White Girls Bleed A Lot

DIN DU NUFFINS Win @80% Serial Killers

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Does ANYBODY besides SLOBBRIN give a frogs fat ass about this stupid race baiting shit?
Does ANYBODY besides SLOBBRIN give a frogs fat ass about this stupid race baiting shit? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Well, Shit Eater... The 800 viewers "Colin" gets here a day, they might disagree. They like the truth but don't need the aggravation of a SJW, like you, calling them a RACIST.

8400 views in 10 days!!!

BUTT PLUG THAT, 0zombie...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That’s not only here, you lame motherfucker. If he’s only getting 800 views a day, then he’s a bigger stiff than you.

You’re tearin it up!

Who else gives a shit besides you, SLOBBRIN?


51 days and 6830 views. I would like to thank the 0zombies for their 3 dozen contributions!



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JwqYEB9kbM Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Looks like I brought a whole bunch of new viewers to eccie, Shit Eater... What have you done for eccie, lately? 0zombie, but Whine!

36,766 - 28,361 = 8,405 views in 10 days
The Social Justice Warrior, Shit Eater loves his homeboy, Killer Mike...
