trump the traitor

I know. I was going to respond but then I saw you beat me to it. Excellent. And please, Austin is not so closed minded as to call every Trump supporter a raciest. We just have an inordinate amount of crazies here ( also known as Libtards) and if you don't agree with their world view - well, they have a tendency to go cra-cra.

"You lie!"

"You're a racist!"

"You lie!"

"You're a racist!"

There - I just saved you and assup from the effort of your next two posts... you're welcome, crunchyass!

Here you go... Shelby Steele is no hillbilly and he's talking directly to YOU!

Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Racism

Liberals sell innocence from America’s past. If bigotry is pronounced dead, the racket is over.

By Shelby Steele
Aug. 27, 2017 5:15 p.m. ET

Is America racist? It used to be that racism meant the actual enforcement of bigotry—the routine implementation of racial inequality everywhere in public and private life. Racism was a tyranny and an oppression that dehumanized—animalized—the “other.” It was a social malignancy, yet it carried the authority of natural law, as if God himself had dispassionately ordained it.

Today Americans know that active racism is no longer the greatest barrier to black and minority advancement. Since the 1960s other pathologies, even if originally generated by racism, have supplanted it. White racism did not shoot more than 4,000 people last year in Chicago. To the contrary, America for decades now—with much genuine remorse—has been recoiling from the practice of racism and has gained a firm intolerance for what it once indulged.

But Americans don’t really trust the truth of this. It sounds too self-exonerating. Talk of “structural” and “systemic” racism conditions people to think of it as inexorable, predestined. So even if bigotry and discrimination have lost much of their menace, Americans nevertheless yearn to know whether or not we are a racist people.

A staple on cable news these days is the “racial incident,” which stands as a referendum on this question. Today there is Charlottesville. Yesterday there were the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray and others. Don’t they reveal an irrepressible racism in American life? At the news conferences surrounding these events there are always the Al Sharpton clones, if not the man himself, ready to spin the tale of black tragedy and white bigotry.

Such people—and the American left generally—have a hunger for racism that is almost craven. The writer Walker Percy once wrote of the “sweetness at the horrid core of bad news.” It’s hard to witness the media’s oddly exhilarated reaction to, say, the death of Trayvon Martin without applying Percy’s insight. A black boy is dead. But not all is lost. It looks like racism.

What makes racism so sweet? Today it empowers. Racism was once just racism, a terrible bigotry that people nevertheless learned to live with, if not as a necessary evil then as an inevitable one. But the civil-rights movement, along with independence movements around the world, changed that. The ’60s recast racism in the national consciousness as an incontrovertible sin, the very worst of all social evils.

Suddenly America was in moral trouble. The open acknowledgment of the nation’s racist past had destroyed its moral authority, and affirming democratic principles and the rule of law was not a sufficient response. Only a strict moral accounting could restore legitimacy.

Thus, redemption—paying off the nation’s sins—became the moral imperative of a new political and cultural liberalism. President Lyndon Johnson turned redemption into a kind of activism: the Great Society, the War on Poverty, school busing, liberalized welfare policies, affirmative action, and so on.

This liberalism always projects moral idealisms (integration, social justice, diversity, inclusion, etc.) that have the ring of redemption. What is political correctness, if not essentially redemptive speech? Soon liberalism had become a cultural identity that offered Americans a way to think of themselves as decent people. To be liberal was to be good.

Here we see redemptive liberalism’s great ingenuity: It seized proprietorship over innocence itself. It took on the power to grant or deny moral legitimacy across society. Liberals were free of the past while conservatives longed to resurrect it, bigotry and all. What else could “Make America Great Again” mean? In this way redemptive liberalism reshaped the moral culture of the entire Western world with sweeping idealisms like “diversity,” which are as common today in Europe as in America.

So today there is sweetness at the news of racism because it sets off the hunt for innocence and power. Racism and bigotry generally are the great driving engines of modern American liberalism. Even a remote hint of racism can trigger a kind of moral entrepreneurism.

The “safe spaces” for minority students on university campuses are actually redemptive spaces for white students and administrators looking for innocence and empowerment. As minorities in these spaces languish in precious self-absorption, their white classmates, high on the idea of their own wonderful “tolerance,” whistle past the very segregated areas they are barred from.

America’s moral fall in the ’60s made innocence of the past an obsession. Thus liberalism invited people to internalize innocence, to become synonymous with it—even to fight for it as they would for an ideology. But to be innocent there must be an evil from which to be free. The liberal identity must have racism, lest it lose innocence and the power it conveys.

The great problem for conservatives is that they lack the moral glibness to compete with liberalism’s “innocence.” But today there are signs of what I have called race fatigue. People are becoming openly cynical toward the left’s moral muscling with racism. Add to this liberalism’s monumental failure to come even close to realizing any of its beautiful idealisms, and the makings of a new conservative mandate become clearer. As idealism was the left’s political edge, shouldn’t realism now be the right’s? Reality as the informing vision—and no more wrestling with innocence.

