Odds on Trump's Impeachment

OverBought's Avatar
Watch what he does, not what he says.

Does this make sense?


Given this:

Coney won't say much because it's fake news or just maybe an on going investigation of the greatest pos ever.

Voted best entertainer ever by me. Alec Baldwin playing twit head. He makes it so easy he twits the jokes for all to see including the fake news and ignorant red necks that can actually read. Not to mention other countries that are laughing at the dumbing of America
texassapper's Avatar
Whether you believe in climate change or not, you can't deny that the world is moving towards renewable and new energy technologies. It would be in our best interest to lead in that regard. Originally Posted by old_hippie
Two things. The reason you're calling it climate change now instead of global warming is that the models used to predict global warming aren't supported by ACTUAL physical measurements. In science when data doesn't support the model, you must change the model. If you don't you're not actually practicing science, you are practicing a religion.

2nd. We are already leading the way in alternative energy development... it's just that since we're brilliant motherfucking capitalists and not commie bastards, we don't need the govt. to run everyfucking thing under the sun. There's MIT with work on nano-tech for better more efficient batteries. GE is working on small molten salt SMR nuclear reactors...these are small stable and don't create nuclear waste. The Chinese don't lead the way in anything they haven't already stolen the designs on. And in 10 years the Chinese will have seen their peak population hit and then recede into old age.... the only thing they had going for them was boatloads of cheap labor... well 20 years from now that advantage will be gone.

your solution of govt. fixing everything is the equivalent of an alcoholic getting better by having just one more for the road,,,
goodolboy's Avatar
China and the EU announced a joint partnership to develop and further new energy technologies.

Whether you believe in climate change or not, you can't deny that the world is moving towards renewable and new energy technologies. It would be in our best interest to lead in that regard. Originally Posted by old_hippie
Let me know when China actually invests their money in the Paris accord global welfare scam.

Strange how the Paris accord allows China to not pay in and continue to increase their emissions output until 2030. How is China being part of the accord but paying nothing in and putting out more emissions every year helping the planet? I wonder why the US wasn't offered a better deal and was told "no negotiating terms"? This is a global redistribution of wealth scam parading as a "War on weather".

The United States contributed $1 billion to the global Green Climate Fund, but the world's top polluters contributed nothing, David Asman reported.
Asman said on "Forbes on Fox" that China, Russia and India contributed no money to the Green Climate Fund, yet that international community pressured the U.S. to join the Paris Climate Accord. http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/06/03/paris-climate-accord-green-fund-america-paid-billion-united-nations

In regards to this "new" China/ EU deal, again, let me know when they invest their money or China actually cuts their total emissions output.

A key point in this deal is telling. " helping raise $100 billion a year by 2020 to help poorer countries cut their emissions." Would the planets climate not be better off with China actually cutting it's emissions output instead of raising money for poor country's?

Why does the US need to pay the EU for us to develop more efficient technology?
TexTushHog's Avatar
And you blame Obama for that?

During Obama's presidency the Dow went from 7949 to 19723.
The S&P500 went from 934 to 2270.
The NASDAQ went from 1440 to 5555.

Where were you? Originally Posted by old_hippie
He's lying. He doesn't have the assets to get a $50,000 gain in five months off a 7% gain in the markets. And if he did, a drunk monkey trowing darts at the WSJ could have doubled his bankroll during the Obama administration.
texassapper's Avatar
you're forgetting what I'm adding to the 401K out of before taxes... if you don't have a half mil in 401K by my age you've been playing the game wrong. Regardless whether you believe me or not, my 401K growth during the prior admin was largely due to what I added rather than market change. It did go up, but not in any remarkable way.

And that's neither here nor there, the market has never been an indicator of the economic health of the nation... I'd look at unemployment, GDP/capita, National debt.

