In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

The point is, JD, that your continuous defense of all things Bush is as ridiculous as as those who defend all things Obama. Bush was a disaster as President. Cronyist as they come. The only President worse than W is Obama. Obama makes tough decisions, too. His are more along the line of whether to use a 7 or 5 iron. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Big difference COG... Bush does not hate us... Do you understand this?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Big difference COG... Bush does not hate us... Do you understand this? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Sorry, Iffy, my friend. Bush is laughing everyday at what fools we were to believe him. He was no friend to freedom. Not in the least.
LexusLover's Avatar
I do not need access to your are the person Hermann Goering was talking about when he said this: Originally Posted by WTF
You don't need the truth, unless it comes from a Nazis? That figures.
Yes, did you read what I wrote and what COG wrote. Bush made decisions whether you like them or not. That's what presidents do. Maybe Obama lost the manual that every president gets when they enter office.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes I did you prefer a president who is driven by emotions rather than one who is cool and thinks a problem through. wingers like snap decisions.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You've just proven my point EVA. Obama does not make decisions....except when they involve politics. He made the decision that the IRS would target the Tea party, he made the decision that the NSA would spy on Americans, he made the decision that they would cover up Benghazi, he made the decision that we would sell out the Isrealis, he made the decision that we would sell out the Iraqi people, he made the decision to waste BILLIONs of dollars on foolish "green energy" initiatives, he made the decision to insult our allies, and he made the decision that the US would loose in Afghanistan. You like those decisions you lousy, unpatriotic POS.
You've just proven my point EVA. Obama does not make decisions....except when they involve politics. He made the decision that the IRS would target the Tea party, he made the decision that the NSA would spy on Americans, he made the decision that they would cover up Benghazi, he made the decision that we would sell out the Isrealis, he made the decision that we would sell out the Iraqi people, he made the decision to waste BILLIONs of dollars on foolish "green energy" initiatives, he made the decision to insult our allies, and he made the decision that the US would loose in Afghanistan. You like those decisions you lousy, unpatriotic POS. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Unlike the statement "That's the man who tried to kill my Daddy" Which led us to how many lives and treasure lost.
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  • WTF
  • 08-31-2014, 09:27 AM
You've just proven my point EVA. Obama does not make decisions....except when they involve politics. He made the decision that the IRS would target the Tea party, he made the decision that the NSA would spy on Americans, he made the decision that they would cover up Benghazi, he made the decision that we would sell out the Isrealis, he made the decision that we would sell out the Iraqi people, he made the decision to waste BILLIONs of dollars on foolish "green energy" initiatives, he made the decision to insult our allies, and he made the decision that the US would loose in Afghanistan. You like those decisions you lousy, unpatriotic POS. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD I bet a thousand dollars you have given Russians Defense secrets for the pleasure of sucking a commie's dick and licking his commie asshole clean. Your American hating ass is who ISIS is looking for, you preach to our youth to rise up and overthrow their own government. The threat is not Russia or is you and those just like you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
News flash to EVA; we discussed going to war with Iraq in 1990 (long before Bush). Maybe you missed it but I didn't. You bring the whole thing down to something incredible stupid....again. In 1990 it was all about who it would be, Iraq or Iran.
News flash to EVA; we discussed going to war with Iraq in 1990 (long before Bush). Maybe you missed it but I didn't. You bring the whole thing down to something incredible stupid....again. In 1990 it was all about who it would be, Iraq or Iran. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
News flash to Judy a discussion is not the same as doing it. A discussion about flying missions in Syria is not the same as doing it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again EVA proves my point! Twice in one day on the same thread....amazing!

Obama is all about talk and not decisions. Like you pointed out that talking about bombing Syria (which the Pentagon says is a very good idea) is only talk for Barry. Now the discussion that were had back in 1990 needed a catalyst to make them a reallty. Hussein provided that catalyst in the shadow of 9/11. You're coming around and you don't even realize it EVA. I guess that penicillin did the trick.
lustylad's Avatar
In 1990 it was all about who it would be, Iraq or Iran. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Huh? I thought Desert Storm was all about kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. "Don't go wobbly on me now, George." Iran stayed on the sidelines.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Too much Agent Orange Soda...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes I did you prefer a president who is driven by emotions rather than one who is cool and thinks a problem through. wingers like snap decisions. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
All right. Who is the President who is cool and thinks a problem through? Certainly not our current president. So who was it, LittleEva?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Huh? I thought Desert Storm was all about kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. "Don't go wobbly on me now, George." Iran stayed on the sidelines. Originally Posted by lustylad
Back in 1990 both were discussed. Both are boils on the ass that is the Middle East.
Once again EVA proves my point! Twice in one day on the same thread....amazing!

Obama is all about talk and not decisions. Like you pointed out that talking about bombing Syria (which the Pentagon says is a very good idea) is only talk for Barry. Now the discussion that were had back in 1990 needed a catalyst to make them a reallty. Hussein provided that catalyst in the shadow of 9/11. You're coming around and you don't even realize it EVA. I guess that penicillin did the trick. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is this your DUUUH moment Judy? You do know flying missions into a foreign country is a deceleration of war, unless it is requested. Hussein had nothing to do with it, they were just scared shittless of Iran.