Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

black sunshine's Avatar
You really don't have that good of a memory,
You forget in a mere 15 post.
Quit eating paint chips.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
A tough guy because I ask you write something that is actually readable? Originally Posted by black sunshine
No more for trolling whores with multiple handles.
black sunshine's Avatar
Multiple handles? Don't need them this one works just fine. I say whatever I please.....
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Until your current one gets banned and they you start another handle. I thinck that would be defined as multiple handles.
black sunshine's Avatar
I didn't troll shit....
I commented about screening, and was greeted with a smartass reply..... to which I then replied.
Then the lame ass WK brigade chimed in....
again I only replied to shit directed at me.
Learn the fucking definition of trolling before shooting off your big mouth.
My handle isn't getting banned so fucking deal with it!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Are you really pushing the "like" button on everyone of your posts?
black sunshine's Avatar
Hard to believe someone doesn't like YOU?
Or that people might like someone who says what they are thinking of you....
Or they like someone who doesn't let the scumbag board bullies chase them off?
My guess would be that many others have wanted to say the stuff I have, but they didn't for whatever reason, probably not wanting to get in trouble.
Well I don't give a shit
Here I'll press it now, watch them go to 2.

How can one sub intellectual loud mouth be wrong with every post?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Buh-bye, BDD*.

* not to be confused with CDB, CB, CD, cb or LD's BBC.
damn your * keeps getting longer.

LD is gone but her/his BBC keeps causing confusion
the whorse of another color?
just like a leopard can't change it's spots, her true nature will reveal her in time.

update coming,

Looking for others you'd like listed

Slitlikr's Avatar
What did BDD do?
we're trying to find that out. Look at Natalie's screening thread

You can generally get a clue by reading their last few posts.
this case, you would have to guess as the editing removed the clues... But, WTF added some, still a lot of guessing.

the aussie dude that comes here to hobby and fish