THe only drunk monkey around here was Obama and his spending...
plove35's Avatar
All of u are monkeys dumbass monkeys at that...u all fall for the okie doke never realizing that NO POLITICIAN OR GOVERMENT OFFICIAL has you mind. They only care about u at election. Fuck all of the dems, republicans and whatever the fuck 3rd party you call yourself. If you are not LARGE financial contributor to the world...The government says fuck u! Stop defending POS that does not give a fuck about you
rexdutchman's Avatar
We should all understand this POLITICIAN = MONEY , in the end its all about the MONEY.
Well, they already have. Two days after Trump said he was leaving the Paris agreement, China and the EU announced a joint partnership to develop and further new energy technologies. This is another example of the U.S. relinquishing its leadership position. China saw the void in leadership created by Trump and they jumped on it. China is already the world leader in investing in new energy technologies but this is not just about climate change and renewable energy. They see the big picture and view this as a way to increase their economic and political influence in the world.

Let's not be short-sighted and look as this as a liberal or conservative issue. It's a global issue that affects everyone. Whether you believe in climate change or not, you can't deny that the world is moving towards renewable and new energy technologies. It would be in our best interest to lead in that regard. Originally Posted by old_hippie
Rest assure, these "new technologies"...energy or otherwise...will come out of the United States. Certainly not China.

Granted, we can give the Chinese credit for inventing paper, gunpowder and (more recently) radar-absorbing active stealth material....but otherwise, as a whole, they're soooooo much more adept at stealing other (foreign) companies' technology and reverse-engineering it for their purpo$e$ rather than actually creating something original and "new".

No, the Chinese will be more than happy to pony up the cash and let the Euros do all the R & D necessary for these renewable / new energy technologies. And if there are any "breakthroughs" to be had in those areas, odds are it'll be The Americans who come up with them long before the French or the Germans can say "Allah Akbar".
themystic's Avatar
What will it take to prove that Trump is an empty chair?

Not a single campaign promise has been kept.

No wall.
Repeal Obamacare.

better insurance.

No tax reform.

Muslim Ban?

Where is the special prosecutor to investigate Hilary and Lock her up?

Why haven't we blown ISIS to hell?

He said we shouldn't let someone in the WH who is careless with classified intel....OOOOPS!

You voted for Trump for these reasons yet he hasn't delivered on any of them. He has a two house majority. What the hell is going on?

Why support someone who cannot get it done? Originally Posted by grean
Grean none of the Trump phonies will answer this. Youll get a bunch of Obama, Hillary, etc answers. Trump is a failure. Someone said earlier that its the Republicans that want Trump gone, not the Dems. I agree

Also when Reagan and the CIA were dealing drugs, crack cocaine, in the AA community and trading guns with Iran, funding the Contras, secret wars in Central America, etc.; George Bush was kept a low key profile, out of public view

Where is McConnell, Ryan, and Pence? Pretty low key. Some kind of major shit is going down. People are abandoning Trump like Rats on a sinking ship

At leat hes got the Trump Fans in Hobby World
texassapper's Avatar
It wasn't answered simply because of separation of powers. Trump doesn't get to MAKE law, he only gets to implement it. Blaming Trump for those items not legislated on is ridiculous... anyone that understands Civics 101 gets that, probably why no one that voted for trump bothered to respond to you. We actually understand the legislative process.

If I blame anyone it's those two douche bags in Congress, MCConnell and Ryan for obstructing the will of the people. That's indicative of the problems with the Federal govt. The people there are more concerned about staying in power than doing what the citizens have asked them to do through their votes.
themystic's Avatar
It wasn't answered simply because of separation of powers. Trump doesn't get to MAKE law, he only gets to implement it. Blaming Trump for those items not legislated on is ridiculous... anyone that understands Civics 101 gets that, probably why no one that voted for trump bothered to respond to you. We actually understand the legislative process.

If I blame anyone it's those two douche bags in Congress, MCConnell and Ryan for obstructing the will of the people. That's indicative of the problems with the Federal govt. The people there are more concerned about staying in power than doing what the citizens have asked them to do through their votes. Originally Posted by texassapper
Im starting to come around on you Texassapper. Nice post!
texassapper's Avatar
Im starting to come around on you Texassapper. Nice post! Originally Posted by themystic
Don't get me wrong... I'm so Conservative, I'm to the Right of Reagan.

In my view, there are two types of people, those that think they know whats best for the rest of us and thus seek power over their neighbors & those that know we have no right to hold sway over our neighbors.

