Odds on Trump's Impeachment

goodolboy's Avatar

I think when both sides come with olive branches we will see some positive changes in the country Originally Posted by themystic
I think one thing we can agree on is term limits?

Doing away with lifetime salary's & benefits?
texassapper's Avatar
If you can't make money over am eight year when the market is up 140+% to 230+%, you just need to put it all in a CD. You are an incredible incompetent investor. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
that's the point, I'm not an investor..all I did was stick money into my available 401K, which didn't give me the option of an index fund. Regardless, wages were depressed during the entire 8 years Shit for brains was in office... Consulting gigs that were going for 200-250/hr dropped $100 off them... hiring was down.... implementation were down. Companies weren't investing, they were conserving cash... it's great the market was up, but I work for a living.

And I'll just make the point again, the stock market is the last place to check for the economic well being of the nation. Bubbles do not for a good year make...unless they don't burst.
If you can't make money over am eight year when the market is up 140+% to 230+%, you just need to put it all in a CD. You are an incredible incompetent investor. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
after '08 election, a guy at my workplace moved all his money into bullion coz some of the websites (you can guess which ones) clued him onto the impending doom with the n-word president in the whitehouse. we lost touch after 2012 when he was laidoff and moved out of the metroplex but last I heard, he had to sell prime hill country property to cover his financial fuckups in the stock market. so yeah, there are some losers out there
themystic's Avatar
I think one thing we can agree on is term limits?

Doing away with lifetime salary's & benefits? Originally Posted by goodolboy

I'm totally on board for term Time Limits. Give them 6 years 1 term. Plenyou of time to get what you want

Retirement Salary, should be similar to 20 year vet witnAfordavle Care Act insurance for 2 yeas for 2

make the Pay 300k per year. Give the guy with no money a change to line if he wins. If he's getting votes gov pays for his champain

Make it all day with breaks like a regular school. Mandantoty attendance 8-10

Hours per day. 1 hour lunch. 90% attendance to pass
  • grean
  • 06-08-2017, 10:08 AM
I think one thing we can agree on is term limits?

Doing away with lifetime salary's & benefits? Originally Posted by goodolboy
Absolutely. I think the one thing that is definitely wrong with our system is career politicians.

I think 2 terms is adequate for anyone. Public service is suppose to be a burden and a sacrifice.

I also think the idea of retirement from office & pension is ludicrous!

People say elections are term limits. However, with state jerry mandering, & other perks, incumbents have a ridiculous advantage.

Those who don't believe jerry mandering is happening should just look at Pelosi's congressional district map. How the hell does that make sense?
texassapper's Avatar
I also think we ought to execute a few of them as a message to the others.

Tree, rope, congressman. Some assembly required.
Rest assure, these "new technologies"...energy or otherwise...will come out of the United States. Certainly not China.

Granted, we can give the Chinese credit for inventing paper, gunpowder and (more recently) radar-absorbing active stealth material....but otherwise, as a whole, they're soooooo much more adept at stealing other (foreign) companies' technology and reverse-engineering it for their purpo$e$ rather than actually creating something original and "new".

No, the Chinese will be more than happy to pony up the cash and let the Euros do all the R & D necessary for these renewable / new energy technologies. And if there are any "breakthroughs" to be had in those areas, odds are it'll be The Americans who come up with them long before the French or the Germans can say "Allah Akbar". Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I don't disagree with much of what you said. My point is that we shouldn't take our eyes off the ball. While we're waiting for these new technologies to come to fruition, this is what China has been doing.


I don't think it's wise to underestimate the competition. I think the U.S. auto makers did that and look what happened there. I can remember when "Made in Japan" was a derogatory term.

I'm totally on board for term Time Limits. Give them 6 years 1 term. Plenyou of time to get what you want

Retirement Salary, should be similar to 20 year vet witnAfordavle Care Act insurance for 2 yeas for 2

make the Pay 300k per year. Give the guy with no money a change to line if he wins. If he's getting votes gov pays for his champain

Make it all day with breaks like a regular school. Mandantoty attendance 8-10

Hours per day. 1 hour lunch. 90% attendance to pass Originally Posted by themystic

I am also totally on board with this. I also think we need to get the money out of political campaigns. IMHO the Citizens United decision is one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever.
PeterBota's Avatar
  • grean
  • 06-08-2017, 03:58 PM
I also think we ought to execute a few of them as a message to the others.

