers? Tough
choice... Originally Posted by Satin
Couldn't agree more.

My MVP Ballot:
1. Rodgers
2. Brees
3. Brady
4. Cutler
5. Romo/Eli Manning

I hate putting all offensive players, including all QBs, but these guys were lights out for their teams. Had the Cards managed to contend for a wildcard, I would have put Patrick Peterson at number 5. The guy single-handedly turned their season around. Had the Texans gotten a top two seed, Joseph would have been in. Patrick Willis was another guy who I might have put.