Tucker Carlson reports

HedonistForever's Avatar
Talked to my Democrat friend tonight and asked him, knowing full well he wouldn't have an answer to my question, "what have you learned since Musk released the Twitter files"? See, I know he watches ABS news, small thanks he doesn't watch MSNBC or I would disown him and I know from reporting, correct me if I'm wrong, that ABC, along with CBS and NBC, have not mentioned on air, in their evening news cast when most of their viewers are paying attention, to the non-information they put out, that these files even exist much less report on them. Guess what they are calling it on MSNBC?

The biggest political story of the day and ABC can't find a single minute to report on it.

Tucker laid it all out there tonight didn't he? If you aren't watching Tucker Carlson, you have no idea what is going on in this country, none, because no other media will tell you.
Carlson/Fox edited some comments from ye interview with carlson. Some antisemitism comments and strange claims about "fake children" and other claims carlson didn't want viewers to see. Unshown footage from Vice.

From the link.

"Motherboard obtained footage of Ye making bigoted statements about Jewish people and bizarre claims about "fake children," as well as describing visions of "kinetic energy" cities sent to him by God.

Fox News recently aired a two-part interview between Tucker Carlson and Ye, the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Motherboard has obtained portions of the interview that were edited out of the final broadcast. These include numerous antisemitic sentiments from Ye, a strange and lengthy digression about “fake children” he claimed were planted in his house to manipulate his own children, and a statement that he’s vaccinated against COVID-19."


Yes. Ye is crazier than a shithouse rat.
Carlson and fox show their true colors misrepresenting and cutting ye comments.
Has carlson said anything about trump calling for suspending the Constitution?
That's right. He hasn't said shit. The other day I looked on fox for the story. I didn't see it.
So carlson and fox ignore a presidential candidate's call for suspending the Constitution and deceptively edit an interview.

If you're watching carlson you're seeing what he wants you to while they ignore major news.
What a joke.
Talked to my Democrat friend tonight and asked him, knowing full well he wouldn't have an answer to my question, "what have you learned since Musk released the Twitter files"? See, I know he watches ABS news, small thanks he doesn't watch MSNBC or I would disown him and I know from reporting, correct me if I'm wrong, that ABC, along with CBS and NBC, have not mentioned on air, in their evening news cast when most of their viewers are paying attention, to the non-information they put out, that these files even exist much less report on them. Guess what they are calling it on MSNBC?

The biggest political story of the day and ABC can't find a single minute to report on it.

Tucker laid it all out there tonight didn't he? If you aren't watching Tucker Carlson, you have no idea what is going on in this country, none, because no other media will tell you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Carlson/Fox edited some comments from ye interview with carlson. Some antisemitism comments and strange claims about "fake children" and other claims carlson didn't want viewers to see. Unshown footage from Vice.

From the link.

"Motherboard obtained footage of Ye making bigoted statements about Jewish people and bizarre claims about "fake children," as well as describing visions of "kinetic energy" cities sent to him by God.

Fox News recently aired a two-part interview between Tucker Carlson and Ye, the artist formerly known as Kanye West. Motherboard has obtained portions of the interview that were edited out of the final broadcast. These include numerous antisemitic sentiments from Ye, a strange and lengthy digression about “fake children” he claimed were planted in his house to manipulate his own children, and a statement that he’s vaccinated against COVID-19."


Yes. Ye is crazier than a shithouse rat.
Carlson and fox show their true colors misrepresenting and cutting ye comments.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

you do realize that all news outlets routinely edit interviews, yes? they edit for content. they edit for length and brevity. as i understand it, what Carlson showed on air was only part of a longer interview intended to be on FOX Nation. that's a paid subscription service. so claiming Carlson only showed a small segment on live TV is somehow "covering up" something or "intentionally misrepresenting" or "intentionally misleading" don't hold much water there.

i'd also question if Vice/Motherboard can publish these clips given they are from a paid service, presuming Vice has a paid subscription to FOX Nation. if a third party again presumably with a paid subscription provided the videos to Vice i'd think that's a violation of FOX Nation's terms of service. be interesting to see how long these stay on Vice's uboob channel. i stopped getting clips from non-FOX channels on uboob because several got terminated presumably at FOX's request if not directly by uboob.
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  • 12-06-2022, 02:43 PM
Has carlson said anything about trump calling for suspending the Constitution?
That's right. He hasn't said shit. The other day I looked on fox for the story. I didn't see it.
So carlson and fox ignore a presidential candidate's call for suspending the Constitution and deceptively edit an interview.

If you're watching carlson you're seeing what he wants you to while they ignore major news.
What a joke.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Oh but the pee their panties if Twitter errors on the side of caution with the laptop story!
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  • 12-06-2022, 02:45 PM

The biggest political story of the day and ABC can't find a single minute to report on it.

Tucker laid it all out there tonight didn't he? If you aren't watching Tucker Carlson, you have no idea what is going on in this country, none, because no other media will tell you. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh but the pee their panties if Twitter errors on the side of caution with the laptop story! Originally Posted by WTF

as Tucker Carlson on FOX noted last night in the video clip i posted if you bothered to watch it, the FBI had the laptop for 11 months prior to the election. are you saying from January to October the vaunted FBI could not verify one single thing on that laptop? or disprove one single thing? as Tucker Carlson noted, the FBI did nothing with the laptop at all.

the FBI still hasn't done anything with it except lock it up in some evidence vault.

as Musk's released emails show, Twitter knew they could not make the "hacked source" rule stick because no Federal legal authority .. like the FBI .. told them it was hacked.

the FBI did however plant a poison seed of "possible misinformation" to both Twitter and Facebook. without even directly mentioning the laptop which now has been verified as genuine by multiple outlets, many of which immediately ran with the "Russian disinformation" claim put out by experts who had no direct evidence to back the claim up.

