All things Trumpy

lustylad's Avatar
Lying to Congress is a crime. Lying to the FBI is a crime. Stone and Flynn both knew they were lying. No one tricked them into lying. Your lack of moral character is obvious. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Please point me to the posts where you waxed indignant about Hillary Clinton, or James Clapper, or John Brennan, or Andrew McCabe (to name but a few) lying to Congress and/or the FBI and demanded they serve jail time for it.

Unless you can do that, your utter lack of moral character is glaringly obvious to all of us. Along with the fact that you are merely projecting your own deep-seated character flaws when you accuse others of lacking moral character.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Which of those people were convicted of lying to congress/ the FBI? What lie/s did they tell?
Then show me where I demanded jail time for your fellow assholes.
I pointed out that several trumpys came up with a novel approach (not really, trump has done it over 19000 times) to make it okay to lie. They, like you, miss the point that lying is the crime.

As a trumpy douche-bag, you support and defend a pathological liar. Who lies to the American people and puts himself ahead of all others.

You should include the lie and proof it is a lie before you flap gums about someone else.

To sum up.

Stone was convicted in a court of law by a jury.
Flynn admitted his guilt.
You lied claiming I demanded jail time for both of your role models.

I like your last paragraph. I point out facts to support my claim you are morally bankrupt. You just lied in this post. trump lies numerous times a day. Can you point me to your posts where you call trump out for any of his 19000+ lies?

My "utter lack of moral character" charge, coming from the trumpys, is a badge of honor.
What you perceive as my arrogance is actually contempt.

A trumpy who says nothing about trump lies and gets pissed because his list of trump detractors isn't in my post.
Stop comparing what you "think" to what you "think", I said.

Where would we be if we had to have your approval on facts that are glaringly obvious to 60+% of the American people but not to you?

Now fuck off.

Please point me to the posts where you waxed indignant about Hillary Clinton, or James Clapper, or John Brennan, or Andrew McCabe (to name but a few) lying to Congress and/or the FBI and demanded they serve jail time for it.

Unless you can do that, your utter lack of moral character is glaringly obvious to all of us. Along with the fact that you are merely projecting your own deep-seated character flaws when you accuse others of lacking moral character. Originally Posted by lustylad
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Which of those people were convicted of lying to congress/ the FBI? What lie/s did they tell?
Then show me where I demanded jail time for your fellow assholes.
I pointed out that several trumpys came up with a novel approach (not really, trump has done it over 19000 times) to make it okay to lie. They, like you, miss the point that lying is the crime.

As a trumpy douche-bag, you support and defend a pathological liar. Who lies to the American people and puts himself ahead of all others.

You should include the lie and proof it is a lie before you flap gums about someone else.

To sum up.

Stone was convicted in a court of law by a jury.
Flynn admitted his guilt.
You lied claiming I demanded jail time for both of your role models.

I like your last paragraph. I point out facts to support my claim you are morally bankrupt. You just lied in this post. trump lies numerous times a day. Can you point me to your posts where you call trump out for any of his 19000+ lies?

My "utter lack of moral character" charge, coming from the trumpys, is a badge of honor.
What you perceive as my arrogance is actually contempt.

A trumpy who says nothing about trump lies and gets pissed because his list of trump detractors isn't in my post.
Stop comparing what you "think" to what you "think", I said.

Where would we be if we had to have your approval on facts that are glaringly obvious to 60+% of the American people but not to you?

Now fuck off.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

munch. as i cogitate the meaning of your post i come to the conclusion that i once had a zit on my ear. this zit was highly annoying as it was located in the valley of my ear where it met my head. so as i put on my glasses the left ear piece rested on this zit and it annoyed me. so i took off my glasses and with my thumb and forefinger i crushed this zit. it made an interesting "crunching" sound as it snapped and being next to my ear was quite loud. and as i examined the white zit goo with a tinge of blood i used the experience to conclude by my vast cosmic intellect that an annoying zit is like a post by ..


  • oeb11
  • 07-14-2020, 07:53 AM
DPST's - get some professional Help - hatred is self-destructive.
JCM800's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 07-16-2020, 08:03 AM
Hatred is such a lousy way of life

Get some Help - LibDems!
matchingmole's Avatar
Hatred is such a lousy way of life

Get some Help - LibDems! Originally Posted by oeb11
Speaking from experience ...I see.
JCM800's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I can see where you would pop your head by mistake.
Plus it shows how many times you have to read something before linking it to an obviously significant experience in your life.
And after hearing how profound a moment this was in your obviously mundane life, I can see the impact on your minimal "cosmic intellect" was far greater than you know.

Next thing you're going to tell me is tha you've sucked a bigger dick than mine.

Now go seek significant experiences to end your life.

Just Fuck Off.

[QUOTE=The_Waco_Kid;1062125860]munch. as i cogitate the meaning of your post i come to the conclusion that i once had a zit on my
munch. as i cogitate the meaning of your post i come to the conclusion that i once had a zit on my ear. this zit was highly annoying as it was located in the valley of my ear where it met my head. so as i put on my glasses the left ear piece rested on this zit and it annoyed me. so i took off my glasses and with my thumb and forefinger i crushed this zit. it made an interesting "crunching" sound as it snapped and being next to my ear was quite loud. and as i examined the white zit goo with a tinge of blood i used the experience to conclude by my vast cosmic intellect that an annoying zit is like a post by ..


BAHHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
[QUOTE=Munchmasterman;106212906 8]I can see where you would pop your head by mistake.
Plus it shows how many times you have to read something before linking it to an obviously significant experience in your life.
And after hearing how profound a moment this was in your obviously mundane life, I can see the impact on your minimal "cosmic intellect" was far greater than you know.

Next thing you're going to tell me is tha you've sucked a bigger dick than mine.

Now go seek significant experiences to end your life.

Just Fuck Off.

munch. as i cogitate the meaning of your post i come to the conclusion that i once had a zit on my Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

munchy crunchy zit post

  • oeb11
  • 07-17-2020, 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
Hatred is such a lousy way of life

Get some Help - LibDems!

Speaking from experience ...I see. Originally Posted by matchingmole

Professional help can be a large factor in improving quality of life in those who seek it out and work at it.

Libdems refusal to acknowledge their own hatred prevents them from seeking effective help.

Almost there- mm - "Try- just a little bit harder'!!
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