Redistribution of wealth

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  • 02-12-2011, 03:48 PM
That is correct...if this was the World Series of Poker...a for the sake of sport it makes perfect sense to have a level playing field...all players having the same initial stake...

But, WTF, my friend, I'm going to let you in on a little secret:

Life isn't a game. Life isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be.

Don't get me wrong. I love a good sports analogy as much as the next fella, but games, not being real life, don't always translate. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
PJ was the one that started the sports analogy, I expounded on it.

If life isn't fair (which I agree with btw) then do not bitch if some law passes where they take away a deads persons chips!

Before asking JB why he locked your nexted bumped thread, remember:
Life isn't a game. Life isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be.
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2011, 03:51 PM
it seems to me that pretty much the same people will be broke before not too long after some redistribution of weath as before only more so because ineffective and wasteful use of capital will harm everyone Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well at least those would have earned it and not inherited it.

Seems like welfare for the rich if you were to ask me.

I'm not much on welfare for either the poor or rich.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Well at least those would have earned it and not inherited it.

Seems like welfare for the rich if you were to ask me.

I'm not much on welfare for either the poor or rich. Originally Posted by WTF
If Daddy left you some money (or put you thru the best schools or staked you in your business venture), that isn't welfare; that's family taking care of family & has been going on since the start of recorded history.

On the other hand, since as I pointed out, life isn't a game and it isn't fair, if you were the kid born on 3rd base (& some of you on this board fit that bill), don't act like you have accomplished greatness when some one singles to center and you can jog across home plate
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  • WTF
  • 02-12-2011, 04:17 PM
If Daddy left you some money (or put you thru the best schools or staked you in your business venture), that isn't welfare; that's family taking care of family & has been going on since the start of recorded history.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
It is welfare by my definition. Money not earned is welfare. It breeds an aura of entitlement. The only difference in the two as I see it as how many zero's each think they are entitled to.

If someone give you something, it should be treated as a salary, if not it is welfare.
Getting back to the original poster and her thread starter...

Heidi...if you are I think you are...that you should be able to not claim your escort income as such, income, then you are not paying your fair share. Fact.

I knew this would come up, and I am not suggesting any such thing. I am speaking strictly about my real job. I am just over a year into being a provider. At first, I thought it would be temporary thing and I didn't plan ahead. I am currently claiming some of my escort income. Not to do the right thing, but for selfish reasons. I want to qualify for a higher home mortgage. Life isn't fair, but it should be. What is fair? That's where we all have a different opinion. Fact, we are all a bit dishonest at times.

It isn't a fair share by any means. It exceeds my fair share. Again, I challenge you to spend a week in my shoes. I will introduce you to people who abuse the system and perhaps you, ALT will wave the white flag
So, I have a job in RL. I went to file Turbo-tax and all I can say is ouch. I paid how much in taxes and I'm getting $400 back? WTF? Meanwhile, people paying next to nothing into the system are getting $6000-$8000. How is it a refund if you never paid it in the first place? Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Welcome to the Republican party.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Collecting taxes is different than redistribution wealth. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Once you tax -- in any form, much less progressively -- it automatically redistributes wealth as it is impossible to engineer a government program to benefit each individual in the amount that he is taxed.

Government pays air traffic controllers -- benefits fliers more than non-fliers.

Government pays for port improvements -- benefits those who consume imported goods more than non-imported goods.

Government maintains a Navy -- benefits those who work in (or geographically near) the ship building business more than those who do not.

Et cet., ad finitum.
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  • 02-13-2011, 04:55 AM
As one who has richly been blessed (in part because I work hard, but in part because of many factors over which I had no control), I have no objection to this at all. It beats the hell out of the government paying for needless wars with my tax dollars. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This needs to be said over and over and over again. Not that it will ever sink in with the people who want to impress themselves by believing we all begin at the same starting line, and they're just smarter and harder working than the rest of society. But it needs to be said over and over nevertheless.

Oh darling. Spend a week with me in New Orleans. After you see the system abuse I see on a daily basis, surely your bleeding heart would be mended. Originally Posted by heidilynnla
Not if he has any experience with those who are simply down on their luck. Or just not as lucky as many of us. And, of course, a heart.
Great analogy PJ, now maybe you will understand the estate tax.

