NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

boardman's Avatar
Based on some recent contracts he's probably looking for around $110 million/5 years with a signing bonus and at least half guaranteed.
In 2015 Watt got 6 years 100 million, 10 million signing and effectively 60 million guaranteed.

The Tender offer that Clowney could get if he signs could be as high as 17+ million depending on whether they classify him as OLB or DE. A franchise tag pays the average salary of the top five salaries for the last five years for that position or 120% of his previous salary whichever is greater. I don't think he's been classified either way and that in itself will be a problem.

NE does a fantastic job of paying players without getting in a bind with the salary cap. That's why the Texans went after Nick Caserio(which they fucked up because they don't have a GM) They have a philosophy that no one is indispensable except Brady. I think O'Brien has that mentality. He's the one who started shopping Clowney for an OL. He knows they're fucked and he can't really do anything about it...Because they don't have a GM!

There was a piece in a Philly blog about Clowney this morning. They are 24 million under the cap so they could trade for him and this blogger was advocating for it but they don't really have much to give except maybe a receiver I've never heard of and some picks. Clowney is in a bit of a precarious position now. If he signs the offer sheet and then gets traded to say Miami for their LT, Miami has to commit to a long term deal or they can throw the franchise tag on him again next year apparently and he's right back in the same position.

IMO it's in Clowney's best interest to make amends with O'brien, take the 16 0r 17 million and play his ass off so he can get paid in FA next year.

Lloyds will insure anything...They're British, they love that shit.

If Clowney gets traded the Texans will end up looking like the goat BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING AND THEY DON'T HAVE A GM. It's like trying to run Ford with a floor manager.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
But seriously, Clowney needs to get over himself. Players get shopped all the time.
He's due to get over $15 million this year(about what Watt will make) then he can play wherever the fuck he wants. Originally Posted by boardman
No. he can get Franchised Tagged again.
DarthMaul's Avatar
If Clowney gets traded the Texans will end up looking like the goat BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY'RE DOING AND THEY DON'T HAVE A GM. It's like trying to run Ford with a floor manager. Originally Posted by boardman

boardman's Avatar
No. he can get Franchised Tagged again. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

You're right, he could but the cost of doing that goes up making it highly unlikely. It's 120% of the previous year's salary. That would mean the tender for consecutive franchise tags on Clowney by the Texans would cost them around $20 million in 2020. They could even do it a third time but that cost continues to rise.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
You make it sound like the Texans are known for making sound & logical decisions. If that was the case Clowney would of been dealt in March when his value was at it's highest. Now you'd be lucky to not have to tack on a draft pick for someone to take him. Pray he doesn't show up until week 8. You're not paying him while he's sitting at home, of his own free will. Then depending on the standings play him, but don't PLAY him. Then move him early next off season.

He's a commodity. Like any other stock. Right now his value is that of a penny stock.

.... & for for anyone who says get a tackle or running back for him, the Texans have almost 40mil in cap space! Get someone of training camp waivers who's already in football shape & game speed ready.

.... & for for anyone who says get a tackle or running back for him, the Texans have almost 40mil in cap space! Get someone of training camp waivers who's already in football shape & game speed ready. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
That sounds familiar...

IMO, Texans would not have fired any GM unless BoB wanted them fired and wanted to "buy the groceries" himself.

If he doesn't get a playoff win, he's done. So, he's done.
It’s a circus on Kirby drive!!!

Let’s tamper with New England And get their GM!!! Doh!!! Let’s send a Houston Asian granny to Kraft so he forgives McNuttless jr for tampering. Tug it until he forgets Granny!!! Thank goodness for GGT. Lol.

Let’s let knee jerk BO’B make all the decisions! Doh!!!!

Let’s cut Foreman, let’s give up a pick for a bad hamstring 3rd down back that would get cut.

Let’s use our draft pick on some on tackles and turn them into guards, yeah that’s the ticket!!!

Let’s wait till The Clown has the least possible value then try to trade him!! Let’s let him get wind that we are trying to trade him so he won’t play for us!! We don’t need a pass rusher our secondary is awesome!!! Yeah, that’s the ticket!!!

