Yssup Rider's Avatar

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Thuggery, plain and simple.

Trump needs to fire this lying thug or be charged with him.

I don't know why he hasn't been charged with incite to violence already.

I guess he's "self-funding" his legal defense fund as well!

Putting an uglier face on an ugly segment of America.

Tsk. Tsk.
  • DSK
  • 03-30-2016, 08:44 AM
Thuggery, plain and simple.

Trump needs to fire this lying thug or be charged with him.

I don't know why he hasn't been charged with incite to violence already.

I guess he's "self-funding" his legal defense fund as well!

Putting an uglier face on an ugly segment of America.

Tsk. Tsk. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I disagree with your characterization, and sadly note its divisiveness and condescension towards those who have a different opinion.

Please try to be more open and tolerant of those who are different than you, and think differently than you do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Building your defense, JL?
  • DSK
  • 03-30-2016, 09:10 AM
Building your defense, JL? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not JL, and you know it don't matter anyway - I've done nothing wrong.

You are guilty of supporting policies that have ruined America, on the other hand.
I'm casting my vote for The Donald. He is my main man!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, JL, your opinion is just that, your opinion.

Of course your consistently racist, hateful rhetoric is typical of the politics that are bringing this nation of immigrants down.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm casting my vote for The Donald. He is my main man!!!! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
So how big will Trump's victory be in Austin, Ellen?

Maybe you ought to run a Trump special. I'm sure you'll have 'em lined out the door.

Win or lose, it's your patriotic duty to vote, so i applaud your enthusiasm. Make sure you take your Photo ID to the polling place.
I agree - everyone should vote for the candidate of their choice. That is what is so wonderful about the U.S.A. -
  • DSK
  • 03-30-2016, 10:52 AM
So how big will Trump's victory be in Austin, Ellen?

Maybe you ought to run a Trump special. I'm sure you'll have 'em lined out the door.

Win or lose, it's your patriotic duty to vote, so i applaud your enthusiasm. Make sure you take your Photo ID to the polling place. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That photo ID she needs is an excellent safeguard against voter fraud - I'm glad you reminded her to take it along. I proudly show mine when I vote - which is every fucking election, primary, etc...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How many names are on that photo ID, Uncle Han?
bambino's Avatar
How many names are on that photo ID, Uncle Han? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How many on yours Mamboolah?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Just one, Lardass.
How many on yours Mamboolah? Originally Posted by bambino
Bet his reads : Ms. Mamboolah DOTY3TIMES !
Wise Up and Rise Up Wisconsin

Rolling Plunder – How Scott Walker and Paul Ryan Plan To Sell Out Wisconsin, and the Voters are Oblivious…
Posted on March 30, 2016 by sundance

Governor Scott Walker likes to display his rebel side (although it’s an illusion intended to solidify Tea-Party bona fides in optics only) by riding around on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. After all, Harley Davidson is headquartered in Wisconsin, well, for now.

Wisconsin representative, now Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, also likes to tout his own form of fiscal conservatism. However, as the former Chairman of the budgetary ways and means committee, a federal budget is also an optical illusion (hasn’t been one since ’07).

Representative Paul Ryan and Governor Scott Walker along with RNC Chairman Reince Preibus promote themselves as proud Wisconsin cheese-heads; “conservatives” they say.

cheeseheads walker ryan preibus

Well, given Paul Ryan’s full-throated endorsement of, and promotion for, the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal (TPP), perhaps the Wisconsin working voter would like to see exactly what they have in mind for you; and as a direct consequence for any candidate they endorse, namely Ted Cruz – who, coincidentally, was the co-author of the Trade Promotion Authority bill which was the vehicle to insure it’s passage.

But rather than go through all of the tentacles, and difficult to understand TPP construct, let’s instead use that wonderful Scott Walker (Harley Davidson motorcycle) example to show Wisconsin voters what’s really going on.