It starts the game all over from a much fairer point, one that encourages other players to joing in again (assuming there is any money left for them to start anew). Who in their right mind would want to put in 10k shortstack aganist last years winner of 80 million? They'd get shoved all over the board. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF would I play poker if I knew someone was going to take away all my chips if I won big? That makes it a head you, tails I lose game. NFW, I'd find a different casino.
If life isn't fair (which I agree with btw) then do not bitch if some law passes where they take away a deads persons chips! Originally Posted by WTF
Because it destroys the motivation to accumulate the chips -- which makes society poorer. The economy is NOT a zero sum game -- a point that liberals (and closet liberals like yourself) always miss.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Because it destroys the motivation to accumulate the chips -- which makes society poorer. The economy is NOT a zero sum game -- a point that liberals (and closet liberals like yourself) always miss. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I B Hankering's Avatar
Because it destroys the motivation to accumulate the chips -- which makes society poorer. The economy is NOT a zero sum game -- a point that liberals (and closet liberals like yourself) always miss. Originally Posted by pjorourke
So true! When the government enacts policies that encourage citizens to be spendthrifts (QE2, Death Tax, etc.,) rather than penny-pinchers, it is then also responsible for the absence of investment capital necessary for continued economic growth and any resulting economic quagmire. Example par excellence—the recent housing bubble.
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  • WTF
  • 02-13-2011, 09:07 AM
I've said it before: The proper role of government is like the house at a casino poker game. They are only there to enforce the rules and make sure that everyone is safe. They shouldn't care who wins or loses. For that "service", they are allowed to take a small rake from each pot. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Correct but are they there only to enforce rules that are stacked in your favor?

WTF would I play poker if I knew someone was going to take away all my chips if I won big? That makes it a head you, tails I lose game. NFW, I'd find a different casino. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You can not take chips into the after life if you believe such things. Therefore if you want to give it away , then do so. If you wait until you die and do not give it to a charity but to someone that has not done shit , then that gets taxed like a salary to that person. That is how our tax system works.

Go find another casino, renounce your citenship and go play in China. Let us see how that game plays out long term.

Because it destroys the motivation to accumulate the chips -- which makes society poorer. The economy is NOT a zero sum game -- a point that liberals (and closet liberals like yourself) always miss. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Society as a whole in not poorer because you either decide to spend money or save it! What you spend, is anothers gain. You buy land, somebody sold it to you there is no net loss to society.

It is a net gain of zero for society. All it does is shuffle the deck. You seem to want a full boat ever hand. Good luck with that, those casino run out of players pretty fast.

If you want to give money away, give it to a designated charity, though (and this may get my closet liberal card revoked) I think charities should pay taxes like everyone else. I do not think you should get a tax deduction for giving to a charity either. That is a BS societial cost that distorts the market.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
Correct but are they there only to enforce rules that are stacked in your favor?

You can not take chips into the after life if you believe such things. Therefore if you want to give it away , then do so. If you wait until you die and do not give it to a charity but to someone that has not done shit , then that gets taxed like a salary to that person. That is how our tax system works.

Go find another casino, renounce your citenship and go play in China. Let us see how that game plays out long term.

Society as a whole in not poorer because you either decide to spend money or save it! What you spend, is anothers gain. You buy land, somebody sold it to you there is no net loss to society.

It is a net gain of zero for society. All it does is shuffle the deck. You seem to want a full boat ever hand. Good luck with that, those casino run out of players pretty fast.

If you want to give money away, give it to a designated charity, though (and this may get my closet liberal card revoked) I think charities should pay taxes like everyone else. I do not think you should get a tax deduction for giving to a charity either. That is a BS societial cost that distorts the market. Originally Posted by WTF
Lets see you tell TTH to redistribute his wealth that he "worked hard for" because it's in societies best interest to make everyone equal. I doubt even he sees it that way. No, he'll use his wealth to retire and stimulate an economy that didn't provide that wealth to him.
Well at least those would have earned it and not inherited it.

Seems like welfare for the rich if you were to ask me.

I'm not much on welfare for either the poor or rich. Originally Posted by WTF
the ones who would have earned it will earn it still