I’m telling you guys, the problem starts at the top of this half wit organazation. McNuttless Jr is worse than his old man.

When bringing back Rick Smith looks like a good move, you know Texans fans are fucked!!

I should have done like Satin the genius that started this thread and bailed on these Mfers years ago. Fuck you Cal McNuttless Junior!!!!!
Dorian Gray's Avatar
That sounds familiar... Originally Posted by gnadfly
Someone could of said it earlier in this thread. I haven't read every comment

If he doesn't get a playoff win, he's done. So, he's done. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think the fans feel it should be make it to the AFC Championship or show him the door. While the Texans organization more than likely will be content with ANOTHER Wild Card win to keep him here.

: Likely best-worst case scenario that keeps BoB around for another two (2) or so years :
Texans win AFC South. Stumble in to a 1st round bye. Then get curb stomped by (insert team they beat already this season but get blown out by 21):
boardman's Avatar
You make it sound like the Texans are known for making sound & logical decisions. If that was the case Clowney would of been dealt in March when his value was at it's highest. Now you'd be lucky to not have to tack on a draft pick for someone to take him. Pray he doesn't show up until week 8. You're not paying him while he's sitting at home, of his own free will. Then depending on the standings play him, but don't PLAY him. Then move him early next off season.

He's a commodity. Like any other stock. Right now his value is that of a penny stock.

.... & for for anyone who says get a tackle or running back for him, the Texans have almost 40mil in cap space! Get someone of training camp waivers who's already in football shape & game speed ready. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

But they won't be able to move him for any value next year, he'll be a FA unless they franchise him again then they're right back in the exact same boat they are in now only the price goes up and trade value is even less.
I don't know that he had any more value in March because the rookie contract was up. That's why they franchised him. Any team taking him would have had to deal with that whether it was paying him more than they think he's worth or franchising him.

The fins are interested and willing to give up their left tackle for him. The sticking points are that Clowney doesn't have an agent and the fins want assurance that they will be able to get him under contract so they don't have to deal with this shit show next year. Sounds like they might actually have a GM. Who'da thunk it?
I seriously doubt you're going to get a decent left tackle or a starting RB off of the waiver wire. There may be some guys that get cut elsewhere who are better than some of the RBs currently on the roster but it's doubtful that it's going to be anyone you trust to carry the ball 20 times a game for 16 games. If they are capable of that then they aren't getting cut. Buffalo might have the toughest decision to make in cutting a RB and I think 36yo Frank Gore is probably going to be it. Like I said before. I'd rather have LeGarrette Blount than Gore. Might as well give Cullen the ball 20 times a game.

Someone could of said it earlier in this thread. I haven't read every comment

I think the fans feel it should be make it to the AFC Championship or show him the door. While the Texans organization more than likely will be content with ANOTHER Wild Card win to keep him here.

: Likely best-worst case scenario that keeps BoB around for another two (2) or so years :
Texans win AFC South. Stumble in to a 1st round bye. Then get curb stomped by (insert team they beat already this season but get blown out by 21): Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

I don't think they stumble into a first round bye. More than likely they'll stumble into a first round ass kicking at 8-8. Hell, they have the fourth toughest schedule in the league.

I know Indy fans are furious at their circumstances, if not directly at Luck, when they see the Texans falling apart like this. If Jacoby Brissette can pull off being a real NFL QB for a few games this all may be moot. Oh, and they still have the one man Texan killer in T.Y. Hilton. Texans secondary can't even see that dude. He's got camo or something.
boardman's Avatar
So what makes a trade even more complicated is that a deal had to be done by July 15 and that goes for any team that might trade for him. So they can pay him on a one year deal more than the 15.9 million tender offer for this year but they can't even start negotiating a long term contract until after the season and it has to be done by July 15, 2020. A wink and a nod "deal" can be considered tampering and could cost Clowney half a million and the team as much as 6.5 million and draft picks, high ones. A wink and a nod "deal" could also go away if Clowney doesn't perform. There's no guarantee. With that knowledge I'm not sure what Clowney has to gain by holding out except he'd become a UFA next year. I'm not sure he'll get the contract he thinks he'll get. He'll definitely lose 1 million a week starting with the first regular season game. Some of the bloggers keep talking about Clowney having all the leverage. I'm not so sure he has as much as they think.

