Mean-spirited, hate-filled hobbyists bash women for what reason?

This is an excellent suggestion. When I was a newbie, I recall hearing about one invitation only forum that was already in existance. It was supposedly a place where the gloves were off....anyone could say anything to anybody. A provider I had never met....but had somehow become incensed at one of my comments in a thread....wanted to get me invited in there so she could say mean things to me and make me cry. I forget what it was called....something about spiders.

A "Ladies and Gentlemen" forum would be a welcome addition. A place where civilized people could discuss issues concerning our community. Sure, there would be disagreements. But Ladies and Gentlemen can handle those with aplomb. Precedence for such a forum already exists with the aforementioned gloves-off forum. It would be interesting. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
I'd be very interested in starting something like that - even paying for it (I want to say that the last time I checked, it was $300/year?).

But if I ran it, people who don't use punctuation, and those with horrid spelling/grammar, would not be invited, lol.
LOL. We all have our pet peeves.

I would ban guys who list a long list of items in the activity section of their reviews, usually including MSOG, and then give the gal a "no."

I mean, WTF?
dearhunter's Avatar
This is an excellent suggestion. When I was a newbie, I recall hearing about one invitation only forum that was already in existance. It was supposedly a place where the gloves were off....anyone could say anything to anybody. A provider I had never met....but had somehow become incensed at one of my comments in a thread....wanted to get me invited in there so she could say mean things to me and make me cry. I forget what it was called....something about spiders..... Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Whores can be mean bitches.
Whores can be mean bitches. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Yes they can. And tricks can be real assholes.

But that is a matter of choice. You can choose to be an asshole or mean bitch. Or choose not to be. I prefer to spend my time around those who choose not.
knotty man's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
This is an excellent suggestion. When I was a newbie, I recall hearing about one invitation only forum that was already in existance. It was supposedly a place where the gloves were off....anyone could say anything to anybody. A provider I had never met....but had somehow become incensed at one of my comments in a thread....wanted to get me invited in there so she could say mean things to me and make me cry. I forget what it was called....something about spiders.

A "Ladies and Gentlemen" forum would be a welcome addition. A place where civilized people could discuss issues concerning our community. Sure, there would be disagreements. But Ladies and Gentlemen can handle those with aplomb. Precedence for such a forum already exists with the aforementioned gloves-off forum. It would be interesting. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
They have those already. There called sanctuary cities. Coloring books and hot chocolate served to all whose nerves are rattled.
pyramider's Avatar
Yes they can. And tricks can be real assholes.

But that is a matter of choice. You can choose to be an asshole or mean bitch. Or choose not to be. I prefer to spend my time around those who choose not. Originally Posted by hgritstoo

Was dh hitting on you? He is sneaking like that ... ijs.
burkalini's Avatar
The N on the Nebraska football helmets stands for Nowledge. Originally Posted by pyramider

I think I saw that one when I was ten. I didn't laugh then either.
I just use a client's post history as a screening tool. You can tell alot about a person's demeanor by the what he posts randomly.. if he sounds like a dick I know not to even waste my time lol
But it goes both ways.. I see some "ladies" post and think 'omg they have the worse case of chronic pms I have ever seen' or just randomly posting all their personal business in coed like they are updating a Facebook status.
That's got to be turnoff to the guys. Every post is a personal advertisement so less is definitely more.

I utilize eccie more than any site really but 97% of the people I see aren't regulars in coed shenanigans .. reviews/ iso maybe but they are not die hard eccie posters. They use is for ads and reviews and that's it.

That being said.. all the Texas forums are pretty entertaining to read lol even if I'm not there or actively participating in the discussion.. its like reading a soap opera sometimes. Lol . Austin coed has kind of lost its mind lately. It used to be lively and entertaining but anymore the negativity and hatefulness just gives me a headache.

Just makes me wonder.... why can we all just suck fuck lick n be happy??
Someone not your cup of tea... find someone who is an be content with that. Unless someone has personal screwed u over , or is a danger to the community.. what's the point of dragging them thru the mud and berating them?
I'm so glad to say that I don't even notice this taking place on Eccie anymore. My ignore list is BEYOND long so a lot of stuff I don't see and if for some reason I do notice it, I just ignore it.

I don't add to the thread. I don't bump the thread. I just look to see which handles are saying awful things and add them to my block list. I can't control grown men. I can only control the way I interact with them.

I love Eccie and enjoy the lighthearted banter I have with the guys here. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Good point can't control grown clients or hookers on pay to play website forums.
You can choose to be an asshole or mean bitch. Or choose not to be. I prefer to spend my time around those who choose not. Originally Posted by hgritstoo
Totally nailed it with this comment.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
wine list please
Great thread. I'm glad you started it LD.

Knotty Man: That was absolutely disgusting, thanks for sharing. :

Originally Posted by hgritstoo View Post
This is an excellent suggestion. When I was a newbie, I recall hearing about one invitation only forum that was already in existance. It was supposedly a place where the gloves were off....anyone could say anything to anybody. A provider I had never met....but had somehow become incensed at one of my comments in a thread....wanted to get me invited in there so she could say mean things to me and make me cry. I forget what it was called....something about spiders.....
Why call you to a forum to insult or humiliate you? That is PM's are for. That is the way I would approach someone I had a problem with. Not all business is 'show business'.
Honky Kong's Avatar
All hatred is self-hatred at it's core. They hate themselves for paying for companionship so they flip it around on the one providing it. Sad but true.
dearhunter's Avatar
Whores are for fucking and sammiches.....everyone likes sammiches