Mr. Steele, a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, is author of “Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country” (Basic Books, 2015).
Originally Posted by lustylad
Man I tell you. People love to pretend that racism is this big imaginary thing that the "left" uses to disparage the right... Like people living everyday and experiencing it are making it up. No one ever says that the whole Republican Party are racists nor that the left don't have some either. But it can definitely be said that people on the right has an issue truly understanding racism and minorities in general. Cause in point, the right loves to talk about Chicago when talking about police killing African Americans or anything with African American deaths or injustice. But anyone without bias can understand that 1) that statistical you tend to be killed by people in your proximity. So it's so disingenuous to use that as some way of bring down arguments of police mishandling of African Americans. 2) that situation in Chicago was bred from many things and part of it had to do with, you guessed it race. Those neighborhoods had white population but as more African Americans came in, those people fled to the suburbs. Jobs left and the neighborhoods were neglected. Gangs were formed to first protect the neighborhoods and then with less opportunities, they took over and slowly we get to where we are now. Point being that it's ridiculous to cite Chicago as some example of the racism not being a threat to African Americans but that it we are the threat to ourselves.

Oh and while we are talking about race... I love when Trump people try to call people on the left snowflakes.. Oh Sheriff Joe is out here snow flaking it up crying about people calling him a racists and how they should stop. No going to happen. Why? Idk maybe because he has said things like this:

Yeah anyone who thought like that in 2007, when they were in their 70's.. They ain't changing. That is who he is. And he deserves to be called a racist for the rest of his days. Such a little snowflake.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
And please, Austin is not so closed minded as to call every Trump supporter a raciest. We just have an inordinate amount of crazies here ( also known as Libtards) and if you don't agree with their world view - well, they have a tendency to go cra-cra. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Austin Ellen likes to pretend that "Trump supporters are not racist." However,

Trumptard racists have been very vocal since his election.

and if you don't agree with their world view - well, the Trumptards have a tendency to go cra-cra.
Trump Supporters
Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump and his supporters embarrassing this country
I agree with your first paragraph. There is racism from uneducated individuals across every spectrum.
Regarding Joe - he's 85 years old and he grew up in another time. And yes, when you're that old - you're not gonna change.

Man I tell you. People love to pretend that racism is this big imaginary thing that the "left" uses to disparage the right... Like people living everyday and experiencing it are making it up. No one ever says that the whole Republican Party are racists nor that the left don't have some either. But it can definitely be said that people on the right has an issue truly understanding racism and minorities in general. Cause in point, the right loves to talk about Chicago when talking about police killing African Americans or anything with African American deaths or injustice. But anyone without bias can understand that 1) that statistical you tend to be killed by people in your proximity. So it's so disingenuous to use that as some way of bring down arguments of police mishandling of African Americans. 2) that situation in Chicago was bred from many things and part of it had to do with, you guessed it race. Those neighborhoods had white population but as more African Americans came in, those people fled to the suburbs. Jobs left and the neighborhoods were neglected. Gangs were formed to first protect the neighborhoods and then with less opportunities, they took over and slowly we get to where we are now. Point being that it's ridiculous to cite Chicago as some example of the racism not being a threat to African Americans but that it we are the threat to ourselves.

Oh and while we are talking about race... I love when Trump people try to call people on the left snowflakes.. Oh Sheriff Joe is out here snow flaking it up crying about people calling him a racists and how they should stop. No going to happen. Why? Idk maybe because he has said things like this:

Yeah anyone who thought like that in 2007, when they were in their 70's.. They ain't changing. That is who he is. And he deserves to be called a racist for the rest of his days. Such a little snowflake. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Who is stupid enough to believe Trump is down with the KKK and Nazis when his daughter converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner? Does anyone really believe Trump secretly likes these group of people that want to kill his own grandchildren because they are Jewish?

Since the whole Russian collusion narrative was based on lies and has now petered out, the left had to find something new to attack Trump with. Of course Trump isn't a racist and pretty soon this story will fade away too. But left wing nuts don't care about facts, they just like pushing their BS narratives hoping that something sticks.
Sexy Snake's Avatar
If we had another dozen sheriffs like Joe Arpaio down there at the border, we wouldn't need a fucking wall!

Libtards like crunchyass think it's more important to protect the "constitutional rights" of non-citizens (who shouldn't even be here) than it is to protect our own citizens from people like Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez.

Originally Posted by lustylad
I agree with this statement, sir. You hit the jackpot.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Who is stupid enough to believe Trump is down with the KKK and Nazis when his daughter converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner? Does anyone really believe Trump secretly likes these group of people that want to kill his own grandchildren because they are Jewish?