The Texans screwed Clowney last year by designating him a LB on their option instead of a DE. He plays appx 75 percent of his downs as a DE. That cost him a million. By designating him as a LB again this year the tender offer is 1.6 million less than if they had designated him a DE. They signed his backup to a one year extension yesterday worth, wait for it....about 1.6 million dollars..., to me, it was a kind of a "fuck you" directed at Clowney.

Clowney's value? Who the fuck really knows? In 5 seasons he's played on full one. He's never gotten more than 9 sacks. He's really a better run stuffer than a pass rusher up to this point especially from the DE position and has to be accounted for in the run game any time he's on the field. Lots of guys have to be accounted for and are.

I don't know if having Clowney back is the right thing but The Texans need to put an end to the shit show and act like they have some sense. One way to move on, If Clowney is willing, might be to go ahead and give the guy the extra 1.6 million. I mean, Cal has 1.6 million walking around money.
  • EEK78
  • 08-29-2019, 03:35 PM
A few years ago San Antonio/Austin wanted a NFL team...they should have moved the Texans over there, the franchise is an embarrassment to the city of Houston!
It’s a circus on Kirby drive!!!

Let’s tamper with New England And get their GM!!! Doh!!! Let’s send a Houston Asian granny to Kraft so he forgives McNuttless jr for tampering. Tug it until he forgets Granny!!! Thank goodness for GGT. Lol.

Let’s let knee jerk BO’B make all the decisions! Doh!!!!

Let’s cut Foreman, let’s give up a pick for a bad hamstring 3rd down back that would get cut.

Let’s use our draft pick on some on tackles and turn them into guards, yeah that’s the ticket!!!

Let’s wait till The Clown has the least possible value then try to trade him!! Let’s let him get wind that we are trying to trade him so he won’t play for us!! We don’t need a pass rusher our secondary is awesome!!! Yeah, that’s the ticket!!!

I’m telling you guys, the problem starts at the top of this half wit organazation. McNuttless Jr is worse than his old man.

When bringing back Rick Smith looks like a good move, you know Texans fans are fucked!!

I should have done like Satin the genius that started this thread and bailed on these Mfers years ago. Fuck you Cal McNuttless Junior!!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
You sound like a couple of PSL holders I know.

But you're correct: the problem starts at the top of the org.
boardman's Avatar
They're down to picking warm bodies off of the waiver wire I guess. Rosters have to be trimmed to 53 by 3pm tomorrow so they'll take their chances and get in line and they're not even in a good position for waiver priority. Any decent OL or RB that gets cut due to that team being top heavy at the position will likely get taken off of waivers before the Texans even have a chance to claim them.

Webb got hurt last night so now they don't even have a practice squad QB.

The Texans were going to give Miami Clowney and a 1st round pick for Tunsil. Fucking morons! I could see maybe a 3rd round pick because they are so desperate to keep Watson upright. The Dolphins know they are desperate and wanted a second high round pick and the Texans backed off of that. Someone had a brief moment of clarity on Kirby?
You can't judge a fucking thing on last night's game because no starters played. We have no idea what is going to hit the field against the Saints next week.
I liked BO'B when he first got here. I like his coach bluster and supposed toughness. That has worn off and now I'm not sure he could coach his way out of a paper bag. I can't remember a game where he out coached somebody!!! I'm not sure if it ever happened.

They need to eat some crow have the Clown come in and reek some havoc on Defense for them. Hope they haven't totally screwed the pooch but it appears they may have!!!

To offer the Clown and first round pick for Tunsil is ridiculous.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
A few years ago San Antonio/Austin wanted a NFL team...they should have moved the Texans over there, the franchise is an embarrassment to the city of Houston! Originally Posted by EEK78
That was the Raiders