The problem with govt. is that it's a necessary evil that attracts people of the first category. Our Framers knew that designed the govt. to prevent that consolidation of power...but we've been fucking with it for 200+ years.

Trump only got my vote because he upsets all the applecarts in DC. I know he's a big mouth, I know he's a blowhard... but he could actually change those things over time. I do know he's not in anybody's pocket because he's an outsider that pisses off everyone.

That's a good thing for those A-holes in DC... that they are there at our behest, not the other way around. They need to be reminded of that.

None of them are our friends, it's just some (in my opinion) are worse than others. I expect people to look out for themselves and their families, so I oppose handouts. I want educated citizens, so I oppose teachers unions because the last thing they give a shit about is the students.... what we've done to African Americans in inner city schools, and to their families via welfare dependency is unfuckingconscionable. I'm sure they were well meant endeavors but they have created a near permanent underclass of Americans that may never escape poverty. And yet we're importing cheap mexican labor?! Fuck that! Build that fucking wall... I don't care if it drives up labor costs... these are our fellow Americans that can't get jobs or the jobs that are available are paying $5/hr under the table.

When was the last time you saw a white or black residential construction worker? That's bullshit. Those used to be decent paying jobs that people could feed families on, but we've let an illegal underclass take those jobs for less money and tossed aside our neighbors. Democrats want to legalize that for votes, and Republicans want to for money. Fuck them... What about our fellow Americans?

Yeah, sorry for the rant but what I see happening to this Nation pisses me off to no end. I served in the military and I'm conscious of what others sacrificed so that we could live here...and we are pissing it away like it doesn't even matter.
themystic's Avatar
Don't get me wrong... I'm so Conservative, I'm to the Right of Reagan.

In my view, there are two types of people, those that think they know whats best for the rest of us and thus seek power over their neighbors & those that know we have no right to hold sway over our neighbors.

The problem with govt. is that it's a necessary evil that attracts people of the first category. Our Framers knew that designed the govt. to prevent that consolidation of power...but we've been fucking with it for 200+ years.

Trump only got my vote because he upsets all the applecarts in DC. I know he's a big mouth, I know he's a blowhard... but he could actually change those things over time. I do know he's not in anybody's pocket because he's an outsider that pisses off everyone.

That's a good thing for those A-holes in DC... that they are there at our behest, not the other way around. They need to be reminded of that.

None of them are our friends, it's just some (in my opinion) are worse than others. I expect people to look out for themselves and their families, so I oppose handouts. I want educated citizens, so I oppose teachers unions because the last thing they give a shit about is the students.... what we've done to African Americans in inner city schools, and to their families via welfare dependency is unfuckingconscionable. I'm sure they were well meant endeavors but they have created a near permanent underclass of Americans that may never escape poverty. And yet we're importing cheap mexican labor?! Fuck that! Build that fucking wall... I don't care if it drives up labor costs... these are our fellow Americans that can't get jobs or the jobs that are available are paying $5/hr under the table.

When was the last time you saw a white or black residential construction worker? That's bullshit. Those used to be decent paying jobs that people could feed families on, but we've let an illegal underclass take those jobs for less money and tossed aside our neighbors. Democrats want to legalize that for votes, and Republicans want to for money. Fuck them... What about our fellow Americans?

Yeah, sorry for the rant but what I see happening to this Nation pisses me off to no end. I served in the military and I'm conscious of what others sacrificed so that we could live here...and we are pissing it away like it doesn't even matter. Originally Posted by texassapper
Best Trump post Ive personally seen. I could feel how you feel about the state of politics in this country.I am moderate liberal, yet I feel bonded to you as a pissed off American. We may be on opposite sides of the map, but at least we are on the same map.

I appreciate your post and appreciate you Texassapper. I think when both sides come with olive branches we will see some positive changes in the country
TexTushHog's Avatar
Regardless whether you believe me or not, my 401K growth during the prior admin was largely due to what I added rather than market change. It did go up, but not in any remarkable way. Originally Posted by texassapper
If you can't make money over am eight year when the market is up 140+% to 230+%, you just need to put it all in a CD. You are an incredible incompetent investor.