Representative Paul Ryan and Senator Ted Cruz created the legislative vehicle for TPP. They were actually quite proud of it, until candidate Donald Trump made a campaign issue of it. It also wasn’t accidental this legislative construct stemmed from a geographical relationship which draws immediate contact to RNC head Reince Preibus.

You see, sometimes you need to step back to see the larger picture. The RNC/GOPe were bedfellows in 2014 along with Tom Donohue and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who worked earnestly to get the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal constructed. Donohue being the CEO in charge of the U.S. Business interests who were doing the actual trade deal negotiations.

The U.S. Chamber (Donohue) legislative angle needed legislatures as sponsors, that’s where Ryan and Cruz come in to the picture. Together they penned an Op-Ed which appeared in the Wall Street Journal, and also is available HERE.

How they actually worked in the House and Senate to get the vehicle through the system was actually remarkable in design. FULL DETAILS HERE.

Paul Ryan

When we say “remarkable”, we really mean it. Genuinely and honestly when it’s possible to usurp the will of the people, and simultaneously position yourself as outside of the construct therein, such Machiavellian plausible deniability should at the very least be recognized as brilliant. It’s a brutal scheme, devastating to the U.S., but brilliant nonetheless.

So there you have Wisconsinites (Preibus, Ryan, Walker) with a unity agenda within the deal itself entirely benefiting Wall Street. Can you see now how the ’14 GOPe roadmap gains increased clarity, and how Presidential Candidate Scott Walker becomes part of the entire scheme? Follow the money. Yes, including the Ricketts money.

scott walker harleyHowever, beyond the legislation are the consequences; and for those we turn to the beloved Harley Davidson.

A few years ago Harley Davidson opened a plant in Northern India, yes India.

[ Remember the Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting – did you see those police at the CNN town hall questioning Donald Trump? ]

Coincidences are funny that way. I digress.

The Street motorcycles being sold in the U.S. will be manufactured in the Milwaukee-based company’s Kansas City facility, Wandell said. The Street bikes for international riders will be made in the company’s Bawal, India, plant that opened in 2011.

Harley-Davidson (NYSE: HOG) currently assembles motorcycles in India and Brazil to avoid tariffs, but the parts are made in America and shipped as a kit to those countries. (link)

Harley Davidson in India? Many die hard hog fans were worried that Harley was going to start building their bikes out of country. Given what happened to the auto industry can you blame them for worrying. However, that wasn’t what was happening, as Harley USA knew their bikes lived and died on the reputation of being “American Iron”, despite many of the parts made over seas.

Oh, but India has a 100+% tariff on motorcycle imports. When combined with other import taxes and duties it all adds up to approximately a 115% cost increase. However, they also have a over a billion citizens. A very huge market! But selling an expensive bike in a poor country with a 100+% import tariff makes the market virtually untouchable.

“We can make (the price) more attractive in those markets by building over there,” Blankenheim said

To work around the problem, and simultaneously set themselves up for future market opportunities, Harley Davidson built a plant in India. The future opportunities angle stems from India building their own Harleys and manufacturing most of the international market as well. Presto, exporting from India to other nations, and the tariffs are avoided.

How does this help the U.S. manufacturing of Harley Davidson? How does this help jobs here in the U.S.? How does this help the U.S. factory worker?

It doesn’t.

But the corporate (Wall Street / NYSE “HOG”) books of Harley Davidson look great.

See how that works?

In essence, Harley USA will build Harley’s for the USA (disclaimer: “for now”), and India will build them for most the rest of the world. They are still in the working-out-the-kinks-process part of the global plan, but it is a plan being executed.

So you might ask if India, with a billion citizen market, charges a 100% tariff, what’s the tariff the USA charges to import a motorcycle here from say, Japan? Well, that would be 2.4%.

Yes, a measly 2.4%

But, wait, it gets better – that is going away too:

America will remove a tariff levied on Japanese motorcycles with engine displacements of over 700cc under the recently announced Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact (TPP), which includes Australia and covers 40 percent of the global economy.

