NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Excellent article on how inept the Tankins front office is. They traded a draft pick for a third string QB they had on the roster for a few weeks.

Also, it looks like Deshaun Watson's cases won't hit court until 2022. So they are fucked more.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Texans now have the oldest roster in the NFL.
I got a season total wins for the Texans at Caesars a couple of weeks ago. Took the under at 4 1/2. My bro from Vegas says the line is now 3 1/2. By the time the season starts it'll be three. That's with an 17 game schedule.
Supposedly Buzbee said there won't be a settlement. Good luck getting 22 women to agree to anything, even "what color is an orange?" Especially with money involved.

Supposedly the NFL is investigating but hasn't made its findings known.

Supposedly the NFL will have Watson put on the Commissioner's Exempt List.

Supposedly the Broncos want to trade for Deshawn or Aaron Rogers. Or at least that's what Kareen Jackson wants you to believe. My guess is the Texans haven't received one offer for Watson.
With the charges hanging over Watson right now could the Texans trade him even if they wanted to? ..... Or does the NFL have the power to keep that from happening until Watson's legal problems are resolved? ..... I ask because it sounds to me like that "Commissioner's Exempt List" has him on lockdown
Watson is not on the list YET. From a very recent article:

Deshaun Watson has yet to meet with NFL investigators to discuss the nearly two dozen civil lawsuits filed against him, his lawyer said Thursday.

Rusty Hardin made the revelation about the Houston Texans quarterback in an interview with KPRC-TV. The NFL has yet to levy any penalty against Watson, with the speculation pointing to the league eventually putting him on the Commissioner’s Exempt List to begin the season.
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The trial will happen at the earliest 2022 from what I've read. I've also read whether he's on the list or not, the Texans still owe him his salary. Given that, until he's formally cleared by the NFL and the courts anybody making a deal for him would be a fool. However I don't think that stops any team to talk to the Texans. They just can't talk directly to Watson without tampering.
We are two months out from start of football season.

Here's two articles about the Texans. One of them says we basically have to worst starting roster and the other says the Texans are close to the bottom salary cap space wise.
Watson still not on the commissioner's exempt list. Lots of speculation on all my newsfeeds with almost no evidence to back anything up. Its like drunk members of eccie night posting.

No credible reports of Texans fielding trade offers. In fact, I read an article that the Texans have ZERO offers from NFL teams..still. Speculation from other NFL players were Watson prefers to go is just background noise. Speculation as to who the Texans can trade Watson for is just laughable. They are years and many players away from a contender. With this front office, perhaps an eternity.
[QUOTE=gnadfly;1062530562]Watson still not on the commissioner's exempt list. Lots of speculation on all my newsfeeds with almost no evidence to back anything up. Its like drunk members of eccie night posting.

No credible reports of Texans fielding trade offers.

Dude keeping this thread going all by yourself I see lol. Texans are a dumpster fire. Watson will get traded at some point. Even with him they went 4 and 12.
Watson reported yesterday. No trade offers from other teams. Supposedly Texans want 3 #1 draft choices. Good luck with that.

There's been no word if the NFL investigation is completed or if there have been any preliminary findings. Strange, because over the last 1-2 years the NFL has been all over these things. Watson isn't going to play for the Texans and I doubt that he practices given the season ending injury he suffered in practice 3 years ago.

So until the NFL comes up with prelimary findings it looks like a stalemate until Waston is put on the CEL.

Now what about Aaron Rogers?
Rumors are Randall Cobb being traded from the Texans back to Green Bay. I wonder how many draft picks and Randall Cobb's cap money we had to give up for that to happen. The Texans front office is that dumb.
Strange. On the Randall Cobb front we got a 6th round draft choice from GB and are on still on the hook for 3million of his salary. Reportedly.

Stranger. Watson can go on the Commissioners Exempt list and get paid "whenever he wants." Somehow, the NFL has made some type of investigation and not come to any public conclusion other than "we are waiting to see how this plays out." Reportedly. Which leads me to believe that the Texans aren't receiving trade offers to their liking.

I wonder what the record is for salary cap dead money and scarcity of high round draft picks.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Dear cap figure on Cobb.

Matt Stafford asked for a trade & was dealt within weeks.
Carson Wentz the same.
If the Texans had just shipped DeSmallTowel then it would of been someone else's problem.

As for DeDoucheBag, it would appear the NFL has decided to take the until there is an actual criminal charge stance, because or the Zeke & AB blowback.

Yeah, he's gonna get suspended on somebody's dime for personal conduct. Though he is the only one so far to maintain his innocence this far in. He'd rather take a solicitation charge than sexual assault charge.

Just remember Adrian Peterson had to plea & was suspended for doing what is legal (disciplining your child) in Texas.
Yeah and that crazy commissioner Goodell loves to hand out suspensions in cases where he knows the player most likely didn't do the offense he was charged with but with his god complex and that weak "conduct detrimental to the league" there is no judge or jury concerning such matters ..... so I'm sure his dick is already hard thinking how he can ruin Watson's career, although Watson messed that up by his own doing..... and 3 number 1 draft choices? ..... nobody is going to pay that knowing it could be 2023 at the earliest that he could play again, and not knowing if Goddell will wait until Watson's legal matters are settled and then go ahead and give Watson a lifelong suspension from the NFL .....
So QBs are starting to go down in training camp and Watson didn't take the field today. Coaches had Watson playing safety two days in a row. WTF?

Are the Texans TRUELY fielding offers for him? I don't believe so. How could the NFL and its Kommissar even really allow it. Teams HAD to of asked the NFL "are you going to suspend him?" or "Will you allow him to play in the 2021 season?"

To allow Watson to report and take the field without giving assurances that he can play this season for other teams is ridiculous.