Since the whole Russian collusion narrative was based on lies and has now petered out, the left had to find something new to attack Trump with. Of course Trump isn't a racist and pretty soon this story will fade away too. But left wing nuts don't care about facts, they just like pushing their BS narratives hoping that something sticks. Originally Posted by centexguy
Fox news and the far right fringe of the internet would lead you to believe what you wrote. However, the "Russian collusion narrative" is based on fact and is well alive. Your news sources won't tell you this. You (and other Trumptards) live in a fake news bubble.

Who is stupid to enough to believe Trump is a truth worthy person? Who is stupid enough to believe Trump wants to alienate part of his base? Who is stupid enough to believe Trump cares about YOU?

Apparently, you are stupid enough.

Trump cares only for himself. He is a disgrace to this nation. If you took your head out of the fake right wing news media and woke the fuck up, you'd see religion.

But you won't. You are doomed to be part of Trump's flock of weak-minded sheep.

Who is stupid enough to believe Trump is down with the KKK and Nazis when his daughter converted to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner? Does anyone really believe Trump secretly likes these group of people that want to kill his own grandchildren because they are Jewish?

Since the whole Russian collusion narrative was based on lies and has now petered out, the left had to find something new to attack Trump with. Of course Trump isn't a racist and pretty soon this story will fade away too. But left wing nuts don't care about facts, they just like pushing their BS narratives hoping that something sticks. Originally Posted by centexguy
Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe.
And here is a prime example of cra-cra. Just plain fucking nuts.

Austin Ellen likes to pretend that "Trump supporters are not racist." However,

Trumptard racists have been very vocal since his election.

and if you don't agree with their world view - well, the Trumptards have a tendency to go cra-cra.
Trump Supporters
Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump and his supporters embarrassing this country Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Yeah, THESE are all too frequent examples of Trump supporters going "cra-cra." And then the bunch of these trumptards want to downplay racism. Ignoring it and trying to turn it into a "card" instead of a serious issue. All this so they can try not to feel bad about their inner racist tendencies.

Demand that your political party irradiates this type of "TRUMP SUPPORT."
If you don't, then YOU are part of the problem.

Austin Ellen likes to pretend that "Trump supporters are not racist." However,

Trumptard racists have been very vocal since his election.

and if you don't agree with their world view - well, the Trumptards have a tendency to go cra-cra.
Trump Supporters
Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters

Trump and his supporters embarrassing this country Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Yeah, THESE are all too frequent examples of Trump supporters going "cra-cra." And then the bunch of these trumptards want to downplay racism. Ignoring it and trying to turn it into a "card" instead of a serious issue. All this so they can try not to feel bad about their inner racist tendencies.

Demand that your political party irradiates this type of "TRUMP SUPPORT."
If you don't, then YOU are part of the problem.
Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
They'll all go to the end with this turd.
I call them Trump Davidians!
US orders Russia to close diplomatic offices in New York, Washington and San Francisco

[begins chant]
pee tape ... pee tape ... pee tape ...

To the tune of "We Will Rock You"

Hooker's on bed, makin wet sheets
Pissing in the place, that Obama stayed
Got Trump on tape, Orange disgrace
Retweeting this vid all over the place
lustylad's Avatar
...YOU are a flaming racist SCUM. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
...trumptards want to downplay racism. Ignoring it and trying to turn it into a "card" instead of a serious issue. All this so they can try not to feel bad about their inner racist tendencies... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

Crappycrunchyasshole... stop being in denial... you need to read more Shelby Steele so you can properly analyze, understand and seek effective treatment for your pathological inner libtard tendencies. Diagnosis must precede recovery. Wake up and smell the coffee. Libtardism is an anachronism.

The Exhaustion of American Liberalism

White guilt gave us a mock politics based on the pretense of moral authority.

By Shelby Steele
Updated March 5, 2017 6:20 p.m. ET

The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism.

All this suggests lostness, the end of something rather than the beginning. What is ending?

America, since the ’60s, has lived through what might be called an age of white guilt. We may still be in this age, but the Trump election suggests an exhaustion with the idea of white guilt, and with the drama of culpability, innocence and correctness in which it mires us.

White guilt is not actual guilt. Surely most whites are not assailed in the night by feelings of responsibility for America’s historical mistreatment of minorities. Moreover, all the actual guilt in the world would never be enough to support the hegemonic power that the mere pretense of guilt has exercised in American life for the last half-century.

White guilt is not angst over injustices suffered by others; it is the terror of being stigmatized with America’s old bigotries—racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. To be stigmatized as a fellow traveler with any of these bigotries is to be utterly stripped of moral authority and made into a pariah. The terror of this, of having “no name in the street” as the Bible puts it, pressures whites to act guiltily even when they feel no actual guilt. White guilt is a mock guilt, a pretense of real guilt, a shallow etiquette of empathy, pity and regret.