FOX and the New York Post were the only outlets covering the story and both have been vindicated. even Rudolph William Louis Giuliani is vindicated!

HedonistForever's Avatar
Error's on the side of caution, good one. I wonder if that rule was in effect in 2016 when the thoroughly discredited Steele dossier was released.

And I guess all those Twitter people that questioned what the company was doing had their panties urine soaked? "Is this really hacked material"? No it was not but the lead council at Twitter who just happened to be the lead council at the FBI who obviously knew what the FBI had, warned to be "cautious". Yeah right.

"Is anybody buying that this is hacked material", says Twitter in private mail

And Dorsey admitting that Twitter had "made a mistake".

But lets say they error-ed on the side of caution in 2016. What is their excuse now with some still defending Twitter that they are a private company and can stop/ take down anything they want. Do they not understand the law and SC ruling that says the government may not do what they are barred from doing by getting a third party to do it for them?

Is anybody buying the idea that Twitter didn't know it was being used as an enforcement arm of the Biden administration? Please.
Since faux news doesn't support the fucking moron anymore what did they say about guilty on all counts faux addicts? The trumpy tax cheating was not that complicated. Eleven hours lol slam dunk and many more guilty verdicts to follow
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-06-2022, 05:40 PM
Error's on the side of caution, good one. I wonder if that rule was in effect in 2016 when the thoroughly discredited Steele dossier was released.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The Steele dossier was released AFTER the election.

Please one of you Trump lovers tell us what is on the laptop
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  • WTF
  • 12-06-2022, 05:43 PM
as Tucker Carlson on FOX noted last night in the video clip i posted if you bothered to watch it, the FBI had the laptop for 11 months prior to the election. are you saying from January to October the vaunted FBI could not verify one single thing on that laptop? or disprove one single thing? as Tucker Carlson noted, the FBI did nothing with the laptop at all.

the FBI still hasn't done anything with it except lock it up in some evidence vault.

as Musk's released emails show, Twitter knew they could not make the "hacked source" rule stick because no Federal legal authority .. like the FBI .. told them it was hacked.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The FBI did not want to get in the middle if the Presidential election and influence it like they did for Trump in 2016.

How long did Rudy have access to the laptop?
Watch a carlson video as proof of anything? That's a huge joke.

Fox news didn't cover the story. Carlson or some other "opinion" talking head might have but everyone knows carlson isn't to be believed.

Vindicated? The only verified info is that the emails sent to the computer. No proof of anything sent. Files have been added and the guys who examined the drive said it was a mess because of all the downloading and things added well after Biden dropped it off. No clear chain of evidence either.
Plus only the original is evidence. And as you pointed out, the FBI has that. Them not saying anything doesn't prove any of your bullshit.
as Tucker Carlson on FOX noted last night in the video clip i posted if you bothered to watch it, the FBI had the laptop for 11 months prior to the election. are you saying from January to October the vaunted FBI could not verify one single thing on that laptop? or disprove one single thing? as Tucker Carlson noted, the FBI did nothing with the laptop at all.

the FBI still hasn't done anything with it except lock it up in some evidence vault.

as Musk's released emails show, Twitter knew they could not make the "hacked source" rule stick because no Federal legal authority .. like the FBI .. told them it was hacked.

the FBI did however plant a poison seed of "possible misinformation" to both Twitter and Facebook. without even directly mentioning the laptop which now has been verified as genuine by multiple outlets, many of which immediately ran with the "Russian disinformation" claim put out by experts who had no direct evidence to back the claim up.
What claim? The letter said they didn't know if the info was true or not. They said it looked like Russian disinformation.
Also, what information has been verified besides the emails were sent to his laptop? What incriminating information?
Your word is worthless. Going to need links.

FOX and the New York Post were the only outlets covering the story and both have been vindicated. even Rudolph William Louis Giuliani is vindicated!

bhahahahahaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The FBI did not want to get in the middle if the Presidential election and influence it like they did for Trump in 2016.

How long did Rudy have access to the laptop? Originally Posted by WTF

the FBI had to reopen the Clinton email investigation because the NYPD had uncovered duplicate Clinton emails on "Carlos Danger's" laptop. aka Anthony Weiner in his unrelated sexting case. Comey couldn't stop the NYPD from releasing the info so he had to reopen the case to cover his ass.

Rudy never had the actual laptop. the shop owner gave it to the FBI. Rudy had COPIES of the hard drive. made by the shop owner before he turned it over to the FBI. to cover his ass.

Watch a carlson video as proof of anything? That's a huge joke.

Fox news didn't cover the story. Carlson or some other "opinion" talking head might have but everyone knows carlson isn't to be believed.

Vindicated? The only verified info is that the emails sent to the computer. No proof of anything sent. Files have been added and the guys who examined the drive said it was a mess because of all the downloading and things added well after Biden dropped it off. No clear chain of evidence either.
Plus only the original is evidence. And as you pointed out, the FBI has that. Them not saying anything doesn't prove any of your bullshit.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

uh no. multiple people who both sent and received emails have confirmed them. even the NY Times and Washington Post have confirmed the emails.

the NY Post did post about the laptop, on twitter .. and got suspended for it.

Twitter lifts freeze from New York Post account after policy reversal


they also posted it on a site twitter can't censor .. their own.


CBS ‘confirms’ Hunter Biden laptop is real 769 days after Post broke story
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meanwhile on Tucker Carlson Tonight ...

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