Tucker Carlson reports

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADcrElA-drM Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
they stopped construction over a rope? lol

what a bunch of babies.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
they stopped construction over a rope? lol

what a bunch of babies. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

it was a white supremacist assassination attempt on King Barry Soetoro!!

the plan was Barry would trip while touring the building site and accidentally hang himself.

HedonistForever's Avatar
So nobody bothered to ask if this was another Bubba Wallace fiasco? Naw, never miss a chance to put forward a false narrative. When a prominent Democrat was asked, he replied ( sarcasm alert )"hell, it's always worked for us in the past, why change now"? "Maybe because it wasn't true? Again, never stopped a Democrat from making false accusations of racism. Hell, it's really all they have but they do work it well according to the mid terms.

It was a garage door pull rope you dumb asses.


Though the FBI concluded that a noose found in Wallace’s garage in Alabama was a pull rope and not a hate crime towards NASCAR’s only Black driver, Bubba Watson said it was still a noose and he’s pissed people are creating conspiracy theories around the incident.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
once again tonight's opening monologue by Tucker Carlson exposing the far left's obsession and glorification of {forbidden topic} can't be posted on an adult website

HedonistForever's Avatar
WK can you upload the conversation with Gerald Posner on the JFK assassination and the CIA's "possible" cover up. I found it to be a fascinating interview that everybody should see not just those sane enough to get their news from Fox News who reports on the very things that all other news media hides from the American people like the Hunter laptop story about to be told by the new incoming Republican House investigations.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
WK can you upload the conversation with Gerald Posner on the JFK assassination and the CIA's "possible" cover up. I found it to be a fascinating interview that everybody should see not just those sane enough to get their news from Fox News who reports on the very things that all other news media hides from the American people like the Hunter laptop story about to be told by the new incoming Republican House investigations. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

it was an interesting segment. Poser has done extensive research on the assassination and used then state of the art computer simulations based on the zapruder film.

don't have time to look for the interview with Tucker Carlson right now but it should show up online at some point. also might dig up Poser's documentary on it, i'm sure it's online somewhere. can't actually recall what Poser concluded, it was some years ago but i "think" he claimed Oswald was the lone shooter.

i'll look for it later tonight and post it.