Favorite Witty Quotes

costello's Avatar
Don't flatter yourself. I think you would be the only one who would look foolish.
I am free to give my own opinions on this board. I find your posts both humorous and hypocritical.
I have no intention of "bantering" with you, except to expose you for the true person that you are.
If you do not like my pm's, then you should think twice about how you treat people - providers and hobbyists.
Enjoy your evening.
You are not the golden standard on how to be a gentleman..

~Author Unknown
costello's Avatar
Hypocrites always wanna play innocent

Lauryn Hill
  • A1.
  • 02-09-2018, 01:42 AM
Ignorance is Bliss
Bliss whores run in circles
they never get anywhere
sin.di.vine's Avatar
If you have nothing nice to say..
Say nothing at all..

Melissa you are beautiful!!
Do not sweat the small and inadequate..lol.. your good!!
costello's Avatar
Thanks for the advice. Something I should do more often.

Hopefully others will follow suit on all parts of this board.

Sometimes the “small and inadequate” have to stand up to those who think that they can bully others. There are wolves in sheeps clothing...

Enjoy your day!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Awww..see you can be sweet!!
It is so much more desirable .Im sorry.. just my nature these days to have the girls back. First... and Always and forever..
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Back to the subject..
" Never allow someone to be your priority..while allowing yourself to be their option.."
Very much Living by this quite ..daily!!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
" get it back deep enough.. and you won't taste a thing!"??
Alright..i just made that up..lol..
"Get it back deep enough.. and you won't taste a thing"

I love it when fools run around stupidly White knighting for pussy, Pillow talking, and pm'ing people begging for sacred info. Love Me Or Hate Me you have to respect me.

To give one what they want, what they are begging for, would be like playing checkers. And I'm sorry my dear we are playing chess not checkers!!!

sin.di.vine's Avatar
Aww.. Thank you Melissafor signing my quote!!!
And you have my respect!!
To a beautiful women!!
Strong beautiful women have my respect.. that's you!! To me anyway..
Guess who just called / trolled my phone?? Calling my phone whiteknighting will get you nowhere.


I've asked you to please leave me alone it's not a good look on you to be trolling me Sir.

"A real lion doesn't have to roar"

costello's Avatar
I am sure you are pretty happy these days!
You may have won the battle, but the war goes on....

Respect, I have no respect for you. It is earned, not given. I have no respect for someone who uses the rules of this board to hide behind and then run to the principal when someone stands up to them. You are very cautious to word your posts so nothing can stick to you, and you can come out smelling like a rose. Bravo! I like to call those type people "teflon".

IMHO, you have consistently said you speak the truth. But you and I know that if you post the truth or share that truth, you will face disciplinary action. So your truth sits in your inbox for you to take out and polish and admire. The reality is you try, but you can't bully others with that truth because it can go no further than your inbox!

I wish you the best in your future endeavors, thankfully my work is pulling me away from this board. No need to reply as I have found that wonderful button on here called "ignore". I hope others will follow suit.
Enjoy your Mardi Gras!