Tree, rope, congressman. Some assembly required. Originally Posted by texassapper
You, sir,

Are okay in my book.
I think even republicans on the hill are seeing the writing on the wall clearly now and are willing to go against a sitting president from their own party in public. unprecedented really, but 36% approval rating 5 months into presidency will have consequences. MAGA indeed.


Karl Rove, a former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, slammed President Trump on Wednesday, saying that the real estate mogul "lacks the focus or self-discipline to do the basic work required of a president."
"His chronic impulsiveness is apparently unstoppable and clearly self-defeating," Rove wrote in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal. "Mr. Trump may have mastered the modes of communication, but not the substance, thereby sabotaging his own agenda."
Rove took particular aim at a series of tweets launched by Trump on Monday that appeared to undermine his Justice Department's argument for an executive order barring citizens of six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.
Trump's insistence in the tweets that the U.S. has already implemented "extreme vetting" measures on travelers from certain countries, according to Rove, reveals that president's own lack of understanding about his administration's work.
"On May 8, a federal appeals court asked a Justice Department lawyer if the administration was drafting new vetting standards. He responded: 'We’ve put our pens down,'" Rove wrote.
"Mr. Trump seems to think the pens are down because the new vetting standards are written. Meantime, his lawyers say the government hasn’t started working on them."
Rove also blasted Trump's argument for withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris climate accord last week. At issue for Rove wasn't the decision to pull out of the agreement itself – he applauded it. But, he said, Trump failed to explain the decision in a compelling way, calling the announcement "meandering, thin and dour."
"Mr. Trump has figured out how to tweet his way around the mainstream media," he wrote. "Yet by disregarding basic fact checking, he is deepening the already considerable doubts Americans have about his competence and trustworthiness."
former defenders/apologists slowly abandoning ship:


Retired judge Andrew Napolitano said on Fox News Thursday that former FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee makes a "credible and compelling argument" that President Trump lied to the public about why Comey was fired.
“If you look…at the big picture…you get a very, very credible and compelling argument that the president of the United States has not been truthful with the American people," Napolitano said.
The Fox News contributor went on to say that if Trump attempted to shut down the Russian investigation to "preserve Justice Department resources," that would be a "legitimate" order, while doing it to "protect a friend" would be "corrupt."
Comey said in his testimony that before firing him, Trump asked if he could "let go" of the probe into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
The administration's first reason given for Comey's ouster in early May was his handling of the investigation last year into Hillary Clinton's private email server. But Trump contradicted that version later the same week, saying it was indeed about the probe into Russian election interference.
Trump's White famously cited Napolitano in March when he accused President Obama of using a British intelligence service to wiretap Trump Tower during the 2016 campaign.
“Judge Andrew Napolitano made the following statement, quote, ‘Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command,’ ” Sean Spicer said during a daily press briefing in March.
In his defense of his statements, Trump called Napolitano a "talented legal mind," despite the judge being pulled from Fox News over the debunked comments.
texassapper's Avatar
citing shit like that is exactly why Trump is in office. Comeys testimony never even touched Trump. It did however open up questions about that little meeting between Bill Clinton and AG Lynch. The folks that voted for him don't give a shit what rags like "the Hill" publish. They're all part of the same clique sucking each other off and fucking the Taxpayer in the ass.

Are you kidding? Seriously? the Republican establishment (which is really no different that the Democrat Establishment - or just the establishment in general) Never wanted Trump. The wanted The Jeb! who they could ride to whatever ends they wanted. I would no more vote for another Bush than I would another Clinton.

You keep on dreaming that Trump is now being turned on... remember the press . will NEVER say a positive thing about him... they are democrat operatives with by lines.
  • grean
  • 06-09-2017, 11:20 AM
You keep on dreaming that Trump is now being turned on... remember the press . will NEVER say a positive thing about him... they are democrat operatives with by lines. Originally Posted by texassapper
Fox has had a few by lines that aren't too flattering for Trump.
texassapper's Avatar
Fox is changing now that the Murdoch kids are in charge. They want to get invited to all the right cocktail parties... that can't happen if Fox is conservative... they are shedding the conservative bent and joining the other three networks as liberal shills.

Regardless, I don't care if Fox loves trump or hates him... the point is the Establishment hates Trump... and THAT is good for America. He's our last chance to break the careerism and the internal clique running the country for the benefit of themselves at the expense of Joe Taxpayer.

If Trump gets pushed from office... there's going to be blood running in the streets. Because for most of us it will be the straw that breaks the camels back... no point believing in a govt. that will work to make sure my vote is worthless.