The 2.4 percent duty will be eliminated five years after the multilateral trade deal takes effect, which should, in theory, reduce the price of motorcycles in the over 700cc space in America, placing the imported fare on the same level playing field as home-grown marques like Harley-Davidson, Indian and Victory. Those marques mainly focus on bikes with engine capacities of more than 700cc.

America currently imposes no tariff on imported motorbikes with engines of 700cc or lower (link)

Are you seeing the problem yet?

If the U.S. export of a Harley Davidson incurs an import tariff at the destination (say China 30%, or Vietnam 40%), but the same tariff does not apply when the import arrives from India, which nation do you think will be manufacturing Harley Davidson motorcycles which appear in China?

TPP trade 2Meanwhile, the U.S. unilaterally disarms in the import tariff battle, and drops all import tariffs on the foreign motorcycles which will directly compete with those very same remaining Harley Davidson motorcycles which ARE made in the U.S.A.

Do you remember the Wisconsin Radio Host Charlie Sykes interview of Donald Trump when Sykes climbed atop his high horse and so “righteously” told Trump that Wisconsin is an Import-Export state, and tariffs hurt their economy? etc. etc. etc.

How does that Sykes gibberish look against this example now?

We are only using Harley Davidson as a representative example based on geography (Wisconsin). This horrific Trade Deal applies nation wide in all areas of manufacturing, import and export.

Scott Walker will be fine, he’ll probably end up on Wall Street. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will be fine, he’ll lock in a multi-million lobbying contract. Reince Preibus will be fine, he’s already got a rolodex filled with Global Bankers and High Financiers.

It’s the ordinary middle-class Wisconsin cheese-head voter who will be impacted.

Are they foolish enough to be co-dependents to their own financial demise?

I guess we’ll find out….
Part II... go to The Conservative Treehouse... it's better

Wisconsin Values ?

Reference Notes – If you want to compare trade tariffs, examples as shared, on these motorcycles imports and exports you can go HERE to the duty calculator and select engines > 970cc (the first three duty comparison checks are free – after that the website charges for use).

¹/Also, Hat Tip to “SEVENTHNDR“ for sourcing.

²/How Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan hoodwinked America HERE

³/Senator Jeff Sessions discusses TPP HERE and Audio HERE

Just a Reminder, this is an insurgency. – The modern enemy of Wall Street is Main Street vulgarians. The current enemy of the RNC/GOPe is not Democrats, it’s Grassroots Conservatives; Common Sense Conservatives; more vulgarians.

The Republican Party, and the Republican media apparatus, view us as their enemy. We are the enemy they need to protect themselves from:

In 2014, the RNC approved selection rules that govern how each state’s delegates are portioned out from the primaries. Under one of the changes, states holding their primaries between March 1 and March 14 will have their delegates doled out proportionately with election results, a change that will likely stymie a movement candidate.

States that have primaries on or after March 15 will be winner-take-all states.

That’s important because another RNC rule change requires that a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight or more states before his or her name may be presented for nomination at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

With 18 GOP presidential candidates, for now, it will be that much harder for any candidate to win a majority in any state, let alone eight. (Article July 2015)

GOP-versus-Tea-PartyNow, ask yourself, why would the RNC want to “stymie a movement candidate“? Who exactly does that benefit? Obviously, the “non-movement” candidate, ie “the turtle“.

Isn’t the entire reason for campaigning in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina etc. to make a movement/momentum?

In addition Rule #40 changed in 2014 from previously five needed state wins, to a newer threshold of eight (8):

Officially, it’s Rule 40 in the RNC handbook and it states that any candidate for president “shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the delegates from each of eight (8) or more states” before their name is presented for nomination at the national convention. (article March 2014)

Again, ask yourself who does this benefit? A candidate can win seven states outright, and still not have their name presented for nomination?

These rules were made/affirmed in 2014 – Who or what exactly was the GOP concerned about blocking in 2016 that would necessitate such rules? When combined with other rule changes you can clearly identify a consolidation of power within the RNC apparatus intentionally constructed to stop the candidate of the GRASSROOTS from achieving victory.