It is also the heart and soul of contemporary liberalism. This liberalism is the politics given to us by white guilt, and it shares white guilt’s central corruption. It is not real liberalism, in the classic sense. It is a mock liberalism. Freedom is not its raison d’être; moral authority is.

When America became stigmatized in the ’60s as racist, sexist and militaristic, it wanted moral authority above all else. Subsequently the American left reconstituted itself as the keeper of America’s moral legitimacy. (Conservatism, focused on freedom and wealth, had little moral clout.) From that followed today’s markers of white guilt—political correctness, identity politics, environmental orthodoxy, the diversity cult and so on.

This was the circumstance in which innocence of America’s bigotries and dissociation from the American past became a currency of hardcore political power. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, good liberals both, pursued power by offering their candidacies as opportunities for Americans to document their innocence of the nation’s past. “I had to vote for Obama,” a rock-ribbed Republican said to me. “I couldn’t tell my grandson that I didn’t vote for the first black president.”

For this man liberalism was a moral vaccine that immunized him against stigmatization. For Mr. Obama it was raw political power in the real world, enough to lift him—unknown and untested—into the presidency. But for Mrs. Clinton, liberalism was not enough. The white guilt that lifted Mr. Obama did not carry her into office—even though her opponent was soundly stigmatized as an iconic racist and sexist.

Perhaps the Obama presidency was the culmination of the age of white guilt, so that this guiltiness has entered its denouement. There are so many public moments now in which liberalism’s old weapon of stigmatization shoots blanks— Elizabeth Warren in the Senate reading a 30-year-old letter by Coretta Scott King, hoping to stop Jeff Sessions’s appointment as attorney general. There it was with deadly predictability: a white liberal stealing moral authority from a black heroine in order to stigmatize a white male as racist. When Ms. Warren was finally told to sit, there was real mortification behind her glaring eyes.

This liberalism evolved within a society shamed by its past. But that shame has weakened now. Our new conservative president rolls his eyes when he is called a racist, and we all—liberal and conservative alike—know that he isn’t one. The jig is up. Bigotry exists, but it is far down on the list of problems that minorities now face. I grew up black in segregated America, where it was hard to find an open door. It’s harder now for young blacks to find a closed one.

This is the reality that made Ms. Warren’s attack on Mr. Sessions so tiresome. And it is what caused so many Democrats at President Trump’s address to Congress to look a little mortified, defiantly proud but dark with doubt. The sight of them was a profound moment in American political history.

Today’s liberalism is an anachronism. It has no understanding, really, of what poverty is and how it has to be overcome. It has no grip whatever on what American exceptionalism is and what it means at home and especially abroad. Instead it remains defined by an America of 1965—an America newly opening itself to its sins, an America of genuine goodwill, yet lacking in self-knowledge.

This liberalism came into being not as an ideology but as an identity. It offered Americans moral esteem against the specter of American shame. This made for a liberalism devoted to the idea of American shamefulness. Without an ugly America to loathe, there is no automatic esteem to receive. Thus liberalism’s unrelenting current of anti-Americanism.

Let’s stipulate that, given our history, this liberalism is understandable. But American liberalism never acknowledged that it was about white esteem rather than minority accomplishment. Four thousand shootings in Chicago last year, and the mayor announces that his will be a sanctuary city. This is moral esteem over reality; the self-congratulation of idealism. Liberalism is exhausted because it has become a corruption.

Mr. Steele, a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, is author of “Shame: How America’s Past Sins Have Polarized Our Country” (Basic Books, 2015).
President Trump just gave 1 million dollars of his personal money to the victims of Harvey. Can you say the same? I don't think so. Pay attention Junior - that's what good people do instead of whining,bitching and crying.

Fox news and the far right fringe of the internet would lead you to believe what you wrote. However, the "Russian collusion narrative" is based on fact and is well alive. Your news sources won't tell you this. You (and other Trumptards) live in a fake news bubble.

Who is stupid to enough to believe Trump is a truth worthy person? Who is stupid enough to believe Trump wants to alienate part of his base? Who is stupid enough to believe Trump cares about YOU?

Apparently, you are stupid enough.

Trump cares only for himself. He is a disgrace to this nation. If you took your head out of the fake right wing news media and woke the fuck up, you'd see religion.

But you won't. You are doomed to be part of Trump's flock of weak-minded sheep.

Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
President Trump just gave 1 million dollars of his personal money to the victims of Harvey. - that's what good people do Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

"- that's what good people do"

First of all, I'll believe it when I see PROOF. Trump has lied and lied in the past about his charitable donations.

And I can give you a list a nile long of things Trump has done that clearly are NOT "what good people do." .

On top of that, I am quite sure I have donated a higher percentage of my income to charity than Donald Trump has. He is a cheap selfish fuck. And you are an idiot to support him.