trump the traitor

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Wake up and smell the coffee. Libtardism is an anachronism. Originally Posted by lustylad

lustyturd, you keep dropping turds.

You are the prime example of the racist who protests too much. You protest but show nothing that would dissuade people from viewing you as a racist.

You are the fringe scum of this country. You aren't just part of the problem. You ARE the problem.

President Trump just gave 1 million dollars of his personal money to the victims of Harvey. Can you say the same? I don't think so. Pay attention Junior - that's what good people do instead of whining,bitching and crying. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Yeah I will give him all the credit in the world when I see that he has actually donated a million dollars. He didn't just give it to them. They are saying he plans to give that much. Once it's done, more power to him. And since donating that much to people makes him a good person. You're saying Obama is a good person too. Glad you feel that way.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
You're saying Obama is a good person too. Glad you feel that way. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Ellen will never recognize that Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump. Obama actually donates a decent size of his income and has tax returns to prove it.

Trump could clear up a lot by releasing his tax returns. Except Crooked Lying Trump has far too much to hide.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
There are also the countless Democrat Hollywood Elite and Democrat Musicians donating more than "Mega Billionaire" Trump. There are Democrat voting athletes who, while they earn a lot, make nothing compared with Trump. Yet they donate more of their income.

So according to your your stated "good person' standard, these people are BETTER people than Trump, right?

Or are you just talking out your ass again, Ellen?
Uh - Trump donates his salary - I can't remember - did Obama do that too? Well, if he did - then that is outstanding too.

Ellen will never recognize that Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump. Obama actually donates a decent size of his income and has tax returns to prove it.

Trump could clear up a lot by releasing his tax returns. Except Crooked Lying Trump has far too much to hide. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Ok - I don't think you understand what I was saying. No - donating huge amounts of money does not automatically make you a good person. What I was saying is that he puts his money where his mouth is - alot of people just talk,talk,talk and do nothing - not Trump. Did Obama do good? Of course he did.

Yeah I will give him all the credit in the world when I see that he has actually donated a million dollars. He didn't just give it to them. They are saying he plans to give that much. Once it's done, more power to him. And since donating that much to people makes him a good person. You're saying Obama is a good person too. Glad you feel that way. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
lustylad's Avatar
On top of that, I am quite sure I have donated a higher percentage of my income to charity than Donald Trump has... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
I'll grant you that one.

Zero is 100% of zero, right?
Ok - I don't think you understand what I was saying. No - donating huge amounts of money does not automatically make you a good person. What I was saying is that he puts his money where his mouth is - alot of people just talk,talk,talk and do nothing - not Trump. Did Obama do good? Of course he did. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yes Obama did a lot of good. He's worth a lot less and he donated 2 million dollars for kids in Chicago. Just one of the things he's done that shows he's a really good person.
Uh - Trump donates his salary - I can't remember - did Obama do that too? Well, if he did - then that is outstanding too. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Well no Obama didn't donate his salary. But he also wasn't getting tons of income from a business that is benefiting from him being president. I say, let Trump have his salary as long has he doesn't take a single dollar of the money that his company is getting from the hotel in DC and any other income that can be shown a direct link to his position increasing revenue. You can't have it both ways. You can't say well he doesn't have to do a blind trust and he can make all the money he wants. Then try to commend him for giving up a salary that is peanuts to what he is getting because of the title he holds.

What Obama did was outstanding though.
lustylad's Avatar
Ellen will never recognize that Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump.... Trump could clear up a lot by releasing his tax returns. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Hmmm... if it's already "verifiably" true then why do you need tax returns to prove it?

By the way, Mitt Romney was far more generous than Obama - both in $ amounts and as a % of income. Joe Biden was an unbelievable cheapskate who gave only a pittance. And Bill Clinton took deductions for donating his used underwear to charity!
lustylad's Avatar
You are the prime example of the racist who protests too much... Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Crunchyass - I know you just started your 12-step program to recover from libtardism and I am praying for your progress and full recovery. Step 1 requires you to delete "you're a racist!" from your smartphone auto-reply options.

Try not to relapse again.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

I'll grant you that one.

Zero is 100% of zero, right? Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh I get it. You suggest I make no money! How cute!

But I see you haven't written a review in almost 3 years. An unemployed coal worker like you can't really talk about comparing incomes.

I doubt you donated one red cent to charity, you worthless cheap ass fuck.

Hey everyone, maybe we should all donate to lustyturd. He is a national disaster of a human being. We'll all chip in and buy him a brain!

I'm lustyturd
Please buy me a brain!
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

Hmmm... if it's already "verifiably" true then why do you need tax returns to prove it? Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey Turd-for-brains! Are you really that much of a fucking idiot? It's verifiable because you can view his tax returns. It was an easy to understand concept; Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump.

But you couldn't understand.

That is why you are the forum idiot.

You contribute nothing and make a fool of yourself in the process.
Congratulations on being consistent!

lustylad's Avatar
Trump could clear up a lot by releasing his tax returns. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Are you really that much of a fucking idiot? It's verifiable because you can view his tax returns... Obama is verifiably far more charitable than Trump. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Yes, I see you are a verifiable idiot! If you already "can view his tax returns" then why are you whining that he needs to release them?

All that pigeon shit in your lib-retarded brain has clogged the synapses! Step 4 of your 12-step recovery program will help you learn how to stop contradicting yourself... I pray you make it that far, crunchyass!
Yes, I see you are a verifiable idiot! If you already "can view his tax returns" then why are you whining that he needs to release them?

All that pigeon shit in your lib-retarded brain has clogged the synapses! Step 4 of your 12-step recovery program will help you learn how to stop contradicting yourself... I pray you make it that far, crunchyass! Originally Posted by lustylad
"Special counsel Bob Mueller has teamed up with the IRS. According to sources familiar with his investigation into alleged Russian election interference, his probe has enlisted the help of agents from the IRS’ Criminal Investigations unit.
This unit—known as CI—is one of the federal government’s most tight-knit, specialized, and secretive investigative entities. Its 2,500 agents focus exclusively on financial crime, including tax evasion and money laundering. A former colleague of Mueller’s said he always liked working with IRS’ special agents, especially when he was a U.S. Attorney.
And it goes without saying that the IRS has access to Trump’s tax returns—documents that the president has long resisted releasing to the public."

Your boy Trump is fucked and done.